Box 606001252
Contains 1 Result:
'Charity Commission Inquiry: South Africa, Barclays Bank, Nicaragua and Middle East Materials': correspondence and papers of the Public Affairs and Communications Services Division (PACS) relating to the 1990 Charity Commission inquiry into Oxfam's public education and campaigning, Sep 1983-Jan 1991 and n.d. [c.1985-1989]
'Nicaragua Booklet Genesis': correspondence and papers relating to the production of the booklet, Nicaragua: The Threat of a Good Example by Dianna Melrose [of Oxfam's Public Affairs Unit], May 1985, and a 1989 reprint, Jun 1984-Jun 1989 and n.d. [1989]
'Reviews / Response to Nica[ragua] Book', Apr 1985-Jun 1990
Shelfmark: MS. Oxfam COM/3/4/15
Extents: 1 box (6 folders)
Sep 1983-Jan 1991 and n.d. [c.1985-1989]