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Guard-book of papers relating to Yorkshire

 Single Item
MS. Top. Yorks. c. 11

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Guard-book of papers relating to Yorkshire, including:

  1. (fols. 5-13) 'Thorne Sleuse or the Devil upon Dunn', an attack on the methods of draining Hatfield Chase, with a covering letter by 'T. C.' (fol. 13) and corrections in another hand, 1706 (removed from Bodl., MS. Rawl. D. 1481);
  2. (fols. 15-24) letter from John Burton to the Archbishop of York, 1769, enclosing a list of his Yorkshire collections and printed details of a scheme to compile the history of the county;
  3. (fols. 25-6) memorial poem and epitaph, in Latin, for Jane, first wife of Sir John Savile, 1585, with a draft of a letter;
  4. (fols. 27-40) 18th-century copy of Sir William Fairfax's 'Book of Arms. Yorkshire. 1582', with an index at fols. 37v-9.;
  5. (fol. 41) survey of J. Greene's land in County Yorkshire.


  • Creation: 16th-18th century


43 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Top. Yorks. c. 11, fols. 1-2]

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MS. Top. Yorks. c. 11

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 10379


Guard-book of papers relating to Yorkshire, 16th-18th century.

Biographical / Historical

John Burton (1710–1771) was an antiquary and physician.

Robert Hay Drummond (1711–1776) was archbishop of York.

Jane Savile (née Garth) (1554–1587).

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Acquired, 1899-1958.

Guard-book of papers relating to Yorkshire
EAD version 2020 by Pauline Soum-Paris
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom