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'Pap[er]s containing the pleadings at Rome of severall Advocates for K. H. 8 & Q. Catherine concerning their Divorce from each other an. 1530'

 Single Item
MS. Don. c. 207
Held in our offsite storage facility

  • Request

The manuscript comprises legal opinions pertaining to the divorce of King Henry VIII from Queen Catherine of Aragon. drawn by Ludovico Gozadino, Marriano Sozzini the Younger and Pietro Paulo Parisio. The largest of the three sections represents the 427-point legal counsel drawn up by Pietro Paulo Parisio in support of the divorce. The above title was inscribed by Anthony Wood , with suggestion that the manuscript's contents was 'transcribed from the originalls in the Vatican'. Includes:

  1. (fols. 1-15) 'Ludovicus Gozadinus advocate for Queene Catherine : Conc: 21'
  2. (fols. 19-36) 'Marianus Socinus Junior advocate for K. Henry, ye 8th Concil: 140. tom. 2.'
  3. (fols. 37-159) 'Petrus Paulus Parisius, advocate for K. Henry 8th - Conc: 68'


  • Creation: 17th century


159 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Don. c. 207

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 7783


Manuscript containing legal opinions pertaining to the divorce of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Arragon.

Biographical / Historical

Pietro Paolo Parisio (1473-1545) was professor of civil and canonic law at Bologna (and Padua, later becoming a cardinal and an Auditor of the Roman Rota. He represented the Pope at the Council of Trent. Biographical information for Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon as well as that of the previous owners of the volume can be found in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Custodial History

Obtained by Ralph Sheldon (1623-1684) probably during his visit to Rome in 1667-1670. A note dated 1783 bequeeths the manuscripts to Marmaduke Tunstall 'unless claimed by the creditors of [...] Wm Sheldon Esq.' The volume includes three different shelfmarks: AA.14, ER153 and F.14. It was previously offered for sale by Maggs (1931) and Christie's (1985).

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Purchased from Bloomsbury, 12 June 2013 and given by the Friends of the Bodleian.

Physical Facet

Sprinkled calf binding, rebacked, with original endpapers. Sheldon arms blocked in gilt on both boards. Sheldon's large armorial label inside the front board. The words 'In Postenum' [sic] and price of the binding (both on fol. iv) possibly written in gold ink.

'Pap[er]s containing the pleadings at Rome of severall Advocates for K. H. 8 & Q. Catherine concerning their Divorce from each other an. 1530'
EAD version 2021
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom