Microfilm of Shrewsbury School (12th century) Gradual
The Sanctorale, as originally written, contained only one English saint, Milburga (23 Feb). The Translation of Augustine of Hippo is at 11 Oct and the Feast of Relics at 8 Aug as in the late twelfth century calendar of MS. Harley 2905. Additions to the Sanctorale, mainly of the fourteenth century, include offices for the West of England saints Ethelbert, Wulfhad, and Thomas of Hereford (20 May, 24 Jul, 2 Oct) and for the Translation of St Winefred (18 Sep: cf. the martyrology in Bodleian MS. Rawlinson D.1225, from St. Chad’s Shrewsbury); also for St. Edward King and Martyr, St Alban, the Translation of St. Thomas of Canterbury, St. Oswald, King and Martyr, the Translation of St. Cuthbert, and St Frideswide (18 Mar, 22 Jun, 7 Jul, 5 Aug, 4 Sep, 19 Oct). Much earlier s.xii ex., St Thomas of Canterbury was added to the Temporale (f.11v, 29 Dec), which also contains, as a fourteenth century addition, a ‘missa matutinalis de S. Thoma’ opposite the office for Epiphany (f.13). Rubrics in the original text and among the additions envisage an abbot as head of the community, e.g. f.57v, ‘Si abbas dicat missam…’.
A 12th century gradual of Augustinian use, consisting of Temporale (ff.1-101), Sanctorale (ff.101-120), Commune Sanctorum (ff.120-139), and ‘Officium pro defunctis’ (ff.139v-142), all with music on a four-line stave in red.
Late twelfth century additions, with music, fill the originally blank pages 142v-144v at the end of quire 18:
- f.142v, a sequence for the Common of apostles, alleluia nunc decantet (Rep. Hymn, no. 815);
- f.143v, forms of service ‘In dedicatione’;
- f.144v, the sequence Benedicta sit beata trinitas (Rep. Hymn, no. 2435).
The rest of the manuscript was added in s.xiv:
- ff.145-155 (quires 19, 20), Kyries and settings of Gloria in excelsis, sanctus and Agnus Dei, followed in the space left blank on ff.154v-155v by added Kyries ‘In cathedra sancti Petri’ (22 Feb), ‘In festo sancte Milburge virg’ (23 Feb) and ‘in festo sancti Mathei apostoli’ (24 Feb), and by sequences Flore vernans virginali: (St. John Evangelist: Rep. Hymn, no.6379) and Deus pater filium misit in exilum mortem pati (not in Rep. Hymn).
- ff.156-170v, Twenty sequences, with music, probably in one hand; (Salus eterna, Regnantem sempiterna, Qui regis sceptra (Advent: Rep. Hymn, nos.17777, 17240, 16496), Nato canunt omnia, Sonent regi nato, Christi hodierna (Christmas: Rep. Hymn, nos. 11890, 19215, 3065), Magnus deus (Stephen: Rep. Hymn, no. 11032), Celsa pueri (Innocents: Rep. Hymn, no.2747), Eya recolamus (Circumcision: Rep. Hymn, no.5323), Epiphaniam domino (Epiphany: Rep Hymn., no. 5497), Claris vocibus (Purification: Rep. Hymn, no.3356) Psallat ecclesia (‘In dedicacione ecclesie’: Rep. Hymn, no.15712), Fulgens preclara, Victime paschali, Prome casta concio cantica, Hec est sancta solennitas, Concinat orbis, Dic nobis, Psalle lirica (Easter and Easter week: Rep. Hymn, nos. 6601, 21505, 15601, 7610, 3714, 4567, 15744), Salve crux sancta (Invention of the Cross: Rep. Hymn, no.17872).
- ff.171-175 Miscellaneous sequences, etc., with music, in several hands:
- f.171 Salutoris in honorem (St. Thomas of canterbury: Rep. Hymn, no.17819);
- f.171v the Proper for Corpus Christi, introit Cibauit eos, grail Oculi omnium, offertory Sacerdotes incensum, sequence Lauda syon (Rep. Hymn, no.10222);
- f.173 Quicumque vult saluus esse (Rep. Hymn, no.16567);
- f.173v Deum trinum adoremus (Rep. Hymn, no.25403);
- f.174v Diligenter recolatur doctoris memoria per quem nobis norma datur uiuendi cum gloria (St. Augustine of Hippo);
- f.174v Spirat odor in odorem virtus veri balsami (St. John Evangelist);
- f.175 Magni patri augustiniritu cultus sub diuini (St. Augustine of Hippo);
- f.175v in honore summi regis gaudeat ecclesia (St. Augustine of Hippo);
- f.175v Dulce fraglans (sic) in odorem floruit amigdalus (Ascension).
These last five sequences are not in Rep. Hymn.
An endleaf, f.176, formerly a pastedown, is from an early fifteenth century Processional, containing part of the Advent service, as in Processional Sarum, ed. 1882, pp.5-6.
Ff.iii + 175 +iv. For f.176 see above. 10.3 x 7 inches. Written space c.7.6 x 5 inches. Twelve long lines spaced for music on a four-line stave (ff.1-141). Collation: 1-68 710 wants 6 after f.53 8-168 174 + three leaves (ff.128-130) before 1 1812 wants 11, 12, probably blank, after f.144 198 20 three (ff.153-5) 218 2212. Ff.1-142 are in a good large hand with a slight backward slope. Initials alternatively red and green, often with ornament of other colour. The large A of Ad to leuaui (f.1) contains also blue and the large P of Puer natus est (f.9v) also blue and brown. The large R of Resurrexi (f.63) has been cut out, together with smaller initials on ff.75 and 106. Wavy line fillers alternatively red and green.
The date of the material is Twelfth century, probably third quarter (ff.1-142), and fourteenth century (ff.145-175).
- Creation: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
1 item
Language of Materials
- Undetermined
Preferred Citation
Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Film 1408].
MS. Film 1408
Collection ID (for staff)
CMD ID 23293
Microfilm of Shrewsbury School (12th century) Gradual
Biographical / Historical
Microfilm of material written in England for Augustinian use. Belonged in the fourteenth century to a West of England Augustinian abbey and perhaps to Haughmond Abbey, near Shrewsbury, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist (cf.above, ff.155, 174v). Names were scribbled in the margins, s.xvi: f.161v Davit Barker, Thomas Golmyll (?); f.162 Ricardus Twyford, Johannes Payn; f.176 Adamus Evans. Probably the ‘booke perteining to musicke written in parchment leaves in quarto’ bought with school money in 1606.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Acquisition information not recorded at the time of cataloguing.
- Title
- Microfilm of Shrewsbury School (12th century) Gradual
- Status
- Published
- Author
- EAD version 2023 by Miranda Scarlata
- Date
- EAD version 2023
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom