- ABBOTT (Dorothea M.)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, with articles, 1977-9
- ACLAND (Alice) see WIGNALL (Anne)
- Correspondence and papers concerning the journal Africa, 1966, 1973
- ALLEN (Douglas R.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- AMERY (Julian) Baron Amery of Lustleigh, 1919-96
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1937-48, n.d.
- Newspaper cuttings concerning, 1939-48, n.d.
- Personal papers of Barbara Pym relating to, c.1939-51
- ANSLOW (Isabel M.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1962
- ANTHONY (S. Gertrude)
- Job references for Barbara Pym, [1934]
- ARDENER (Edwin) 1927-87
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1951
- ATKIN (Frances)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-79
- ATKINS (Guy)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- BAKER (Denys Val) 1917-84
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- BALL (Cecil Arthur Stewart Luxmoore), see LUXMOORE-BALL (Cecil Arthur Stewart)
- Papers relating to the Barbara Pym Society, 1994-5
- BARBER (Giles Gaudard) 1930-
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- BARNABY (Felicity)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- BARNICOT (Elizabeth)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-77
- BARTLETT (Francis John)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1954
- BARTON (Phillipa)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- BAYLEY (John Oliver) 1925-2015
- Letter to Philip Larkin concerning Barbara Pym, [1977]
- BEAUMONT (Nancy)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- BENNETT (Mary Letitia Somerville) 1913-
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978
- BIGGS (Mary)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-77
- BINDING (Paul)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1975
- BION (Francesca)
- Letter to Hilary Walton, 1978
- BLISS (Kathleen Mary Amelia) 1908-89
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- BLISS (Rupert Geoffrey) 1905-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- BLUNDO (Tullia)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- 'La Narrativa di Barbara Pym', thesis, with an abstract in English, 1977-8
- MSS. Pym 174-174*
- BLYTHE (Ronald George) 1922-
- Correspondence and papers, 1979, relating to Pym's, 'A Year In West Oxfordshire'
- BOLL (Theophilus E.M.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1979-80
- BOND (Ann)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- BOSTON UNIVERSITY Mugar Memorial Library
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- BOULTON (Thomas Oswald) 1910-
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- BOULTON (Toby) see BOULTON (Thomas Oswald)
- BRADY (Dora C.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- BRIAN (Margaret), see BRYAN (Margaret)
- BRISE (Barbara Ruggles), see RUGGLES-BRISE (Barbara)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1949-79
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1951
- BROWN (Paula)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- BROWNRIGG (Dorothy)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- BRYAN (Margaret)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950, 1977
- BUNTING (Daniel George) 1890-1967
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1952-64, with correspondence relating to a fund for him, 1963-4
- BURNETT (Dame Ivy Compton), see COMPTON-BURNETT (Dame Ivy)
- BURTON (Betty)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- CAPE (Jonathan) publishers
- CASE (Jean)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- CATCHPOLE (Marjorie)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1974-9
- CECIL (Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne) 1902-86
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1953-79
- CECIL (Lady Rachel)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1961
- CHILCOTT (Joyce)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-78
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym with manuscript notes and typescript short story, 'The Christmas Visit', 1977-8
- CLARKE MCKENNA (Neva), see MCKENNA (Neva Clarke)
- CLEMENS (Cyril)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979, with Mark Twain Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 3, Winter 1978-9
- COLE (Margaret)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- COLLIM (Marianne)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- COMPTON-BURNETT (Dame Ivy) 1884-1969
- Letters to and from, 1940-50
- COOMBS (J.R. Monaghan), see MONAGHAN-COOMBS (J.R.)
- COOPER (Louise Field)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978
- CRAMPTON (Tom) pseud., see Pym (Barbara Mary Crampton)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- CURLING (Audrey)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- CURRIE (Ailsa)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- D'ARCY (John E?)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- DAVIS (Alan R.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1945-77
- DE MARNEY (Derrick)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1953
- DUNSTAN (Jean C.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- EDEN (Dorothy Enid) 1912-82
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- ELIOT (Thomas Stearns) 1888-1965
- T.S. Eliot, poet, 1888-1965 (Yeovil: Swift printing, 1965), [Order of service for Eliot's memorial service]
- ELLIDGE (Honor), see WYATT (Honor)
- EVANS (Barbara)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1952, 1978
- Letters to Barbara Pym, various dates
- FARRANT (Marie)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- FIELD (Mollie)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- FORD (Evelyn)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- GABRIEL pseud., see HARVEY (Henry Stanley)
- GEDDES (Maud)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- GEORGE (Daniel) pseud., see BUNTING (Daniel George)
- GERSON (Mark)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- GIFFORD (Charles Henry) 1913-2003
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- GIFFORD (Henry), see GIFFORD (Charles Henry)
- GILBERT (Ruth G.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1965-77
- GLEADOW (Rupert)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1932-40
- GLOVER (C. Gordon) 1908-75
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-66
- GOMES (Peter John) 1942-
- Letter to Susan Hinerfeld, 1979
- GOODHART (Lady Celia McClare) 1939-
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- GORDON (Bobby)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- GORDON (Helen)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-9, n.d.
- GOTLIEB (Howard B.)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- GREENMAN (Clive)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- GREY (Elizabeth) 1917-
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- GRIFFITH (Hugh Dewi Morgan)
- Dedication to in 'Young Men in Fancy Dress', Aug. 1929-April 1930
- GUNN (H.D.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1953-79
- HAGGARD (Sir Henry Rider) 1856-1925
- Typescript abridgement for radio by Barbara Pym, of She, with related correspondence, 1950, n.d.
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- HARRISON (Elizabeth Francourt) 1921-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977-9
- HARVEY (Elizabeth)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- HARVEY (Henry Stanley) 1911-95
- HARWOOD (Fryniwyd Tennyson), see JESSE (Fryniwyd Tennyson)
- HERVEY (Grizelda)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- HICKSON (Janet)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- HINERFELD (Susan Slocum)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, with book reviews, 1979
- HOLMES (Paul)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1965
- HOLT (Hazel) 1928-
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1959-77
- 'No Thankless Task: Barbara Pym as Indexer', The Indexer, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Oct. 1987)
- HOME (Evelyn) pseud., see MAKINS (Peggy)
- HOOD (Martin Sinclair Frankland) 1917-
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- HOOD (Sinclair), see HOOD (Martin Sinclair Frankland)
- HOPE-WALLACE (Philip Adrian) 1911-79
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- IMPRON (Pat)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950
- INSTONE (Anna)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym and proofs of Africa 1979 index, 1966-79
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- IRVINE (Gerard)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- JAMES (Diana)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- JAMES (Sylvia)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-9
- JESSE (Fryniwyd Tennyson) 1888-1958
- Letter to Jonathan Cape concerning Barbara Pym's Excellent Women, 1952
- JONATHAN CAPE publishers, see CAPE (Jonathan) publishers
- JONES (Ursula)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- Letter from Barbara Pym concerning Africa, 1966.
- JOSEPH (Jenny) 1932-
- Typescript copy of 'Warning'
- KASTERINE (Dmitri)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978
- KENDRICK (Sir Thomas Downing) 1895-1979
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-1
- KENYON (Anne)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1952
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1951
- LARKIN (Philip Arthur) 1922-85
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1961-79
- Newspaper cuttings relating to Larkin collected by Barbara Pym, 1964-9, n.d.
- LAVERTY (Maura) 1906-66
- Correspondence relating to Barbara Pym's abridgement for radio of Never No More, 1950, n.d.
- LAWSON (Rowena Mary)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978
- LEAPMAN (Olga)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- LEJEUNE (Helene)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1956
- LIDDELL (Donald Stewart)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1940-1
- LIDDELL (Jock), see LIDDELL (John Robert)
- LIDDELL (John Robert) 1908-92
- Letters to and from, with short stories and an account of his friendship with Barbara Pym, 1934-81, n.d.
- LIDDELL (Robert), see LIDDELL (John Robert)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- LIVELY (Penelope Margaret) 1933-
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1979, n.d.
- LLOYD (Peter)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1974
- LORENZO pseud., see HARVEY (Henry Stanley)
- LORING (Katherine)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- LOUKES (Mary)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- LOYNES (Dorothy)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- LUBBOCK (Mark)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- LUXMOORE-BALL (Cecil Arthur Stewart)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1953
- MABY (Muriel)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-78
- McCOOK-WEIR (Margaret)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- MacGREGOR (Helen)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1975-9, n.d.
- McKENNA (Neva Clarke)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- McMASTER (Jane)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950, n.d.
- McMASTER (Julian)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1953
- MACMILLAN & CO. publishers
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1969-80
- MAGGS (Marjorie)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1955
- MAIR (Lucy Philip) 1901-86
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- MAISON (Margaret M.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- MAKINS (Peggy) 1916-
- Letters to Barbara Pym, [1958]-78, n.d.
- MARCHANT (Betsy), see MARCHANT (Diana) Lady Marchant
- MARCHANT (Diana) Lady Marchant
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952, n.d.
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979, with Mark Twain Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 3 (Winter 1978-9)
- Correspondence with Jonathan Cape relating to Jane and Prudence, 1953
- MARNEY (Derrick De), see DE MARNEY (Derrick)
- MARSDEN (Ruth)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950s
- MEEK (Charles Kingsley) 1845-1965
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- MICAH (Reg)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- MILLER (Elsie)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1975-9, n.d.
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- Letters to Barbara and Hilary Pym, 1978
- MORISON (Lady Rosemary)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950-79
- NEVILLE (Jill) 1932-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- Correspondence with Barbara Pym and related papers, 1978
- Correspondence with Barbara Pym with notes and drafts of 'Across a Crowded Room', 1978-9
- NEWBY (Catherine R.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- ORNA (Doris)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1955
- ORNA (Miriam)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1958-77
- Correspondence relating to book reviews by Barbara Pym, with drafts and cuttings, 1978
- OXFORD University, Senior Wives Fellowship
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- P.E.N.
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1951
- PALMER (Bernard Harold Michael) 1929-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- PARKER (Derek)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- PHILLIPS (Helen)
- 'Barbara Pym and Some Other Novelists', typescript of talk to the Drawing Circle, Belfast, with related correspondence, 1978
- PLATTS (Una)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1964
- POWLES (Jill)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- PRESTON (Margaret)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- PRYNNE (Phyllis)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1952-3
- Miscellaneous papers, correspondence and agreements with publishers and literary agents, 1935-79
- PYM (Alice Grace) stepmother of Barbara Pym
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950, 1977
- PYM (Barbara Mary Crampton) 1913-80
- Papers
- Card catalogue of Barbara Pym's library compiled by Hilary Walton, 1981, with photocopy of the same, 1986
- MSS. Pym 175-175*
- Diaries and commonplace book, 1932-79
- Literary notebooks, 1938-1979
- Press cuttings, 1950-77, n.d.
- Printed ephemera including opera programmes, 1944-65
- Radio broadcasts. Cyclostyled and typescript transcripts, audio tape recording and manuscript notes, 1949-84
- Talks. Typescript and manuscript copies of talks and lectures with manuscript annotations, 1950s-1978
- Card catalogue of Barbara Pym's library compiled by Hilary Walton, 1981, with photocopy of the same, 1986
- Works
- An Academic Question. Manuscript and typescript drafts of novel with manuscript notes, c.1965-71
- 'Across a Crowded Room'. Typescript and printed short story, with related manuscript notes and correspondence, 1978-9
- 'Adolphe'. Manuscript short story, 1931-2
- 'Africa Indexes'. Typescript indexes, 1977-79
- 'An Afternoon Visit'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Another fragment...'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- 'Back to St. Petersburg'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Beatrice Wyatt', see 'The Lumber Room'.
- Book reviews by Barbara Pym. Typescript drafts of book reviews with manuscript notes, related correspondence and cuttings, 1978
- 'Christmas Story', see 'The Christmas Visit'.
- 'The Christmas Visit'. Typescript short story with related notes and correspondence, 1978
- 'Civil to Strangers'. Typescript short story, [1936]
- Crampton Hodnet. Typescript fair copy of novel with manuscript annotations, [1939-40]
- 'Creatures of Habit'. Manuscript notes for a short story, n.d.
- 'The Day Room'. Manuscript notes for a short story, n.d.
- 'The Day the Music Came'. Typescript short story, 1957
- 'Death of a Young Man'. Manuscript short story, 1931
- Desert Island Discs. Manuscript notes for radio broadcast with related correspondence, 1978, n.d.
- 'A Dish of Bones'. Manuscript short story, n.d.
- 'Elegy on the Reliques of Love shut up in a Box'. Manuscript poem, 1940
- 'The English Ladies'. Typescript short story with manuscript notes, n.d.
- Excellent Women. Manuscript and typescript drafts and fair copies of novel, with cyclostyled script for radio, manuscript notes, related correspondence and press cuttings, 1949-77
- 'A Few Days Before the Winter'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- A Few Green Leaves. Typescript drafts and fair copies of novel, with notes and related correspondence, 1979-80
- 'Finding a Voice'. Transcript of a radio broadcast, with related correspondence, 1977-8
- 'The Flying Termites', see 'Creatures of Habit'.
- 'For H.S.H. (ch. ch)'. Manuscript poem, 1933
- 'Four Point Turn' see Quarter in Autumn.
- 'Fragment inspired by a walk in Eaton Square...'. Manuscript poem, 1938
- 'A Fragment inspired by P.?Moels, 1931'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- 'Fragment inspired by Tennyson'. Manuscript poem, 1938
- 'Frivolous lines...'. Manuscript poem, 1938
- 'The Funeral'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'The German Baron'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Gervase and Flora'. Typescript and manuscript drafts of short story, 1937-8?
- A Glass of Blessings. Manuscript draft of novel with related correspondence, 1957-60
- 'Goodbye, Balkan Capital!'. Typescript short story, 1941
- 'Henry S...'. Manuscript short story, 1931
- 'Home Front Novel'. Manuscript short story with notes, 1933-40?
- 'How I Distempered a Room'. Transcript of a radio broadcast, 1949?
- 'The Invasion Village'. Manuscript notes for a short story, n.d.
- Jane and Prudence. Correspondence relating to the novel and radio broadcast, 1953-78
- 'The Jumble Sale', see 'The White Elephant'.
- 'Last Quartet' see Quartet in Autumn.
- 'Leonora' see The Sweet Dove Died.
- Less Than Angels. Manuscript draft of novel with related correspondence, 1955-76
- 'A Letter From My Love'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'The Lime Tree Bower' see A Glass of Blessings.
- 'Lines written to a Dear Young Friend on his Nineteenth Birthday'. Manuscript poem, 1938
- 'Lines written to Harlorin'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- 'The Love of a Good Woman'. Manuscript short story, n.d.
- 'The Lumber Room'. Manuscript short story, 1938
- 'The Magic Diamond'. Manuscript draft of opera with related photographs, 1922
- 'Midland Bank: a poem...'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- 'Mothers and Fathers'. Typescript short story with manuscript annotations, n.d.
- 'My Britain: A Year in West Oxfordshire'. Manuscript and typescript essay with related correspondence, 1979
- Never No More. Correspondence relating to Pym's abridgement for radio of Maura Laverty's novel, 1950
- No Fond Return of Love. Manuscript drafts of novel with notes, cyclostyled script for radio, related correspondence and publisher's agreement, 1957-60
- 'The Novelist's Use of Every Day Life'. Typescript and manuscript talk given in Barnes, 1950s
- 'The Novelist's Voice'. Transcript of radio broadcast with manuscript notes, n.d.
- 'An Object of Virtue' see The Sweet Dove Died.
- 'Off the Record'. Transcript of a talk [for radio?], n.d.
- 'Only a Novel: Some Personal Reflections'. Typescript essay for The Times, 1978
- 'A Painted Heart'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Parrot's Eggs: An Anthropological Comedy'. Transcript of play for radio, with related correspondence, 1949
- 'The Pilgrimage'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- Places, see 'My Britain: A Year in West Oxfordshire'.
- Poems. Manuscript and typescript, 1931-73
- 'Poor Mildred'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- Quartet in Autumn. Manuscript and typescript drafts and fair copies of novel, with notes and related correspondence, 1973-9
- Radio broadcasts. Cyclostyled and typescript transcripts, audio tape recording and manuscript notes, 1949-84
- 'The Rectory'. Typescript play for radio, n.d.
- 'The Rich Man in His Castle'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'A Romance of Long Ago'. Manuscript notes for short story, n.d.
- Romantic Novelists Association. Typescript of talk to, 1978
- 'The Sad Story of Alphonse. A Warning to Would Be Poets'. Manuscript short story, 1930
- 'Satire...Concerning a few of my acquaintances'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- She. Typescript abridgement for radio by Barbara Pym of Rider Haggard's novel, with related correspondence, 1950, n.d.
- Short Stories. Papers relating to, 1930-79
- 'A Sister's Love'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- Some Tame Gazelle. Manuscript and typescript drafts and fair copies of novel, with manuscript notes and related correspondence, 1934-63
- 'Something to Remember'. Manuscript short story with notes, 1940, n.d.
- 'Something to Remember'. Transcript of a radio play with related correspondence, 1949-50
- 'So, Some Tempestuous Morn'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'So Very Secret: A Spy Novel'. Manuscript of short story, 1941
- 'Sonnet written To a Dear Young Friend...'. Manuscript poem, 1938
- 'A Story About Two Spinsters Who Gave an Exhibition...'. Manuscript short story, n.d.
- 'Story for the Church Times', see 'The Christmas Visit'.
- The Sweet Dove Died. Typescript drafts and fair copies of novel, with manuscript notes and related correspondence, 1968-79
- 'The T. of M.', see 'Creatures of Habit'.
- 'The Table'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'A Table Too Near the Band', see 'Something to Remember'.
- 'Tablet on the Wall', see 'The Lumber Room'.
- 'Tame Donkey: A sequel to Midland Bank...'. Manuscript poem, 1931
- 'Tarriff of Malpractice' see 'Creatures of Habit'.
- 'A Thankless Task', see No Fond Return of Love.
- 'They Never Write'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Time Sequel'. Manuscript notes for a short story, n.d.
- 'To Lindley MacNaghten Fraser'. Manuscript poem, 1932
- 'Too Many Mothers', see 'Creatures of Habit'.
- 'Trivial Rounds and Common Tasks'. Manuscript short story, n.d.
- 'The Unfinished Flower'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Unpast Alps'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- An Unsuitable Attachment. Manuscript and typescript drafts of novel, with notes and related correspondence, 1963-6
- 'The Unusual Ornament'. Typescript short story, n.d.
- 'Ups and Downs of a Writer's Life'. Typescript of talk to Senior Wives Fellowship, United Reform Church, Headington, Oxford, with manuscript annotations, 1978
- 'The Vicarage'. Correspondence relating to Pym's dramatised script for radio, 1955-6
- 'A Wedge of Misery'. Manuscript short story, n.d.
- 'The White Elephant'. Typescript short story, 1949
- 'The World of Barbara Pym'. Audio cassette of a radio broadcast, 1984
- 'Wrapped in Lemon Leaves' see An Unsuitable Attachment.
- 'Young Men in Fancy Dress'. Manuscript short story, 1929-30
- Papers
- PYM (Frederic Crampton)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-66
- PYM (Hilary), see WALTON (Hilary)
- REWHORN (Margaret)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977-9
- RIDER HAGGARD (Sir Henry), see HAGGARD (Sir Henry Rider)
- ROBERTS (Freda)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1965
- ROBERTS (Richard Campbell)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1962-78, n.d., with opera and ballet programmes, 1964-5
- ROBYNS (Gwen)
- Letter to Barbara Pym and related correspondence, n.d.
- ROGERS (Lucy)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, with related material, 1974-9, n.d.
- Typescript of talk by Barbara Pym, 1978
- ROOKE (Eleanor W.)
- Letter and job reference for Barbara Pym, 1934, 1950
- ROTA (Anthony Bertram) 1932-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1978
- ROUTLEDGE (Walter Care)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1959
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- RUSSELL (Elizabeth A.C.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- SAMUEL (Betty)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- SAWYER (Nancy)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- SELWAY (Sir Anthony Dunkerton) 1909-84
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- SELWAY (Brenda)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- SENIOR WIVES FELLOWHIP, OXFORD, see OXFORD university, Senior Wives Fellowship
- Summary of a thesis concerning Barbara Pym's novels and their translation into Italian, n.d.
- SHAW (Patricia)
- 'Barbara Pym, The Jane Austen of Our Day', Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, no. 17, Nov. 1988
- 'The View in Winter: The Theme of Old Age in Contemporary English Fiction', Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, no. 5, Nov, 1982
- SMITH (Eleanor E.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- SMITH (Philip)
- Letters to and talk on Barbara Pym, 1977
- SMITH (Robert Sidney) 1919-
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, with related material, 1952-79, n.d.
- Reference for the priesthood by Barbara Pym, 1968
- Typescript of 'How Pleasant to Know Miss Pym', 1970
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- STURGES (Florence M.)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979, with F. Sturges, Elizabeth Coatsworth Beston (1978)
- Issue 52, Winter 1978, includes an article on Barbara Pym by Dorothea Abbott
- TAIT (Marjorie)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1963
- TALBURT (Nancy Ellen Brown)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- TAYLOR (Beatrice)
- Letters from Barbara Pym, 1975-6
- TAYLOR (Elizabeth) 1912-75
- Letters concerning, 1978-9
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1951-68, n.d.
- TELFORD (Jean)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1953
- THOMAS (Lulu)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977, n.d.
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- TILL (J. Roger)
- Letters to Barbara Pym from Roger and Margaret Till, 1976-9, with poems and other works by Roger Till, 1945-87
- TILL (Margaret)
- Typescript, 'Remembering Barbara Pym', 1987
- TIMES, The
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1977-8
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- TIRUMALAI (Candadai K.)
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1979
- TODD (Herbert Eatton) 1908-88
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- TOULSON (Shirley)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978
- TUCKER (Archibald Norman) 1904-80
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- VAL BAKER (Denys), see BAKER (Denys Val)
- VINES (Joy R.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1978-9
- WALK (Peggy)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1977
- WALL (Barbara)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1979
- WALLACE (Philip Adrian Hope), see HOPE-WALLACE (Philip Adrian)
- WALSH (Joanna)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- WALSH (Trixie)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1978
- WALTON (Alexander Crawford Wellesley)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- WALTON (Hilary)
- Card catalogue of Barbara Pym's Library, 1981, and photocopy of the same, 1986
- MSS. Pym 175-175*
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1971-8
- Card catalogue of Barbara Pym's Library, 1981, and photocopy of the same, 1986
- WEBB (William L.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1979, with an essay on George Macdonald, n.d.
- WEIR (Margaret McCook), see McCOOK-WEIR (Margaret)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1952
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1951
- WHITELOCK (Dorothy) 1901-82
- Job reference for Barbara Pym, [1934], with letter to Barbara Pym, n.d.
- WIGNALL (Anne) 1912-
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1956
- WILLIAMS (Catherine R.)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1979
- WINN (Godfrey Herbert) 1908-71
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1950
- Letters to and from Barbara Pym, 1949-52
- WORTH (Joy)
- Letter to Barbara Pym, 1977
- WYATT (Honor)
- Letters to Barbara Pym, 1950-78, n.d.
- End of index