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Box 606733917


Contains 19 Results:


'CPL Compiler - Syntax. Diagram. Transformation to AE', 1963

Folder of notes and narratives, mostly 1963, all by Strachey unless otherwise indicated. Includes 'CPL Object Program on Titan', 17-page manuscript draft, n.d. 'Various forms of factorials', 6-page manuscript notes, n.d. 'DIAGRAM. Functional Form of "Diagram" and form Analysis', 4-page manuscript notes, n.d. 'Actual output of DIAGRAM', 2-page manuscript…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.165
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963

'CPL Compiler - Canonical Variables', 1963

Folder of notes and narratives, mainly June-August 1963. Includes: 'Canonicalization of Variables', 5-page manuscript and 4-page typescript draft by Strachey, 5 July 1963. 'Canonicalization of Variables', typescript and manuscript drafts by Strachey and JBH, 6 August 1963. Note on 'space allocation for CV fns.' and 'FULs', 2 pages, 1 July 1963. 'Examples…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.166
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963

'CPL Syntax', 1963

Miscellaneous notes and routines, Includes 'CPL Syntax - 14/3/63'. Description of Preprocessor Categories. Expressions, Commands, Forms, Definitions. 'Syntax of Expressions', 4-page manuscript Miscellaneous pages of manuscript notes on Transformations, Commands, Command forms of operators. Definition forming operators. Preprocessor rules, etc. …
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.167
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963

'CPL Compiler - Classification. Types. Transfer Function', 1963

Miscellaneous notes and narratives, some dated March 1963. Includes 'Evaluation of Expressions. B-Reduction', 3-page manuscript 'CPL Operators', 3-page manuscript (not in Strachey's hand). 'Translation of AE's (B-reduction ?)', 3-page manuscript, 19 March 1963. 'CPL Basic Functions', 1-page typescript. Notes on types of operators, 5-page…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.168
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963

'CPL Compiler - Syntax Condensation', 1963-1965

Folder of miscellaneous notes and narratives on the implementation of CPL. Includes: Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Strachey, some dated May 1963. 'Condensation Structures and Functions', 15-page manuscript draft by L.J.D. McIntyre, 16 October 1964. Typescript of CPL Syntax, 8 February 1965.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.169
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963-1965

'CPL Programming Examples', 1963

Miscellaneous drafts and narratives, mainly by Strachey: 'Examples of Compound Data Structure (CDS) Programs' 'Tree Sort' 'Examples of CPL [word illegible] and Compiler Language', May 1963. 'Target Strategy Bracketing Program' 'University Mathematical Laboratory, Cambridge. CPL Programming Examples', July 1963 …
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.170
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963

'CPL. Formal Semantics', 1963-1965

Miscellaneous notes and narratives illustrating Strachey's increasing interest in the semantic rather than the syntactic uses of CPL. Includes: 'Closures, Functions, etc.', 3-page manuscript, 18 January 1963. 'Semantics of where clause', 2-page manuscript, 30 January 1963. Two-page manuscript notes on for-loop, 14 March 1963. 'Towards a Formal…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.171
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1963-1965

'CPL Subsets', Oct-Nov 1964

Folder of notes and drafts. Includes: 'CPL Subset. Proposed restrictions', 2-page typescript by R.M. Burstall, 29 October 1964 'CPL Subset. Proposed semantic restrictions', 2-page typescript with manuscript annotations by Strachey, 23 November 1964 'Baby (Basic) CPL', 1-page manuscript notes, n.d. This may be the earliest reference to BCPL, with hesitation about its…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.172
Extents: 1 file
Dates: Oct-Nov 1964

'CPL Object Code - Execution System', Feb-Mar 1965

Miscellaneous notes and narratives. Includes: 'Proposed Scheme for Segmenting CI's and SSR's, 3-page duplicated typescript by Strachey, 18 February 1965. 'CPL Compiler Executive System. Tape Titles', 2-page duplicated typescript by Strachey with annotations, 5 March 1965. Various duplicated sheets on 'Teletype Eight-Level Code', 'PDP-7 Instruction Summary', 'Maglayout…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.173
Extents: 1 file
Dates: Feb-Mar 1965

'CPL Pending - (Language and General)', 1962, 1965

Miscellaneous notes and narratives. Includes: Manuscript notes on 'Abstract Objects, Written Expressions, Machine Representations', 28 November 1962. Notes and queries 'for next CPL Language Meeting', n.d. Three-page manuscript draft of letter to editor, Communications of the A.C.M. about 'the difficulty of inventing and describing a major…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.174
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1962, 1965

'CPL Programs - Linear Algebra', c.1966

Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript examples using CPL.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.175
Extents: 1 file
Dates: c.1966

'CPL Syntax', c.1966

Miscellaneous notes and narratives headed 'Examples of Scope Rules', 'Juxtaposition and implied multiplications', 'CPL Syntactic Questions', 'Syntax of Nodes and Elements' and 'Syntax of Pointers'.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.176
Extents: 1 file
Dates: c.1966

'CPL Reference Manual - Working Papers', 1966

Material arising from the publication of 'CPL Working Papers' (MS. Eng. misc. b. 270/C.153). Includes: Typescripts of several papers by R.M. Burstall, 18 August 1966: 'Types and Structures', 4 pages 'Nodes and Elements', 2 pages 'Extension to Structure Definitions', 1 page Duplicated typescript of 'The Switch Command and…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.177
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1966

'CPL Streams', 1966

CPL Memorandum OX1 from Strachey and Park, 3 December 1966, on TrS[In] function. CPL Memorandum OX2 from Park, 7 December 1966, of 'Comments on CS's Streams'. Manuscript notes by Park and Strachey on streams.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.178
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1966

'Data Structures', Oct-Nov 1966

Miscellaneous notes and narratives on compound data structures, arising from publication of the Working Papers. Includes: One-page manuscript notes of agenda for CPL meeting, 3 November 1966 (see also MS. Eng. misc. b. 270/C.156 for minutes of that meeting). Manuscript notes and typescripts on 'Pointers' (one typescript is dated 31 October 1966). 'Compound Data…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.179
Extents: 1 file
Dates: Oct-Nov 1966

'Miscellaneous Tech. Chiefly Compound Data Structures', 1965-1966

One folder of miscellaneous manuscript working notes and papers; few are labelled or dated. They are left in the order kept by Strachey and include list of 'Words which are not well understood', 'Some problems in dynamic storage allocation' by M.D. Mcllroy, 20 February 1968, 'Compound Structure Type Syntax' and 'Compound Structure Expression Definition'. Notes on streams, nodes, variables, structure definition. Also includes notes for CPL language meeting, n.d. and a list of…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.180
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1965-1966

'Character Codes', Sep 1967-Feb 1968

Miscellaneous notes and tables, mainly related to attempts to use CPL on Atlas and KDF 9 machines.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.182
Extents: 1 file
Dates: Sep 1967-Feb 1968

'Character set questions', Dec 1967

Folder of miscellaneous notes and printouts on 'Character set questions'.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 271/C.183
Extents: 1 file
Dates: Dec 1967