Volume of parochial psalmody, compiled probably by A. Lockey
Volume of parochial psalmody, compiled c 1820 probably by A. Lockey. For SATB (some with solos) and organ, unless otherwise stated.
Items 17-28 appear to have been taken from Robert Willoughby, ed., Sacred Harmony in Parts (London, 1799), and items 35-36 from Thomas Walker, ed., Walker's Companion to Dr. Rippon's Tune Book (London, 5 eds. between 1811 and 1820). References below to 'HTI' are to N. Temperley, The Hymn Tune Index (Oxford, 1998).
- (pp. 1-9) [Anon.]: 'An anthem taken from the 40th, 60th & 9th chapters of Isaiah for Christmas'. Begins: Comfort ye my people;
- (pp. 10-13) William Bennett: 'An anthem taken from the 112th Psalm, by Mr. Wm Bennet'. Begins: Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord;
- (pp. 13-15) John Marsh: 'Psalm 103. New version, by J. Marsh Esqr.' Anthem for SATB, 2 clarinets, bassoon and continuo. Begins: My soul inspir'd with sacred love;
- (pp. 15-17) William Dixon: 'Glory [sic] Patri, designed for singing immeadiately [sic] after sermon, or, after a short psalm or anthem by W. Dixon'. Begins: Glory be to the Father;
- (pp. 18-28) John Alcock: 'An anthem, Psalm the 10th verse the 13th by J. Alcock'. Begins: Arise O Lord God;
- (pp. 29-35) William Boyce: 'An anthem, Psalm 137, by Doct. Boyce'. Begins: By the waters of Babylon;
- (p. 35) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 100'. Old Hundreth tune. No words. HTI 143a;
- (pp. 36-41) John Alcock: 'An anthem, Psalm 86th, by Jn Alcock'. Begins: Bow down thine ear O Lord;
- (pp. 42-51) [Anon.]: 'Anthem, Psalm 98th'. Begins: O sing unto the Lord a new song;
- (pp. 52-57) [Anon.]: 'An anthem from several scriptures for Christmas Day'. Begins: Arise, shine, O Zion, for thy light is come;
- (p. 57) [Anon.]: 'Psalm the 98th'. Begins: With harp and hymn soft melody. HTI 4184a;
- (p. 58) J. Stone: 'Anthem, Psalm 48, Magnus Dominus. Composed by J. Stone, Organist Farringdon'. Probably incomplete (3 leaves following cut out). Begins: Great is the Lord;
- (p. 59) [Joseph Stephenson]: 'Psalm the 1st NV'. Begins: How blest is he who ne'er consents. HTI 2610;
- (p. 59) George Frideric Handel (adapted): 'Psalm (142). Handel'. For SAB. Begins: To God with mournful voice. Based on the aria 'Rendi'l sereno al ciglio' from Sosame. Taken from Samuel Arnold, ed: The Psalms of David for the Use of Parish Churches (London, 1791). HTI 5698a;
- (p. 60) [Anon.]: 'Psalm the 41st. N.V.' Begins: Happy the man whose tended care. Not in HTI, unless related to 15223 (by G. Knowles);
- (p. 60) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 108th'. Begins: O God my heart prepared is. Not in HTI;
- (p. 61) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 8th'. No words. HTI 7098;
- (p. 61) John Arnold: 'Psalm 16th'. No words. Tune known as 'Averly'. HTI 2431;
- (p. 62) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 17th'. No words. Tune usually known as 'Windsor'. HTI 271a;
- (p. 62) [Raphael Courteville]: 'Psalm 19th'. No words. Tune usually known as 'St. James's'. HTI 582a;
- (p. 63) [William Tans'ur]: 'Psalm 40th. Mr. Weedon'. No words. Tune usually known as 'Colchester', here incorrectly attributed. HTI 1393a;
- (p. 63) [Anon.] 'Psalm 66'. No words. HTI 2042b;
- (p. 64) [William Wheal]: 'Psalm 84th'. No words. Tune usually known as 'Bedford'. HTI 930a'
- (p. 64) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 95th'. No words. Tune usually known as 'St. David's'. HTI 379c;
- (p. 65) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 100th'. Old Hundreth tune. No words. HTI 143a;
- (p. 65) Robert Wainwright: 'Psalm 103. Charmouth. Dr. Wainwright'. No words. Tune also known as 'Manchester'. HTI 3677;
- (p. 66) [Anon]: 'Psalm 121. Dr. Croft'. No words. Incorrectly attributed. HTI 853a;
- (p. 67) Robert Wainwright: 'Psalm 149. Dr. Wainwright'. No words. HTI 7913;
- (p. 68) Pelham Humfrey: 'Chaunt commonly called the Grand Chant, Humphreys';
- (p. 68) Thomas Purcell: 'Chaunt in G, Tho. Purcell';
- (p. 68) Robert Willoughby: 'Chaunt in F, R. Willoughby';
- (p. 68) Thomas Barrow: 'Chaunt in A, Barrow';
- (p. 69) William Byrd (attrib.): 'Non nobis Domine, Bird';
- (pp. 70-71) Charles King: 'Kyrie eleeson', from Service in F major;
- (p. 71) W. Arnold of Portsea: 'Aaron. Hymn 377 Dr. Rippons selection (1st class P.M.), or 7s sing[l]e, Arnold'. Begins: Tis religion that can give. HTI 11754a;
- (p. 72) [Anon.]: 'Clyrow. Hy: 12. L.H.C. (7th) or 301 Dr. R[ippon's] S[election] (6th). 7.6.7.' Begins: When I travail in distress. HTI 14047a;
- (p. 73) Thomas Clark of Canterbury; Cranbrook. 'Psalm 67th. N.V. or Hy. 111 Dr. R[ippon's] S[election] and Ps. 45 Dr. Watts. S.M. Tune: Cranbrook, Clark'. Begins: To bless thy chosen race. HTI 10893;
- (p. 74) Zerubbabel Wyvill: 'Psalm 111th N.V., Wyvill'. Begins: Praise ye the Lord, our God to praise. Tune usually known as 'Eaton'. HTI 9147a;
- (p. 75) [Anon.]: 'Psalm 145th N.V. Part 2nd'. Begins: The Lord does them support that fall. Tune usually known as 'Nativity'. HTI 10646;
- (pp. 76-80) Thomas Busby: Let your light shine. Duet for SS and organ. Published in Busby's The Divine Harmonist (1792) as 'from a new anthem';
- (pp. 80-81) John Ernest Galliard: 'Duett [from] Hymn of Adam and Eve', For ST and continuo. Begins: Ye in heavn' on earth';
- (pp. 82-88) John Randall: 'Anthem, Isaiah chap. 53rd, Dr. Randell'. Begins: Who hath believed our report;
- (pp. 89-90) John Ernest Galliard: 'Duett [from] Hymn of Adam and Eve. Words by Milton'. For ST and continuo. Begins: Join voices all ye living souls'.
- Creation: c 1820
92 pages
Language of Materials
- English
Preferred Citation
Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark, e.g. MS. Mus. d. 301, fols. 1-2].
MS. Mus. d. 301
Collection ID (for staff)
CMD ID 16044
Volume of parochial psalmody, compiled c 1820 probably by A. Lockey.
Biographical / Historical
Biographical details unknown.
Custodial History
'A. Lockey's book' (p. 1).
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Transferred from the Faculty of Music Library, 2002.
Physical Facet
Watermark: fleur-de-lis in shield with crown above and GR below. 92 pages; 12 staves to a page. There were originally 96 pages of music, but only pp. 1-51 and the last page were numbered; 3 leaves between the present pp. 58 and 59 were removed, leaving the stubs and a total of 90 pages of music.
Oblong folio (230 × 300 mm)
- Title
- Parochial psalmody
- Status
- Published
- Date
- EAD version 2019
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom