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Box 606696869


Contains 1 Result:


Notebooks, 1896-1900

Notebook inscribed: 'Chemistry Note Book. Merton Coll. Oct. 1896. Lectures on Special Parts of Organic Chemistry by Dr. J Watts, MA', 1896-1897. 292 pages. Notebook inscribed: 'Organic Chemistry Note Book. Merton Coll. Dec. 1896. 307 pages Notebook inscribed: 'Organic Chemistry Note Book. Merton Coll. Oct. 1896'. 307 pages. Notebook inscribed: 'Chemistry Note Book. Merton Coll. Oct. 1896. Lecture notes (incl. lectures by J.E. Marsh). 314 pages.…
Found in: Notebooks
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 176
Extents: 7 items
Dates: 1896-1900