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Box 606606204


Contains 1 Result:


Papers relating to Committees on which Addison served, 1930-1938

Papers relating to Committees on which Addison served, 1930-1938, (fols. 1-275) the Royal Commission on the private manufacture of and trading in arms, 1935, with report by Addison who was a witness, and papers concerning (fols. 59-107) the USA Arms Inquiry, 1934, (fols. 138-125) the Parliamentary Committee on Witnesses, 1934-1935, and (fols. 260-275) the Committee of Civil Research: Sub-Committee on the Fishing Industry, 1930, chaired by Addison; (fols. 276-430) 'Spanish Medical Aid',…
Shelfmark: MS. Addison dep. c. 207
Extents: 460 Leaves
Dates: 1930-1938