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Notebook relating to the estate of Edward Micklem (d. 1861) of Hyde Park Place, London, formerly of Oxford, brewer, n.d. (watermark 1810)

 Single Item
MS. Eng. d. 2425
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

(fols. 121-227) are blank, includes:

  1. (fols. 5-25) copies of leases of public houses in Oxford and Marston owned by Micklem, possibly in his hand
  2. (fols. 25v-120) copy abstracts of title and schedules of deeds, 1597-1871, to properties mainly in Oxfordshire (including public houses in Oxford, Horspath, Marston and Woodstock) and Berkshire, with notes on security of title in respect of a potential sale of the estate compiled by Micklem's cousin and heir, Edward Micklem of Reading, 1862-71
  3. (fols. 1v-4) a list of contents


  • Creation: n.d.


227 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Eng. d. 2425, fols. 1-2].

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MS. Eng. d. 2425

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 13116


Notebook relating to the estate of Edward Micklem (d. 1861) of Hyde Park Place, London, formerly of Oxford, brewer, n.d. (watermark)

Biographical / Historical

Micklem | Edward | d 1861 | brewer of Hyde Park Place, London

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Given by W. St. Clair, 1991.

Physical Facet

Binding: vellum binding. Pages watermarked 1810.

Notebook relating to the estate of Edward Micklem (d. 1861) of Hyde Park Place, London, formerly of Oxford, brewer, n.d. (watermark 1810)
EAD version 2018
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom