Box 606691566
Contains 24 Results:
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, Nov. 1975-Apr. 1977
Hodgkin visited India as President of the Symposium on Biomolecular Structure, Conformation, Function and Evolution held in Madras and as C.V. Raman Visiting Professor at the Universities of Madras and Bangalore. She gave the presidential address to the symposium and, at the Winter School on Current Trends in Biomolecular Structure which followed, gave a lecture on 'The refinement of the crystal structure of insulin'. While in Madras Hodgkin also gave a public lecture on 'Some experiences in…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/1
Extents: 1 folder
Nov. 1975-Apr. 1977
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, June-Dec. 1977
Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Madras, includes correspondence with International Union of Crystallography re sponsorship of symposium.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/2
Extents: 1 folder
June-Dec. 1977
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, [1978]
Programme for symposium and Winter School with abstracts; information about Madras; lists of participants.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/3
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, [1978]
Two drafts of presidential address, entitled 'Biomolecular structure, conformation, function and evolution', Bibliog. 161. 'X-ray analysis and biological structures' is the title given in the correspondence.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/4
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, n.d.
Correspondence re visits to Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad. Includes programme for Hyderabad workshop.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/5
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, [1978]
Invitations declined.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/6
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India, Jan. 1978, [1978]
Correspondence arising from Madras visit; memorabilia.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/7
Extents: 1 folder
Insulin Symposium, London, 14-15 Feb. 1978, [c.1975]
Hodgkin was invited to chair two sessions of the symposium, arranged by the British Diabetic Association, the Society for Endocrinology and the Endocrine Section of the Royal Society. Correspondence re arrangements, includes programme; correspondence arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/8
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, 29 May-3 June 1978, 1977-1978
Hodgkin was invited to a conference entitled 'The Origins of Modern Biochemistry - A Retrospect on Proteins' held in New York and sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences. She gave a paper on 'Contributions of x-ray crystallography to protein structure'. Hodgkin was also invited to the Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, to receive an honorary degree and to participate in its tenth anniversary symposium, where she lectured on the structure of insulin. Papers comprise:…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/9
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, 29 May-3 June 1978, [c.1978]
Correspondence arising, includes correspondence re publication of lecture on protein structure.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/10
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, 29 May-3 June 1978, [c.1978]
Manuscript of lecture, an historical account of the application of x-ray crystallography to the study of proteins. Typescript of Hodgkin's discussion remarks at biochemistry conference.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/11
Extents: 1 folder
International Symposium on 'Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology', Moscow and Tashkent, USSR, 25 Sept.-2 Oct. 1978, [c.1978]
Hodgkin was invited to give a paper and later to contribute her paper, on 'The geometry of A-chains in insulin', to a published collection of papers from the symposium. Correspondence re arrangements, includes programme; correspondence arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/12
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Oct.-Nov. 1978, [c.1978]
Hodgkin was in the USA as Visiting Fellow, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire while Thomas Hodgkin was Visiting Professor. While in the USA she gave four lectures as Mead-Swing Lecturer at Oberlin College, Ohio, visited the University of Illinois, and was Venable Lecturer at the University of North Carolina. She lectured there and gave a seminar on the structure of insulin. At Dartmouth College Hodgkin was also Dreyfus Lecturer, lecturing on 'Experiences in Structure Analysis:…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/13
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Oct.-Nov. 1978, [c.1975]
Papers comprise:
correspondence re arrangements with the University of North Carolina
letter arising
biographical note, notice of lecture, list of previous Venable Lecturers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/14
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Oct.-Nov. 1978, [c.1975]
Correspondence re visits to Oberlin College and the University of lllinois.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/15
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India, Jan.-Feb. 1979, [c.1979]
Hodgkin travelled widely in India, and gave an Academy lecture on 'Structure of insulin in crystals' at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. She had been invited to attend a symposium in Bangladesh prior to her visit to India, but probably did not attend. Letter re arrangements and letter arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/16
Extents: 1 folder
Third European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor, Zurich, 5-8 Mar. 1979, [c.1979]
Hodgkin gave the Plenary Lecture, on 'New and Old Problems in the Structure Analysis of Vitamin B12', Bibliog. 157. Copy of the newspaper 'Chemische Rundschau', giving programme of lectures; typescript draft of Hodgkin's lecture; reprint.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/17
Extents: 1 folder
2nd International Insulin Symposium, Aachen, West Germany, 4-7 Sept. 1979, [c.1979]
Letter re arrangements; letter arising; programme; supplement.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/18
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to India and Bangladesh, Nov. 1979, [c.1979]
Hodgkin visited Delhi, North Bengal University, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre near Bombay, and the University of Dacca. She was also interviewed by All India Radio. Correspondence re arrangements; miscellaneous notes; correspondence arising.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/19
Extents: 1 folder
Visit to USA, Apr. 1980, [c.1980]
Hodgkin gave the Fae Golden Kass Lecture at Radcliffe College, Massachusetts, entitled, 'The Discovery of the Structure of Penicillin and Vitamin B12'. She then went to Airlie, Virginia, to participate in a Symposium on Interaction between Iron and Proteins in Oxygen and Electron Transport. There Hodgkin gave a talk on M.F. Perutz at a banquet held in his honour. Letter re arrangements for Symposium, includes programme; notice of lecture at Radcliffe College; correspondence…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5674/20
Extents: 1 folder