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Contains 1 Result:


General Ministry of Reconstruction correspondence, 1916-1920

General Ministry of Reconstruction correspondence, 1916-1920, (fols. 1-50) 'Lloyd George and CA', copies of letters from Addison to Lloyd George, 1916-1918, including arrangements for the establishment of the Ministry of Reconstruction; (fols. 51-96) papers discussing the Board of Trade, 1916-1918; (fols. 97-129) correspondence with Sir Alfred Mond, Mar. 1917, on postwar trade and fiscal policy, and (fols. 112-129) with Lloyd George, 1917-1920, discussing Liberal Party policy including…
Shelfmark: MS. Addison dep. c. 109
Extents: 385 Leaves
Dates: 1916-1920