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Box 606003356



Contains 1 Result:


Press cuttings: Oxfam staff, Oxfam policy and Oxfam as an organisation, 1971-1979

Comprises: Folder 1: 'The Director: 20 Years with Oxfam', 'Summer School', 'Annual General Meeting', Feb-Jul 1971 Folder 2: 'Oxfam letters to newspapers', Jul 1971-Mar 1979 Folder 3: 'Overseas workers', Oct 1971-Nov 1979 Folder 4: 'Oxfam staff', Jan 1972-Aug 1979 Folder 5: 'Oxfam as an organisation', Jan 1972-May 1979, including articles…
Shelfmark: MS. Oxfam COM/2/4/16
Extents: 1 box (8 folders)
Dates: 1971-1979