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Box 606731625


Contains 1 Result:


Journals, 1803-c.1834

Comprising: (item 1) 71 leaves of journal, 1803, 1809-1810, 1819-1820, c.1834 (item 2) volume of journal, May-Jul 1810, Apr-Jun 1811 (iii + 68 leaves) (item 3) leaves of journal, Oct 1811-Jun 1812 (viii + 170 pages) (item 4) notebook containing journal, Dec 1812 (22 leaves) (item 5) 53 leaves of journal, Oct 1817-May 1818 …
Shelfmark: Dep. Lovelace Byron 117
Extents: 6 items
Dates: 1803-c.1834