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Copies of letters and papers on state affairs

 Single Item
MS. e Mus. 55
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

Copies of letters and papers on state affairs, 1580-1604, with two lists of them (fols. 1,2):

1. Fol. 3. Litterae episcoporum provinciae Cantuariensis ad reginam pro restitutione Edm. Grindali archiep. Cantuar., 1580: beg. 'Nulla propemodum res': printed from this MS. in Wilkins's Concilia, iv. 293.

2. Fols. 5-9v, 11-25. Papers relating to Essex's insurrection, 1599-1600, including a letter from the queen, Sept. 14, 1599, and an account of the affair (beg. 'Vpon Sunday morning') and of 'The Arraingment of the Earles of Essex & Southampton ...' (beg. 'The place was in West-minster Hall'). A list of the papers is printed in the Old Catalogue.

3. Fol. 26. 'An Aduertisement touching the controuersies of the Church of England', beg. 'It is but ignorance'.

4. Fols. 36, 38. Two letters of dr. James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, 1564, in Latin.

5. Fol. 40. 'Articuli Pacis inter regem Anglia & Hispaniæ', Aug. 18, 1604.

6. Fol. 48. Queen Elizabeth's blank verse translation of parts of the Hercules Oetaeus of L. Annaeus Seneca: beg. 'What harming hurte of Fortune's arme thou dreades', 123 lines: part of the Latin is in the margin: printed in Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, ed. Park, vol. i, pp. 102-9.

6. Fol. 50. Savile papers: 'A collection when religious houses were founded, & by whom. Gathered by Sr Harrie Savile Knight Warden of Merton College ...', and covering the British Isles:

  1. Fol. 67. 'Res bellicas ciuilibus anteferendas esse. In concilijs [Comitiis?] 1575 11 Julij', a Latin oration at Oxford (?)
  2. Fol. 71. 'Aliquid fieri casu & fortuna', another oration, '1575. Martij 19. in variationibus Mrl Thomæ Tatam'
  3. Fol. 73. the well-known 'Apollogie of the Earle of Essex' to sir Anthony Bacon, in which Savile is mentioned
  4. Fol. 93. 'A treatis of the Union [of England and Scotland] by comandment written by Sr H. Savile Knight ... His Majesty being at Windsor', a later title
  5. Followed by a draft, with corrections, of part of a similar treatise, beginning abruptly on fol. 115, three leaves being lost, 'Galfridus Monumetensis we haue Kings of Britanny'.

7. Fol. 83. 'Mr [Walter] Traverse his supplication to the Lordes of Her Majesties most honorable Priuie Counsell', with Richard Hooker's Answer (abt. 1586?).

8. Fol. 125. A history of Scottish affairs, 1582-93: pref. beg. 'Considering the temporall estait of this warld', text beg. 'Efter that the Nobilitie of Scotland': in nineteen chapters.

9. Fol. 154 is a leaf from some law pleas in Latin written early in the 17th century


  • Creation: Made up of various pieces, written late in the 16th or early in the 17th century


155 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English
  • Latin

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. e Mus. 55, fols. 1-2]

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MS. e Mus. 55

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 18181


Copies of letters and papers on state affairs

Biographical / Historical

Biographical details unknown.

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. II, no. 3499

Custodial History

Manuscript acquired by the Bodleian Library (9)

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Given in separate pieces unbound by dr. Robert Clay (d. 1628), perhaps about 1620 ('Donum D. Clay, for the Vniuersity Library' and similar inscriptions); but the volume does not appear in Bodleian lists till about 1655.

Physical Facet

On paper


12 1/2 × 9 1/4 in.

Copies of letters and papers on state affairs
EAD version 2020 by Alice Whichelow
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom