Box 606691567
Contains 27 Results:
Anglo-Chinese Symposium on proteins and nucleic acids, Oxford, 14-16 July 1982, [c.1982]
Hodgkin gave a paper on insulin. Letter re arrangements; programme.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/1
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to Israel and Jordan, Apr.-May 1983, [c.1983]
Hodgkin was in Jordan to lecture and visit the archaeological site at Jerash. She returned to Israel to fulfil a scientific programme based at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot. Correspondence re arrangements; itinerary re Rehovot visit; letter arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/2
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to Bulgaria, May-June 1983, [c.1983]
Hodgkin visted Plovdiv, where she attended a symposium, probably on the subject of vitamin B12. Letter re arrangements; 1p. manuscript notes re crystal growth.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/3
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USSR, June 1984, [c.1984]
Hodgkin was invited by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry to attend an International Symposium on 'Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology', to be held in Moscow and in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. After the Symposium she attended the opening sessions of the 16th Federation of European Biological Societies meeting in Moscow before returning to England. Correspondence re arrangements, includes list of participants in Symposium.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/4
Extents: 1 folder
Symposium on modern experimental and theoretical studies of crystal and molecular structure, Manchester, 11-13 Sept. 1984, [c.1984]
The symposium was held to mark the retirement of D.W.J. Cruickshank. Brief correspondence re arrangements.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/5
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Nov. 1984, 1966-[c.1984]
Hodgkin was invited to the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, to attend a symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Patterson function. She lectured there, giving an account of her own use of the Patterson function. Before the Patterson symposium Hodgkin probably attended a one-day meeting at Du Pont & Co., Wilmington, Delaware, to discuss future scientific developments in molecular biology. She was also invited to visit Harvard Medical School, but there is no…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/6
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Nov. 1984, [c.1984]
Draft of Hodgkin's lecture, 'Patterson and Pattersons', Bibliog. 170. Includes introduction by J. Glusker; photocopy of letter from A.L. Patterson to Hodgkin dated 13 Mar. 1938.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/7
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Nov. 1984, [c.1984]
References; figures for paper.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/8
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Nov. 1984, [c.1984]
Correspondence re arrangements for visits to Du Pont and Harvard Medical School.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/9
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to Brazil, ?1985, [c.1985]
Hodgkin planned to spend some time in Rio de Janerio, as a guest of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. One letter only, 17 May 1985, re prospective visit to Brazil.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/10
Extents: 1 folder
Thirtieth International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Congress, Manchester, 9-13 Sept. 1985, [c.1985]
Hodgkin, as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, was invited to the Opening Ceremony and Inaugural Plenary Lecture. Brief correspondence re arrangements.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/11
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USSR, Japan and China, Sept.-Nov. 1985, [c.1985]
Hodgkin travelled with her daughter, Elizabeth. They stayed in Moscow, and then took the Trans-Siberian Railway to Japan. Hodgkin visited Tsukuba while in Japan and then went alone to Peking, having been invited by the Academia Sinica. She also visited Shanghai and Fuzhou University. Correspondence re arrangements, Feb.-Sept. 1985; brief correspondence arising; 1p. manuscript notes re Fuzhou visit.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/12
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to Bulgaria, Feb. 1986, [c.1986]
Letter re visa only.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/13
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, May-June 1986, [c.1986]
Hodgkin was invited to attend a symposium on Insulin and the Insulin Receptor at the Medical Foundation of Buffalo, where she was Ray A. and Robert L. Kroc Distinguished Lecturer, speaking on the structure of insulin. She then gave a seminar at The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. This was followed by a symposium on Precision and Molecular Structures at the University of Washington, Seattle, where Hodgkin spoke on 'Water structure in insulin'. Correspondence re arrangements,…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/14
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USSR and China, Sept. 1986, [c.1986]
Hodgkin was invited to attend an International School on the Structure of Biological Macromolecules at Pushchino, USSR. This was followed by an International Conference on Molecular Structure in Peking, where she gave the Plenary Lecture at the closing session. Papers comprise:
correspondence re arrangements, includes list of participants
programme for Peking Conference
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/15
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Mar. 1987, [c.1987]
Hodgkin was invited to give the Founders' Lecture at the Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California. She gave two lectures, the first being on historical perspectives on x-ray crystallography,and the second on insulin. She then probably spent some time in Buffalo before attending the American Crystallographic Association Meeting at Austin, Texas. Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence arising, includes photograph taken at Austin meeting.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/16
Extents: 1 folder
Fourth International Conference on Water and lons in Biological Systems, Bucharest, 24-28 May 1987, [c.1987]
Hodgkin was invited to lecture at the Conference, her lecture being entitled, 'The distribution of water in 2 zinc insulin crystals'. She visited Warsaw prior to the Conference. Papers comprise:
correspondence re arrangements, includes programme
'Instructions for Authors', contributions to volume of Conference Proceedings
manuscript draft of lecture, pages missing;…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/17
Extents: 1 folder
Federation of European Biological Societies Advanced Lecture Course. Crystal Growth of Biological Macromolecules, Bischenberg, France, 19-25 July 1987, [c.1987]
Hodgkin was invited to give the opening lecture, on developments in biological crystallography. Correspondence re arrangements and correspondence arising..
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/18
Extents: 1 folder
International Conference to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Pi Meson, Bristol, 22-24 July 1987, [c.1987]
Letter re arrangements; conference bulletin; preliminary programme; final programme; list of participants; memorabilia; letter arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/19
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, 23-28 Apr. 1988, [c.1988]
Hodgkin was invited to give the William J. Reddy Memorial Lecture at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She spoke on 'A life in crystallography'. Correspondence re arrangements, itinerary, notice of lecture; correspondence arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5675/20
Extents: 1 folder