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Box 606003390



Contains 1 Result:


Small communications artefacts, late 1940s-early 1970s

Comprises: Folder 1: vinyl record - 'The Choir of New College Oxford - Choral music to mark the 25th anniversary of Oxfam', 1967 Folder 2: vinyl record - 'Oxfam - C'est pas une solution c'est un moyen', Yvon Deschamps, early 1970s. Yvon Deschamps was a well known Quebec comedian who supported Oxfam Quebec. Folder 3: two rubber stamps featuring drawings and slogans by…
Shelfmark: MS. Oxfam COM/4/3
Extents: 1 box (4 folders)
Dates: late 1940s-early 1970s