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Keyboard music by C. P. E. Bach and J. S. Bach

 Single Item
MS. Mus. d. 227

  • Request

'C. P. E. and J. S. Bach: Toccate o Portamenti di mano per cembalo', i + 24 leaves.

a (fols. 1v-2) C. P. E. Bach: no. 1 from Sei Sonate per Cembalo (1774), Wq. 49 [Helm 30].

b (fols. 2v-9) C. P. E. Bach: movements from Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen (1753), Wq. 63 [=254?]: Sonata III, 1st and 3rd movements [Helm 72]; Sonata IV, 1st and 3rd movements [Helm 73]; Sonata V, 2nd movement [Helm 74/2]; Sonata VI, 2nd movement [Helm 75/2]; Sonata V, 1st movement [Helm 74/1].

c (fols 9v-12) C. P. E. Bach: Sonata in F, Wq. 65/1 [Helm 3].

d (fols. 12v-18) C. P. E. Bach: movements from the Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen (1753), Wq. 63 [=254?]: Sonata II, 3rd movement [Helm 71/3]; Sonata II, 2nd movement [Helm 71/2]; Fantasia in C minor [Helm 75/3], followed by (on fols. 16v-17) [G. B. Marini], Fugue in F minor; C. P. E. Bach, Sonata VI, 1st movement [Helm 75/1].

e (fols. 18v-19) J. S. Bach: Gigue from 1st Partita, BWV 825/7.

f (fols. 19v-23) Three unascribed sonatas: no. 1 in D minor, no. 2 in F minor and no. 3 in A major.


  • Creation: 1751-1800


25 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Italian
  • German

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Mus. d. 227, fols. 1-2].

Please see our help page for further guidance on citing archives and manuscripts.


MS. Mus. d. 227

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 10341


Keyboard music by C. P. E. Bach and J. S. Bach, 2nd half of the 18th cent.

Biographical / Historical

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) was a composer and church musician. See Grove Music Online for further details.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a composer and organist. See Grove Music Online for further details.

Other Finding Aids

RISM 800226905

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Bought, 1964.


E. Eugene Helm, Thematic catalogue of the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Yale University Press, 1989).
Keyboard music by C. P. E. Bach and J. S. Bach
EAD version 2019
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom