- ACLAND (Sir Richard Thomas Dyke) 15th Bart., 1906-90.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- ADCOCK (Arthur St.
- John) 1864-1930. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-30, n.d.,
- AGNIERAY (Marie) née Jessup, d.1995.
- Letters to and copies of letters from, 1918-51,
- Letters and royalty statements, 1937-52,
- ALLEN & UNWIN publishers.
- Letters to and accounts with E.J. Thompson, 1926-43,
- ALTOUNYAN (Ernest Haik Riddall).
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1936,
- AMBEDKAR (Bhimrao Ramji) 1893-1956.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- AMERY (Leopold Stennett) 1873-1955.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-1,
- ANDREWS (Charles Freer) 1871-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1921-39, n.d.,
- ARCHER (William George) 1907-79.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- ARLOTT (John), see Arlott (Leslie Thomas John).
- ARLOTT (Leslie Thomas John) 1914-91.
- Letters from, 1941-7,
- ARMSTRONG (Martin Donisthorpe) 1882-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- ARMSTRONG (William) 1882-1952.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1934,
- ARMY, British.
- Notebook containing names and addresses of soldiers, 1916-17,
- ARNOLD (Edward) & Co publishers.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- ASTOR (Nancy Witcher) Viscountess Astor, 1879-1964.
- Drafts of letter from Theodosia Thompson, c.1941-5,
- ASTOR (William Waldorf) 3rd Viscount Astor, 1907-66.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1944, n.d.,
- ATTLEE (Clement Richard) 1st Earl Attlee, 1883-1967.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-5,
- AZAD (Abul Kalam) 1888-1958.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- BAPNA (Sir Seraymal) Wazir-ud-Dowla, Rai Bahadur, 1882-.
- Telegram and letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- BARBOUR (George Brown) 1890-1977.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- BARCLAY (Sir Colville Herbert Sanford) 14th Bart., 1913-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-43,
- BARING (Maurice) 1874-1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- BARRATT (Thomas H.
- ) 1870-1951. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1910-12,
- BARRIE (Sir James Matthew) 1st Bart., 1860-1937.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-31,
- BARRINGTON-WARD (Robert McGowan) 1891-1948.
- Letters from, 1930-45,
- BARRY (Frank Russell) 1890-1976.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- BARRY (Sir Gerald Reid) 1898-1968.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- BARTLETT (Charles Vernon Oldfeld) 1894-1983.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- BAX (Clifford) 1886-1962.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- BELL (Eva Mary) née Hamilton, d.1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- BELL (Kenneth Norman) 1884-1951.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- BENDALL (Frederic William Duffield) 1882-1953.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- BENN (Edward Glanville) 1905-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927,
- BENN (Ernest) Ltd.
- publishers. E.J. Thompson royalty statements, 1933-9,
- Letters to and from, 1925-47,
- BENN (Sir Ernest John Pickstone) 2nd Bart., 1875-1954.
- Letter to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1927-32,
- BENN (Sir John Andrews) 3rd Bart., 1904-84.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1928,
- BENN (William Wedgwood) 1st Viscount Stansgate, 1877-1960.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- BEVAN (Edwyn Robert) 1870-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-3,
- BINYON (Robert Laurence) 1869-1943.
- Letters from, 1925-37,
- BIRCH (Francis Lyall) 1889-1956.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- publishers. Letters to Theodosia Thompson, 1957,
- BLAKE (Elizabeth) née Jessup.
- Letters to and from, 1910-51,
- BLEASE (Walter Lyon) 1884-1963.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1935,
- BLOCH (Jules) 1880-1953.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-45, n.d.,
- BLUNDEN (Edmund Charles) 1896-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-35,
- BONNEROT (Louis Clément) 1897-.
- Postcards to E.J. Thompson, 1931-2,
- BORDEN (Gail) 1905-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-41,
- BOSANQUET (Theodora) 1880-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-42,
- BOSE (Buddhadeva) 1908-74.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-45,
- BOSE (Subhas Chandra) 1897-1945.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- BOUTFLOWER (Cecil Henry) 1863-1942.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- BRADLEY (Andrew Cecil) 1851-1935.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1924, n.d.,
- BRAYNE (Frank Lugard) 1882-1952.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-43, n.d.,
- BRIDGES (Robert Seymour) 1844-1930.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1913-30, n.d.,
- Letters from, 1938-61,
- Letters to and copies of letters from Theodosia Thompson and concerning, 1955-7,
- BROCKWAY (Archibald Fenner) Baron Brockway, 1888-1988.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- BROOKE (Margaret Alice Lilly) Lady Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak, née de Windt, d.1936.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1927,
- BROOKS (William Eric St.
- John) 1883-1955. Copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- BROPHY (John) 1899-1965.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- BROWN (Sir Frank Herbert) 1868-1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- BROWN (Ivor John Carnegie) 1891-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941-6, n.d.,
- BUCHAN (John) 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, 1875-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928-37,
- BULLOCK (Humphry) 1899-1959.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-45,
- BULWER-LYTTON (Victor Alexander George Robert) 2nd Earl of Lytton, 1876-1947.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941-2,
- BURNS (Sir Richard) 1871-1947.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-9,
- BUSSELL (Frederick William) 1862-1944.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- CADELL (Sir Patrick Robert) 1871-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928-39,
- CAINE (Sir Thomas Henry Hall) 1853-1931.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925, n.d.,
- CAMPBELL (Ignatius Royston Dunnachie) 1901-57.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- CAMPBELL (Roy) see Campbell (Ignatius Royston Dunnachie).
- CANDLER (Edmund) 1874-1926.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1917,
- CANTON (William) 1845-1926.
- Letters to and from, 1910-26, n.d.,
- CARPENTER (Joseph Estline) 1844-1927.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1924-5,
- CARRUTHERS (Violet Rosa), see Markham.
- Horsfall) 1900-76. Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- CASSON (Sir Lewis) 1875-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- CATCHPOOL (Egerton St.
- John Pettifor) 1890-1971. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-41,
- CECIL (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-) 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, 1864-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- CHAPMAN (Guy Patterson) 1889-1972.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1927-43,
- CHAPMAN (John Alexander) 1875-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1923-43,
- CHAPMAN (Robert William) 1881-1960.
- Letter to H.N. Spalding, 1937,
- CHATTERJEE (Ramananda) 1865-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1921-31,
- CHATTERJI (Sarat Chandra) 1876-1938.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1921-5,
- CHATTOPADHYAYA (Harindranath) 1898-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- CHIRGWIN (Arthur Mitchell) 1885-1966.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1913-21,
- CHURCH (Leslie Frederic) 1886-1961.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1937-41,
- Volume of Anglican tracts, in Arabic, 1866-98,
- CLEMINSON (Henry Millican) 1885-1970.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- CLOW (Sir Andrew Gourlay) 1890-1957.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- COCKIN (Frederic Arthur) Bishop of Bristol, 1888-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-44, n.d.,
- COLLINGWOOD (William Gershom) 1854-1932.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1910-32,
- COLLINS (Robert John) 1880-1950.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-45,
- Belonging to Elizabeth Thompson, 1874,
- COOPER (Wilbraham Villiers) 1876-1955.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- COSTELLO (Sir Leonard Wilfred James) 1881-1972.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- COTES (Everard C.
- ) 1862-1944. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- COUPLAND (Sir Reginald) 1884-1952.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-43,
- COX (Harold) 1859-1936.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-9,
- CRAIGIE (Sir William Alexander) 1867-1957.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- CRERAR (Sir James) 1877-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- CRIPPS (Sir Richard Stafford) 1889-1952.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- CROSSMAN (Richard Howard Stafford) 1907-74.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- CROZIER (William Percival) 1879-1944.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- CUMMING (Sir John Ghest) 1868-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-43,
- CUNARD (Nancy Cunard) 1896-1965.
- Letters to and from and poems by, 1943-5, n.d.,
- CURREY (Ralph Nixon) 1907-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-44, n.d.,
- CURTIS (Lionel George) 1872-1955.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-33,
- literary agent. Letters to and from, 1937-46,
- Royalty statements, 1944-54,
- DARLING (Sir Malcolm Lyall) 1880-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941-2,
- DARYUSH (Elizabeth) 1887-1977.
- Letters from, 1929-46, n.d.,
- DASGUPTA (Surendra Nath) 1887-1952.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- DATTA (Sudhindranath) 1901-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-8,
- DAVIES (Clement Edward) 1884-1962.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- DAVIES (Rhys John) 1877-1954.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- DAWSON (George Geoffrey) 1874-1944.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1930-44,
- DELAHAYE (James Viner) 1890-1948.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1941-2, n.d.,
- DE LA MARE (Richard Herbert Ingpen) 1901-86.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- DE LA MARE (Walter John) 1873-1956.
- Letters to and from, 1925-44,
- M.) Ltd., publishers. Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- Of E.J. Thompson, 1912-36,
- Of Elizabeth Thompson, 1914-28,
- DICKSON (Horatio Henry Lovat) 1902-87.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943-5,
- Eng. c. 5302, fols. 73, 76-8.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943-5,
- DISKALKAR (Dattatraya Balkrishna) 1892-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1936,
- DIVER (Katherine Helen Maud) d.1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1936,
- DODGE (Bayard) 1888-1972.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- DOUGALL (Lily) 1858-1923.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1919,
- DOUGLAS (Lord Alfred Bruce) 1870-1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- DOWDALL (Harold Chaloner) 1868-1955.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- DUNDAS (Lawrence John Lumley) 2nd Marquess of Zetland, 1876-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927, 1939,
- DUTT (K.
- Iswara) d. 1968. Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- publishers. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-8,
- EADY (Sir Crawfurd Wilfrid Griffin) 1890-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- ELIOT (Thomas Stearns) 1888-1963.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-43,
- ELLIS (Arthur Isaac) 1883-1963.
- Letter from Laurence Binyon, 1930,
- ELMHIRST (Leonard Knight) 1893-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-5,
- ELTON (Godfrey) 1st Baron Elton, 1892-1973.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1931-45,
- ELTON (Oliver) 1861-1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943-5,
- EMMET (Cyril William) 1875-1923.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- ENGELBACH (Reginald) 1888-1946.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1923,
- John Greer) 1888-1971. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-7,
- EVANS (Sir Arthur John) 1851-1941.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-38,
- EVANS (Dame Edith) 1888-1976.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE publishers.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson,1942-3,
- Royalty statement, 1943,
- publishers. E.J. Thompson royalties and letters relating to, 1933-56,
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1937-45,
- FABER (Sir Geoffrey Cust) 1889-1961.
- Letters to and from, 1943,
- FAGAN (Brian Walter) 1893-1971.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- FANE (Sir Vere Bonamy) 1863-1924.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1922,
- MS. Eng. c. 2587, fol. 180.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1922,
- FARQUHAR (John Nicol) 1861-1929.
- Letters to and from, 1914-22,
- FARRER (John Chipman) 1896-1974.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1928,
- FIELDEN (Frederick Joshua) 1882-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1910-37,
- FIELDEN (Lionel) 1896-1974.
- Letters to and from, 1941-3,
- FISHER (Frederick Victor) 1870-1954.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- FISHER (Herbert Albert Laurens) 1865-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-40,
- FISHER (Philip John) 1883-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- FLETCHER (Sir Angus Somerville) 1883-1960.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- FLOWER (Robin Ernest William) 1881-1946.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1934,
- FOOT (Isaac) 1880-1960.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- FORBES-SEMPILL (William Francis) 19th Baron Sempill, 1893-1965.
- Letter to Theodosia Thompson, 1937,
- FORSTER (Edward Morgan) 1879-1970.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-44,
- FOSTER (Sir William) 1863-1951.
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1929-44,
- FRASER (Sir Arthur Ronald) 1888-1974.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- FREEMAN (John) 1880-1929.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- FRERE (Alexander Stewart) 1892-1984.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- FROST (Robert Lee) 1874-1963.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- GABRIEL (Sir Edmund Vivian) 1875-1950.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-2,
- GALE (Norman) d.1942.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- GALSWORTHY (John) 1867-1933.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- GANDHI (Indira Nehru) 1917-84.
- Letters from, 1937-45,
- GANDHI (Mohandas Karamchand) 1869-1948.
- Newscuttings relating to, 1931-40,
- Telegram and letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-9,
- GARRATT (Anne Beryl) née Benthall, d.1949,
- Letters from, 1937-46,
- GARRATT (Geoffrey Theodore) 1888-1942.
- Letters from and concerning, 1930-57,
- Typescript of life of by E.J. Thompson and A.B. Garratt, n.d.,
- MS. Eng. c. 2646.
- GARROD (Heathcote William) 1878-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- GARVIN (James Louis) 1868-1947.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-42,
- GASCOYNE (David Emery) 1916-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- GEDEN (Alfred Shenington) 1857-1936.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1919,
- GHOSE (Jyotish Chandra) 1884-1970.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- GHOSH (Barindra Kumar) 1880-1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1934,
- GIBSON (Wilfrid) 1878-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928-32,
- GIELGUD (Sir Arthur John) 1904-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- GIRDLESTONE (Gathorne Robert) d, 1950.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942-3,
- GLYN (Ralph George Campbell) 1st Baron Glyn, 1885-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- GOLDRING (Douglas) 1887-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- GOLLANCZ (Sir Victor) 1893-1967.
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1925-46,
- GOLLANCZ (Victor) Ltd.
- publishers. Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1939-46,
- Royalty statements, 1939-43,
- GORDON (George Stuart) 1881-1942.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1929-31,
- GOSSE (Sir Edmund) 1849-1928.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-6,
- GOULD (Gerald) 1885-1936.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-35,
- GOUR (Sir Hari Singh) 1866-1949.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- GRAHAM (Stephen) 1884-1975.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- GRANT (Sir Kerr) 1878-1967.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1936,
- GRAVES (Robert Ranke) 1895-1985.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- GREENE (Graham) 1904-91.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- GRIEG (Johan Nordahl Brun) 1902-43.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931, n.d.,
- GRIEVE (Christopher Murray) 1892-1978.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1926-31,
- GRIFFITHS (James) 1890-1975.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- Copy of letter and article from Theodosia Thompson, 1961,
- GUPTA (Partha Sarathi) 1934-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1970,
- HADEN-GUEST (Leslie Haden) 1st Baron Haden-Guest, 1877-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- HAILEY (William Malcolm) 1st Baron Hailey, 1872-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-42, n.d.,
- HAKSAR (Sir Kailas Narain) 1878-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-9, n.d.,
- HALDAR (Asit Kumar) 1890-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1916-39,
- HALIFAX, Earl of, see Wood (Edward Frederick Lindley).
- HAMILTON (William Hamilton) 1886-1958.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- HAMMICK (Dalziel Llewellyn) 1887-1966.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- HAMMOND (John Lawrence Le Breton) 1872-1949.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-44,
- HARE (Kenneth) 1888-1962.
- Letters from, 1944,
- HARE (Robert Hugh) 1867-1950.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- HARLECH, Baron, see Ormsby-Gore.
- HARRAP (George G.
- ) & Company Ltd. publishers. Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- HARRIS (Henry Wilson) 1883-1955.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- HASTED (John Ord Cobbold) 1890-1942.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1920,
- HEINEMANN (William) Ltd.
- , publishers. Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1928-43,
- Royalty statements, 1933-40,
- HENDERSON (Sir Hubert Douglas) 1890-1952.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- HERBERT (Sir Alan Patrick) 1890-1971.
- Postcards to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- HILTON (James) 1900-54.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-3,
- HINKSON (Pamela) d.1982.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931, n.d.,
- HOARE (Samuel John Gurney) 1st Viscount Templewood, 1880-1959.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-2,
- HOFMEYR (Jan Hendrik) 1894-1948.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- HOGARTH (William David) 1901-65.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928,
- HOLKAR (Yeshwant Rao) Maharaja of Indore.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-41,
- HOLLAND (Sydney George) 2nd Viscount Knutsford, 1855-1931.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- HOPKINS (Gerard Walter Sturgis) 1892-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- HOUSMAN (Alfred Edward) 1859-1936.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- HOUSMAN (Laurence) 1865-1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- HUXLEY (Aldous Leonard) 1894-1963.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- HUXLEY (Sir Julian Sorell) 1887-1975.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1936-41,
- HYDARI (Akbar) 1869-1942.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-7,
- Correspondence and papers of E.J. Thompson, 1848-1962,
- MSS. Eng. c. 5273-368;
- MS. Eng. d. 2642-704;
- MS. Eng. e. 2915-31;
- MS. Photogr. c. 57-9.
- Correspondence and papers of E.J. Thompson, 1848-1962,
- IQBAL (Sir Mohammad) 1875-1938.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1933-4,
- JAMESON (Margaret Storm) 1891-1986.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1926-44,
- JAYAKAR (Mukund R.
- ) d.1959. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-45,
- JERROLD (Douglas Francis) 1893-1964.
- Letters to and from, 1925-43,
- JESSUP (Helen).
- Letters to, from and concerning, 1910-50,
- JESSUP (Katharine) née Bliss, d.1950.
- Letters to and from, 1909-24, n.d.,
- JESSUP (William) d.1920.
- Letters from and volume of Anglican tracts in Arabic, with notes, 1866-1920,
- JOHNSTON (Edward Hamilton) 1885-1942.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- JONES (Thomas) 1870-1955.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-46,
- JOSHI (Narayan Malhar) 1879-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- JOYCE (Alec Houghton) 1894-1982.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- KABIR (Humayun) 1906-69.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- KAHRL (Faith) née Jessup.
- Letters to and from, 1918-51;
- KATJU (Kailash Nath) 1887-1968.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- KEITH (Arthur Berriedale) 1879-1944.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- KELKAR (Narasimha Chintaman) 1872-1947.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-6,
- KELLETT (Ernest Edward) 1864-1950.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1906,
- KERR (Philip Henry) 11th Marquess of Lothian, 1882-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-40,
- KICK (Albert G.
- ) Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1909-39,
- KIPLING (Joseph Rudyard) 1865-1936.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- KNEELAND (Yale) 1901-70.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- KNUTSFORD, Viscount, see Holland.
- KORDA (Sir Alexander) 1893-1956.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-44,
- KRISHNA MENON (Vengalil Krishnan) 1896-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939-46,
- LANE (Sir Allen Lane Williams) 1902-70.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- LASCELLES (Edward Charles Ponsonby) 1884-1956.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- LASKI (Harold Joseph) 1893-1950.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- LATHAM (Harold Strong) 1887-1969.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- LAW (Sir Algernon) 1856-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-5,
- LAWRENCE (Sir Alexander Waldemar) 4th Bart., 1874-1939.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- LAWRENCE (Sir Henry Staveley) 1870-1949.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-45,
- LAWSON (Wilfrid) 1900-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- LEFROY (George Alfred) 1854-1919.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1916-17,
- LEHMANN (Beatrix) 1903-79.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- LEVI (Peter Chad Tigar) 1931-.
- Letter to E.P. Thompson, 1983,
- LEWIS (Cecil Day) 1904-72.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940s,
- LIDDELL HART (Sir Basil Henry) 1895-1970.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-40,
- LINDSAY (Alexander Dunlop) Baron Lindsay of Birker, 1879-1952.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-40,
- LINDSAY (Sir Harry Alexander Fanshawe) 1881-1963.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- LION (Leon M.
- ) 1879-1947. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942-4, n.d.,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-44,
- LONGMAN (Charles James) 1852-1934.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- LOTHIAN, Marquess of, see Kerr.
- LOVETT (Sir Harrington Verney) 1864-1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- LOW (Sir David Alexander Cecil) 1891-1963.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-4,
- LOWTHER (George) d.1913.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1905-13, n.d.,
- LUNN (Sir Henry Simpson) 1859-1939.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- LYND (Robert) 1879-1949.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- LYON (Percy Comyn) 1862-1952.
- Letters to and from, 1916-45,
- LYON (Percy Hugh Beverley) 1893-1986.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1916-45,
- LYTTON, Earl of, see Bulwer-Lytton.
- MACAULAY (Dame Emilie Rose) 1881-1958.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- MACCARTHY (Sir Desmond) 1877-1952.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- McCARTHY (Lillah) 1875-1960.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-9, n.d.,
- MACDONALD (James Ramsay) 1866-1937.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- MACDONALD (Malcolm John) 1901-81.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- MACDONELL (Archibald Gordon) 1895-1941.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1933,
- MACDONELL (Arthur Anthony) 1854-1930.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1921,
- MACKENZIE (Sir Compton) 1883-1972.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- LTD. publishers. E.J. Thompson royalty statements, 1934-58,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-45,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- MACMILLAN (Daniel) 1886-1965.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- MACMILLAN (Maurice Harold) 1st Earl of Stockton, 1894-1986.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- MACNICOL (Nicol) 1870-1952.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-7,
- MACRAE (Elliott Beach) 1900-67.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- MACRAE (John) 1866-1944.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- MACVEAGH (Lincoln) 1890-1972.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- Account of J.M. Thompson's voyage to, 1876,
- MAGNO (Paschoal Carlos) 1906-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-41,
- MAHALANOBIS (Prasanta Chandra) 1893-1972.
- Booklet on the last days of, 1975,
- Letters and copies of letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1920-36, n.d.,
- MALAVIYA (Madan Mohan) 1861-1946.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- MALLON (James Joseph) 1875-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939-41,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-46,
- MANN (Christopher) Ltd.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-9,
- MARGOLIOUTH (Herschel Maurice) 1887-1959.
- Letters to and from, including biographical notes for E.J. Thompson's DNB entry, 1939-52,
- MARKHAM (Violet Rosa) 1872-1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- MARTIN (Basil Kingsley) 1897-1969.
- Letters to and copies of letters from and concerning E.J. Thompson, 1938-46,
- publishers. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942-4,
- MASEFIELD (John) 1878-1967.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1933, n.d.,
- MASON (Kenneth) 1887-1976.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927,
- MASSEY (Vincent) 1887-1967.
- Letter to Theodosia Thompson, 1937,
- MAUGHAM (Robert Cecil Romer) 2nd Viscount Maugham, 1916-81.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943-4,
- MAULE (Harry Edward) 1886-1971.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1925,
- MAXWELL (Sir Herbert Eustace) 7th Bart., 1845-1937.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1925,
- MAXWELL (William) 1873-1957.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- MAXWELL (William Babington) 1866-1938.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1924,
- MEREDITH (William Maxse) 1865-1937.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1921-31,
- War diary notebooks, 1914-19,
- METCALFE (Sir Theophilus John Massie) 7th Bart., 1866-1950.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1936,
- MEYNELL (Wilfrid) 1852-1948.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-31,
- MILFORD (Sir Humphrey Sumner) 1877-1952.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1930-45,
- MONCK (Walter Nugent Bligh) 1878-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1936-43,
- MONKHOUSE (Allan Noble) 1858-1936.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-34,
- MOONJE (Balakrishna Shivaram) 1872-1948.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-3,
- MOORE (Eldon) 1901-54.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- MORGAN (Charles Langbridge) 1894-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-7, n.d.,
- MORRELL (Lady Ottoline Violet Anne) 1873-1938.
- Letters from, 1936-8, n.d,
- MORRELL (Philip) 1870-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-8,
- MORTIMER (Charles Raymond Bell) 1895-1980.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-41,
- MORTIMER (Raymond), see Mortimer (Charles Raymond Bell).
- MORTON (John Cameron Andrien Bingham Michael) 1893-1979.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- MOTTRAM (Ralph Hale) 1883-1971.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-9, n.d.,
- MOULT (Thomas) d.1974.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- MUNRO (Neil) 1864-1930.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1925,
- MURRAY (George Gilbert Aimé) 1866-1957.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1924-45,
- MURRAY (Lady Mary Henrietta) d.1956.
- Letters from, 1938-45, n.d.,
- NAIDU (Padmaja) 1900-75.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- NEALE (Sir John Ernest) 1890-1975.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- NEHRU (Jawaharlal) 1889-1964.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935,
- NEVINSON (Evelyn), see Sharp.
- NEVINSON (Henry Woodd) 1856-1941.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928-37,
- NEWBOLT (Sir Henry John) 1862-1938.
- Letter to Elizabeth Thompson, 1914,
- NEWITT (Dudley Maurice) 1894-1980.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-44,
- NICHOLS (Robert Malise Bowyer) 1893-1944.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931, n.d.,
- NICOLL (Sir William Robertson) 1851-1923.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1911,
- NOYES (Alfred) 1880-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-40,
- OATEN (Edward Farley) 1884-1973.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943, n.d.,
- O'BRIEN (Terence) 1887-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1945,
- OLDHAM (Joseph Houldsworth) 1874-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-43,
- OLIVIER (Sydney) 1st Baron Olivier, 1859-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- O'RIORDAN (Conal Holmes O'Connell) 1874-1948.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- ORMSBY-GORE (William George Arthur) 4th Baron Harlech, 1885-1964.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- OULD (Hermon) 1885-1951.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- OWEN (John) d.1949.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- OXFORD, university, Colleges and institutions, Clarendon Press.
- E.J. Thompson royalty statements, 1934-56,
- Letters to and from, 1928-61,
- OXFORD, university, Colleges and institutions, Press, see Oxford, university, Colleges and institutions, Clarendon Press.
- War diary notebooks, 1914-19,
- PALMER (Herbert Edward) 1880-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-45, n.d.,
- PANDIT (Vijaya Lakshimi Nehru) 1900-90.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939-43,
- PANIKKAR (Kavalam Madhava) 1895-1963.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-34,
- PARTRIDGE (Eric Honeywood) 1894-1979.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1929-30,
- PEEBLES (Evelyn Chiappini) 1865-1937.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1918-27,
- PERUGINI (Mark Edward) d.1948.
- Letters to and from, 1943,
- D.) literary agent. Letters to and from Theodosia Thompson, 1952-7,
- PETERS (Augustus Dudley) 1892-1973.
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1943-6,
- PHELPS (Lancelot Ridley) 1853-1936.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1927,
- PHILLIPS (Le Roy) 1870-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1924,
- PHILLPOTTS (Eden) 1862-1960.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-34,
- PILKINGTON-ROGERS (Margaret) née Thompson.
- Letters to and from, 1910-40, n.d.,
- PINKER (James B.
- ) & Son literary agents. E.J. Thompson royalty statements, 1933-41,
- Letters from, 1932-40,
- POPE (Arthur Upham) 1881-1969.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1934,
- POTTER (Stephen) 1900-69.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- POWELL (Michael Latham) 1905-90.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-41, n.d.,
- POWICKE (Sir Frederick Maurice) 1879-1963.
- Letters from, 1940-7,
- POWLES (Lewis Charles) 1860-1942.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- PRICE (Lilian Nancy Bache) 1880-1970.
- Letters to and from, 1937-9,
- PRIESTLEY (John Boynton) 1894-1984.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- QUADIR (Sir Abdul) 1874-1951.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-6,
- RADHAKRISHNAN (Sir Sarvepalli) 1888-1975.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-9,
- RAJAGOPALACHARYA (Chakravarti) 1878-1972.
- Telegram and copies of letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-4,
- RANDLE (Herbert Niel) 1880-1973.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-43,
- RATHBONE (Eleanor Florence) 1872-1946.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934,
- RATCLIFFE (Samuel Kerkham) 1868-1958.
- Letters to and from, 1925-49, n.d.,
- RAWLINSON (Hugh George) 1880-1957.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-9,
- REDMAN (Joyce) 1918-.
- Telegram and letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932, n.d.,
- REED (Sir Herbert Stanley) 1872-1969.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-4,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939-45,
- Papers concerning E.J. Thompson's visits to India, 1932-9,
- RHONDDA, Viscountess, see Thomas (Margaret Haig).
- RICHARDS (Frank).
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1907-38,
- RICHARDS (Grant) publishers.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-37,
- RICHMOND (Sir Bruce Lyttelton) 1871-1964.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1929-38, n.d.,
- ROBERTS (Michael) 1902-48.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- ROBERTS (Paul Ernest) 1873-1949.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1936-44,
- ROBERTSON SCOTT (John William) 1866-1962.
- Card to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- RONALDSHAY, Earl of, see Dundas.
- ROSE (William) 1894-1961.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1927,
- ROSMER (Milton) 1882-1971.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1935,
- ROSS (Sir William David) 1877-1971.
- Copies of letters and memorandum to and letters from, 1937-45,
- ROTHENSTEIN (Sir William) 1872-1945.
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1927-43, n.d.,
- ROYDE SMITH (Naomi Gwladys) d.1964.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- ROYDEN (Agnes Maude) 1876-1956.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-40,
- RUSHBROOKE (William George) 1849-1926.
- Letters to and from, 1909-25, n.d.,
- RUST (William) 1903-49.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- SACKETT (Alfred Barrett) 1895-1977.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-43,
- SACKVILLE-WEST (Victoria Mary) 1892-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- SADLER (Sir Michael Ernest) 1861-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-37,
- SAINTSBURY (George Edward Bateman) 1845-1933.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1914,
- SANDILANDS (Harold Richard) 1876-1961.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932-4,
- SAPRU (Parkash Narain) 1894-1969.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- SAPRU (Sir Tej Bahadur) d.1949.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-7,
- SASSOON (Siegfried Loraine) 1886-1967.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-43, n.d.,
- SASTRI (Valangiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa) 1869-1946.
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1930-7,
- SAUNDERS (Kenneth James) 1883-1937.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1928-34,
- SCHOMBERG (Reginald Charles Francis) d.1958.
- Letters to and from 1936-48,
- SCHUSTER, (Sir George Ernest) 1881-1982.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941-2, n.d.,
- SCOTT (Edward Taylor) 1883-1932.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- SEAL (Sir Brajendranath) 1864-1938.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1914-20,
- SEAMAN (Sir Owen) 1st Bart., 1861-1936.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1914-27,
- SELBIE (William Boothby) 1862-1944.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935,
- SEMPILL, Baron, see Forbes-Sempill.
- SEN (Boshi) 1887-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- SEN (Surendra Nath) 1890-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-31,
- Draft notes and notes for, 1881-1908,
- SHANKS (Edward) 1892-1953.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- SHARP (Evelyn) 1869-1955.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- SHARPE (Edith) 1894-.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- SHEPARD (Odell) 1884-1967.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1929-30,
- SHORTER (Clement King) 1857-1926.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- SIDGWICK (Frank) 1879-1939.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- SIMPSON (Percy) 1865-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-45,
- SINCLAIR (Archibald Henry Macdonald) 1st Viscount Thurso, 1890-1970.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938-40,
- SISAM (Kenneth) 1887-1971.
- Letters and copies of letters to and from, 1929-45,
- SITWELL (Dame Edith Louisa) 1887-1964.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- SITWELL (Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell) 1892-1969.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1928,
- SLATER (Gilbert) 1864-1938.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- SMETHAM (James) 1821-89.
- Letters from and concerning, 1861-1911,
- SMITH (Sir George Adam) 1856-1942.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- SMITH (Rennie) 1888-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-41,
- Copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1937,
- SORENSON (Reginald William) Baron Sorenson, 1891-1971.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1943-4,
- SORLEY (William Ritchie) 1855-1935.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- SPALDING (Henry Norman) 1877-1953.
- Letters and copies of letters and memorandum to and from, 1935-42, n.d.,
- SPALDING (Kenneth Jay) 1879-1967.
- Letters from, 1939-46,
- SPALDING (Ruth).
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942-6,
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-43, n.d.,
- SPENCER (Arthur M.
- ) d. 1943. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1913-36,
- SPENCER (Gilbert) 1893-1979.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941-5, n.d.,
- SPENDER (John Alfred) 1862-1942.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-32,
- SPENDER (Sir Stephen Harold) 1909-95.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1919-42, n.d.,
- SQUIRE (Sir John Collings) 1884-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925-6, n.d.,
- STANSGATE, Viscount, see Benn (William Wedgwood).
- STEPHEN (Sir Harry Lushington) 3rd Bart., 1860-1945.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935,
- STEPHEN (Sir Herbert) 2nd Bart., 1857-1932.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- STEWART (Sir Samuel Findlater) 1879-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- STONIER (George Walter) 1903-85.
- Card to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1939, n.d.,
- STRACHEY (Oliver) 1874-1960.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- STREETER (Burnett Hillman) 1874-1937.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-6,
- STRICKLAND (Claude Francis) 1881-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- STRONG (Leonard Alfred George) 1896-1958.
- Typed letter from, 1932,
- SWINTON (Sir Ernest Dunlop) 1868-1951.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940-1,
- Typescript notes for talk by Theodosia Thompson on, n.d.,
- TAGORE (Sir Rabindranath) 1861-1941.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1913-40, n.d.,
- Literary papers of E.J. Thompson relating to, 1913-21,
- Theodosia Thompson's draft notes for talk on, n.d.,
- TALLENTS (Sir Stephen George) 1884-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- TEGART (Sir Charles Augustus) 1881-1946.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934, n.d.,
- TEMPLE (William) Archbishop of Canterbury, 1881-1944.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- TEMPLEWOOD, Viscount, see Hoare.
- Memorabilia, late 19th-early 20th cent.,
- THOMAS (Frederick William) 1867-1956.
- Letters from and copy of letter to, 1936-40,
- THOMAS (Margaret Haig) Viscountess Rhondda, 1883-1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-41,
- THOMPSON (Alfred).
- Letters from, 1911-44,
- THOMPSON (Arthur) d.1939.
- Letters from, 1911-39,
- THOMPSON (Edward John) 1886-1946.
- Broadcasts by, 1937-9,
- Correspondence and papers, 1848-1962,
- MSS. Eng. c. 5273-368, c. 5783;
- MS. Eng. d. 2642-704;
- MS. Eng. e. 2915-31;
- MS. Photogr. c. 57-9.
- Diaries, 1912-36,
- Draft sermons, 1908, n.d.,
- Literary papers of, 1902-48,
- Newspaper cuttings concerning, 1894-1950,
- Newspaper reviews of published works, 1908-44,
- Notebooks of, n.d.,
- Personal papers, 1886-1944,
- Photographs, n.d.,
- MSS. Photogr. c. 57-9;
- MS. Eng. c. 67, fols. 15-22.
- Publishers' contracts, 1919-44,
- Royalty statements, 1927-58,
- THOMPSON (Edward Palmer) 1924-93.
- Letters and copies of letters to and from, 1935-86, n.d.,
- THOMPSON (Elizabeth) née Penney, 1851-1928.
- Correspondence and papers, 1866-1928,
- THOMPSON (Frank Dickinson) 1893-1917.
- Letters from and papers concerning, 1893-1917,
- THOMPSON (John Moses) 1854-94.
- Papers, 1875-93,
- THOMPSON (Theodosia) née Jessup, 1892-1970.
- Correspondence and papers, 1848-1962,
- MSS. Eng. c. 5350, fols. 13-20;
- MS. Eng. c. 5352-68;
- MS. Eng. d. 2695-704;
- MS. Eng. e. 2930-1.
- Correspondence and papers, 1848-1962,
- THOMPSON (William Frank) 1920-44.
- Letters to, from and concerning, 1930-51, n.d.,
- THORLEY (Wilfrid) 1878-1963.
- Letters to and from E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- THORNDIKE (Dame Sybil) 1882-1976.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, n.d.,
- THURSO, Viscount, see Sinclair (Archibald Henry Macdonald).
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1937-42,
- Royalty statement, 1942,
- TIMES, The.
- Letters to and from, 1930-50, n.d.,
- Letters to and copies of letters from E.J. Thompson, 1929-38, n.d.,
- M.) 1873-1958. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1925,
- TREVELYAN (George Macaulay) 1876-1962.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1933-8,
- TREWIN (John Courtenay) 1908-90.
- Letters from, 1944-6,
- TSOUDEROS (Emmanuel L.
- ). Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942,
- TWEEDSMUIR, Baron, see Buchan.
- UNDERHILL (Evelyn) 1875-1941.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- UNWIN (Sir Stanley) 1884-1968.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-43,
- VANSITTART (Robert Gilbert) Baron Vansittart, 1881-1957.
- Letters to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1938-44,
- VEIDT (Conrad) 1893-1943.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- VINCENT (George Edgar) 1864-1941.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-8,
- VIVIAN (Mary Elizabeth) née Thompson, d.1950.
- Letters to and from, 1911-46,
- WALEY (Arthur David) 1889-1966.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- WALTERS (Harold Crawford) d.1958.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1908-45, n.d.,
- WAR 1914-18.
- Diaries, 1914-19,
- WARBURG (Frederic John) 1898-1981.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1942-4,
- WARD (Richard Heron) 1910-.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1935-41,
- WATSON (Sir James Anderson Scott) 1889-1966.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- WATT (A.
- P.) & Son literary agent. Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1927-44,
- Royalty statements, 1928-30,
- WATTS-DUNTON (Walter Theodore) 1832-1914.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1909,
- WAVELL (Archibald Percival) 1st Earl Wavell, 1883-1950.
- Letters to and incomplete copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1943-5,
- WAY (Arthur S.
- ) 1847-1930. Letter to George Lowther, 1910,
- WELBY-EVERARD (Gwladys Muriel Petra) d.1946.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926,
- WEST (Herbert Faulkner) 1898-1974.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-9,
- WEST (Dame Rebecca) 1892-1983.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941, n.d.,
- WHITE (Archie Cecil Thomas) 1891-1971.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1931-40,
- WHITE (Henry Graham) 1880-1965.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1939-43,
- WILKINSON (Ellen Cicely) 1891-1947.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1938,
- WILLIAMS (Laurence Frederic Rushbrook) 1890-1978.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1943,
- WILLIAMSON (Henry) 1895-1977.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- WILSON (Sir Arnold Talbot) 1884-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-4,
- WILSON (Frank Percy) 1889-1963.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1944,
- WODEHOUSE (Sir Pelham Grenville) 1881-1975.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1931,
- WOLFE (Humbert) 1886-1940.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1926-35,
- WOOD (Edward Frederick Lindley) 1st Earl of Halifax, 1881-1959.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1940,
- WOOD (Thomas) 1892-1950.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1934-6,
- WOOLF (Leonard Sidney) 1880-1969.
- Letters from, 1925-43,
- WORKMAN (Walter Percy) 1863-1918.
- Letters from, 1906-17, n.d.,
- WRENCH (Sir John Evelyn Leslie) 1882-1966.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1930,
- WRIGHT (Thomas) 1859-1936.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1932,
- WYLIE (Sir Francis Verner) 1891-1970.
- Letter to E.J. Thompson, 1939,
- WYLIE (Laura Johnson) 1855-1932.
- Letter to Theodosia Thompson, 1911,
- YEATS (William Butler) 1865-1939.
- Letter to and copy of letter from E.J. Thompson, 1924,
- YEATS-BROWN (Francis) 1886-1944.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1930-43, n.d.,
- YEAXLEE (Basil Alfred) 1883-1967.
- Letters to E.J. Thompson, 1941,
- ZETLAND, Marquis of, see Dundas.
- End of index