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Box 606947371


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Reference files of Albinia de la Mare: 'Correspondence, lectures and notes ([Florence,] B[iblioteca] M[edicea] L[aurenziana], B[ritish] L[ibrary], O[xford,] B[odleian] L[ibrary], et al.)', 1985-2001 and n.d. [c.1990-2000]

Comprises: Folder 1: 'To do on return', correspondence and papers, 1999-2001, including requests from researchers and materials relating to Boccaccio manuscripts and annotators, including images of Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, MS. 104. 6 (Boccaccio's Dante) and Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 54. 32 (Boccaccio's Apuleius) the humanistic tradition of…
Shelfmark: MS. 18746/171
Extents: 1 box (6 folders)
Dates: 1985-2001 and n.d. [c.1990-2000]