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List of plaster casts, entitled: ‘Catalogo di numero 321 impronte in stucco antiche, scelte dalla collezione di Bartolomeo Paoletti, e Pietro figlio, contenente 4000 e più soggetti’

 Single Item
MS. Ital. e.17
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

The end of fol. 8 has a note: Si fanno in Roma da Bartolomeo Paoletti, e Pietro figlio, dimoranti di studio in Piazza di Spagna numero 49. 19th cent. There is a leaf with items 41-85 is missing after fol. 2.

  1. Fol. 1: ‘John Dennis’;
  2. Fol. 9v: ‘Lt. Colonel Gore, No. 63, Via di Corso, secondo piano’ and declaration, 26 Aug. 1840, whereby J. Dennis, B.A. ‘S.C.L.’, assigns ‘the collection of cameos, busts, and other casts’ to Samuel Dennis, of Co. Dorset, gent. Witnessed by C.W. King, B.A., Trin.Coll.Cam.


  • Creation: 19th Century


9 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Italian

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries MS. Ital. e.17

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MS. Ital. e.17

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 22635


List of plaster casts, entitled: ‘Catalogo di numero 321 impronte in stucco antiche, scelte dalla collezione di Bartolomeo Paoletti, e Pietro figlio, contenente 4000 e più soggetti’

Biographical / Historical

No biographical information is known.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Bought in 1977.

EAD version 2023 by Miranda Scarlata
EAD version 2023
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom