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Box 606691502



Contains 23 Results:


'Notes on the Molecular Geometry and Chemical Reactivity in Connection with the B12 Vitamins', Bibliog. 88, 1964, n.d., 1964

13pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; tables.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/1
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d., 1964

'Vitamin B 12 and the porphyrins', Bibliog. 89, 1964, [1964]

8pp, typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. 13pp. typescript, incomplete.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/2
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: [1964]

'Vitamin B12 and the porphyrins', Bibliog. 89, 1964, [1964]

16pp. manuscript draft and letter re publication.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/3
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: [1964]

'The Structure of the Corrin Nucleus from X-ray Analysis', Bibliog. 94, 1965, [1965]

11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/4
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: [1965]

'Vitamin B12', Bibliog. 95, 1966, n.d.

14pp. typescript; legends to figures, references.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/5
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d.

'Neutron Diffraction of B12', n.d. [c.1966]

The material relates to a research report on 'A neutron diffraction study of vitamin B12' submitted to the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. The correspondence dates the submission of the report to 1966. Two 4pp. typescripts, with manuscript additions and corrections; figures; manuscript notes.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/6
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d. [c.1966]

'Neutron Diffraction of B12', 1960, 1965-1966

Correspondence. See MS. Eng. c. 5611/6 for background.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/7
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1960, 1965-1966

'Neutron Diffraction of B12', 1967, 1970, 1972, 1978

Correspondence. See MS. Eng. c. 5611/6 for background.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/8
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1967, 1970, 1972, 1978

'Cobyric acid. A.201 Paper', contents of folder so inscribed, n.d., 1971

'The structure of vitamin B12. IX. The crystal structure of cobyric acid, factor V1a' (in collaboration), Bibliog. 122, 1971; 20pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Letter re publication.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/10
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d., 1971

'The crystal structure of lodo-Co(II)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester' (by E.D. Edmond), 1971, n.d., 1971

12pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/11
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d., 1971

Correspondence, 1968-1971, 1973, n.d.

Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/14
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1968-1971, 1973, n.d.

'The crystal structure of lodo-Co(II)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester' (with E.D. Edmond), [1971], n.d. [?1971]

14pp. manuscript and typescript draft, incomplete, not listed in Bibliog., with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; legends to figures.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/15
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d. [?1971]

'Metal Free Corrin Paper', contents of folder so inscribed, n.d. [?1971]

16pp. untitled typescript draft, incomplete, of 'The crystal structure of lodo-Co(II)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester', [1971]. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/16
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d. [?1971]

'Neovitamin B12', contents of folder so inscribed, n.d., 1968-1972

Comprising: 'Results and Discussion', manuscript draft. This forms part of 'Further refinement of the crystal structure of neovitamin B12' (with E.D. Edmond and H. Stoeckli-Evans), Bibliog. 138, 1972. 'Crystallographic Investigation', 2pp. typescript, n.d. 'Neovitamin B12', 8pp. manuscript and typescript draft by R. Bonnett et al, n.d. Latest bibliographical reference…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/17
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d., 1968-1972

'Corrin bromide', [c.1974]

'Crystal and molecular structure of 8,12 diethyl 2,3,7,13,17,18 hexamethylcorrole hydrobromide' (with B.F. Anderson and T.J. Bartczak), Bibliog. 147, 1974. 9pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; tables.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/18
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: [c.1974]

'Corrin bromide', 1972-1973

Correspondence re publication. Includes referee's reports.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/19
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1972-1973

'The Structure of Vitamin B12. The neutron diffraction analysis of the predominant monocarboxylic acid isomer obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin', n.d. [c.1984]

(In collaboration), [?1984]. Not listed in Bibliog. under this title but is probably a version of Bibliog. 169. 49pp. typescript; includes tables, figures.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/20-23
Extents: 4 folders
Dates: n.d. [c.1984]

'The Structure of vitamin B12. The neutron diffraction analysis of the predominant monocarboxylic acid isomer obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin', n.d. [c.1984]

11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. See MS. Eng. c. 5611/20-23 for background.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5611/24
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: n.d. [c.1984]