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Box 606523616



Contains 29 Results:


Large Engagement Diary, 1996

Nicholson only used the diary for Apr-Jul 1996. The rest of it is blank.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/104
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 1996

Wales and Ireland, Aug 1976

Typescript itinerary of a trip to Wales and Ireland.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/115
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Aug 1976

Greece, Aug-Sep 1979

Typescript itinerary of a family holiday to Greece, accompanied by Kurt Spillman.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/116
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Aug-Sep 1979

Scotland, Sep 1985

'Recommended Itinerary' to Scotland, however it has been typed over a previously used piece of paper so some of the writing is a bit indecipherable.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/119
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Sep 1985

Exmoor and Cornwall, Feb 1993

Typescript titled 'Spillmann family visit to Exmoor & Cornwall suggested routes', it's a possible itinerary dated Feb 1993.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/124
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Feb 1993

Family, 1929-1994, n.d.

Various papers and correspondence relating to Nicholson's family. Letter from Nicholson's mother to him and his brother, Basil, 1929; undated 1 page of notes, chiefly typescript, by Nicholson on the 'life and character' of his brother Basil (referred to as BDN); letter from Nicholson's son David to his parents, 1979, and a copy of a letter from Nicholson to David, 1983; a few miscellaneous papers regarding family matters.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/105
Extents: 15 Leaves
Dates: 1929-1994, n.d.

'Sedberghians', 1927-1980, n.d.

Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Correspondence, almost all to Nicholson, with two friends from his school years at Sedbergh School, Geoff Rotheray and Hugh Maingay. Rotheray is the principal correspondent.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/106
Extents: 18 Leaves
Dates: 1927-1980, n.d.

Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence, 1938-1954

Included is a signed programme of all the attendees of the annual dinner of the Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Oct 1952, titled 'To Max Nicholson with all warmest good wishes for a speedy & complete recovery'.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/107
Extents: 22 Leaves
Dates: 1938-1954

Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence, 1960-1977

Includes an obituary newspaper clipping for Ludwig Koch, 'Pioneer of bird song recording'.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/108
Extents: 37 Leaves
Dates: 1960-1977

Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence, 1978-1987

Includes some newspaper clippings of obituaries.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/109
Extents: 23 Leaves
Dates: 1978-1987

Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence, 1994-2002, n.d.

Included is a typescript list of 'Memorials, obituaries and key people'. Nicholson wrote obituaries for some of the individuals on the list, attended services or corresponded with their relatives.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/111
Extents: 43 Leaves
Dates: 1994-2002, n.d.

Tirol, Austria, Jul 1927

Inscibed envelope 'Tirol, Austria' and two blank postcards. The inscription on the envelope explains the connection between scenes shown in the postcards and places where Nicholson and his companion, Marurice Brown, stayed.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/112
Extents: 3 Leaves
Dates: Jul 1927

Ireland, Aug-Sep 1957

This trip was a tour that took part in several parts of Ireland. Brief correspondence regarding arrangements and hotel receipts; manuscript notes regarding a car accident and rough lists of photographs or scenes recorded on film.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/113
Extents: 31 Leaves
Dates: Aug-Sep 1957

Scotland, May-Jun 1976

Family holiday, accompanied by Kurt Spillman. Typescript itinerary with brief notes on the object of the holiday.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/114
Extents: 2 Leaves
Dates: May-Jun 1976

Scotland and northern England, Aug-Sep 1982

Family holiday accompanied by Kurt Spillman, brief correspondence regarding arrangements, manuscript and typescript itineraries and notes on the trip.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/117
Extents: 15 Leaves
Dates: Aug-Sep 1982

Northern England and Scotland, 1984

Itinerary and typescript account of the family holiday to Northern England and Scotland.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/118
Extents: 8 Leaves
Dates: 1984

Airship over London, 24 Jul 1987

Maunscript notes on the flight over London and detailed manuscript notes; and 11 photographs taken during the flight, with annotations on the back in Nicholson's hand.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/120
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: 24 Jul 1987

Italy, Jun-Jul 1990

Nicholson and his wife visited Italy while accompained with Kurt Spillman. Manuscript account of the trip and notes on other matters found with the account.
Shelfmark: MS. 15041/121
Extents: 15 Leaves
Dates: Jun-Jul 1990