A collection of letters predominantly written to Hugh Marshall Hole from Rhodesia and South Africa with his notes on the writers and the significance of the letters. Comprising:
File 1: 'A collection of fifty or so original letters, selected from a large number which I put aside from time to time during my long connection with Rhodesia. While some of them are of a personal nature most will be found to have some bearing on the story of the development of Southern and Northern Rhodesia. A few, however, have been kept chiefly on account of the autograph signatures. H. Marshall Hole, Oct 1935'
- 1. Sir Charles Dilke, MP, Woking, to Rochfort Maguire concerning attempts by radical Liberals to obtain a contribution to their funds from Cecil Rhodes, 24 Oct 1890.
- There is no item 2.
- 3. Lobengula, King of the Matabele, to Dr Jameson, [Nov 1893]. Written and signed on behalf of Lobengula by his confidential secretary, John Jacobs, the letter is said to be the last communication from Lobengula before his death.
- 3a. Cecil Bayley, London, concerning the Lobengula letter which he sold to Hole, 23 Dec 1919.
- 4. Sir Henry Brougham Loch to Dr Jameson, concerning the administration of Matabeleland following its occupation, 27 Jul 1894.
- 5. Frederick Courtenay Selous, Bulawayo, to A.H.F. Duncan, reporting on provision wagons which he has brought from Mangwe, 4 Apr 1896.
- 6. Colonel Frank Rhodes to Dr Jameson from Pretoria Gaol after the Jameson Raid, 16 May 1896.
- 7. Earl Grey, Salisbury, Rhodesia, concerning a report on disturbances in Rhodesia, 2 May 1897.
- 8. Earl Grey, Howick, Northumberland, concerning a memoir on the life of Hubert Hervey, 23 Dec 1897.
- 10. Sir Thomas Scanlen, Mashonaland, criticising the regulations drafted by the newly created Municipal Council of Bulawayo, 31 Mar 1899.
- 11. Dr Carl Friedrich Peters, Umtali, to H.C. Carstens [H.H. Castens?], arranging to visit Carstens, 13 Oct 1899.
- 12. General Sir Frederick Carrington reporting that he is departing for Mafeking [shortly after its relief, May 1900].
- 13. Sir Arthur Lawley, Market Harborough, writing after his promotion from Administrator of Matabeleland to Lieutenant-Governor of Transvaal, 11 Jan 1901.
- 14. Earl Grey, Howick, Northumberland, concerning a report on the Bulawayo Public Library, 29 May 1901.
- 15. Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, Bloemfontein, introducing General Crowther who will be visiting Rhodesia, 21 Nov 1901.
- 16. Colonel Frank Rhodes enclosing a telegram to Dr Jameson following the funeral of Cecil Rhodes, 11 Apr 1902.
- 17. Lieutenant-Colonel William Bodle reporting on the signing of peace terms with the Boer Republics at Vereeniging, 1 Jun 1902.
- 18. Lady Sarah Wilson writing while travelling in Northern Rhodesia, [1903].
- 19. Sir William Henry Milton, Administrator of Southern Rhodesia, 24 Jul 1903.
- 20. Lady Sarah Wilson writing from Groote Schuur, 28 Jul [1903].
- 21. Sir Marshal Clarke, Resident Commissioner of Southern Rhodesia, 10 Sep 1903.
- 22. Lewanika, King of Barotseland, reporting that he has chosen a chief to succeed Kakengi, 5 Jan 1904. Written by Lewanika's secretary, Kuaate, and signed by Lewanika and his interpreter, Isi Gambai.
- 23. Archibald Ross Colquhoun thanking Hole for his visit, [1904].
- 24. Leander Starr Jameson. One letter to R. Garlick, 18 [May] 1898, concerning payments and one to Hole, 5 Jul 1904, introducing J.H. Schoeman of the Cape Parliament.
- 25. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts written during a visit to Rhodesia, 21 Sep 1904.
- 26. Alfred Beit - letter missing.
- 27. Sir Thomas Scanlen, 20 Oct 1905, concerning Courtenay Shippard.
- 28. W.T. Stead to the editor of The Chronicle (Bulawayo) sending a copy of his book, 10 May 1906.
- 29. Captain Archibald Rice Cameron, Military Secretary to the Governor of Cape Colony, 20 May [1906].
- 30. Professor David Randall MacIver while on a British Association visit to Rhodesia, [1906].
- 31. Sir Lewis Michell concerning the Bulawayo hostel for women settlers, 25 Sep 1906.
- 32. Sir Lewis Michell concerning the unsatisfactory finances of North West Rhodesia, 14 May 1907.
- 33. The Duke of Abercorn introducing Sir William and Lady Plowden before their visit to Rhodesia, 4 Jan 1908.
- 34. Sir Alfred Sharpe, Governor of Nyasaland, following Hole's visit there, 12 Oct 1909.
- 35. Sir Alfred Sharpe introducing Captain Brown of the Central African Lakes Syndicate, 29 Jun 1912.
- 36. Sir Percy FitzPatrick advising against Southern Rhodesia entering the Union of South Africa, 14 Nov 1912.
- 37. Violet Markham requesting assistance during her travels in Rhodesia, 22 Nov 1912.
- 38. Rochfort Maguire, director of the British South Africa Company, concerning the Livingstone centenary memorial meeting, 19 Mar 1913.
- 39. Sir Francis Newton, Cape Town, discussing whether Rhodesia should join the Union or not, 8 Mar 1919.
- 40. Rochfort Maguire mentioning a book by John Harris of the Aborigines Protection Society, 19 Aug 1920.
- 41. Henry Wilson-Fox, 28 Aug 1920, with tributes to Wilson-Fox in The African World following his death in Nov 1921.
- 42. Dougal Orme Malcolm, director of the British South Africa Company, London, concerning John Harris's book criticising the Company, 27 Sep 1920.
- 43. Philip Lyttelton Gell, London, on his appointment as President of the British South Africa Company, 23 Oct 1920.
- 44. Sir Charles Metcalfe, London, outlining negotiations between Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Colony Government about constructing a railway north from Kimberley, 31 May and 1 Jun 1921.
- 45. Sir William Henry Milton, Karlsbad, mentioning farms set out along the Gwaai River for volunteers, 21 Jun 1921.
- 46. Sir Henry Birchenough, Royat, France, discussing the Southern Rhodesia referendum on self-government or joining the Union of South Africa, 7 Sep 1921.
- 47. Sir Robert Thorne Coryndon, Kenya, on his unfavourable impressions of Kenya where he had become Governor, 18 Oct 1922. With obituaries of Coryndon from The Morning Post and South Africa, Feb 1925.
- 48. Rochfort Maguire, concerning an article on Rhodesia which Hole had written, 12 Sep 1923.
- 49. Sir Charles Coghlan, Rhodesia, following his appointment as Premier of Southern Rhodesia and recalling his long friendship with Hole, 26 Oct 1923.
- 50. Sir Lewis Michell, Cape Town, on his hopes for Southern Rhodesia, 22 Jul 1926.
- 51. Sir Robert Williams, London, inviting Hole to lunch with Paramount Chief Yeta III (son of Lewanika), 28 May 1937.
- 52. Marquess of Lothian, Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, London, discussing a possible film of Cecil Rhodes' life, 28 Jul 1933.
- 53. Dougal Orme Malcolm, London, concerning the fiftieth anniversary of the British South Africa Company, 31 Oct 1939.
File 2: 'A collection of about fifty autograph letters from more or less well known people, arranged in order of date.
The first five were addressed to my father, Charles Marshall Hole; most of the remainder to myself.'
Hugh Marshall Hole
- 1. Edward Adolphus, 12th Duke of Somerset, London, concerning a memorial to Lord Palmerston, 2 Dec 1865.
- 2. Sir John Bowring, concerning a memorial to Lord Palmerston, 9 Dec 1865.
- 3. Roundell Palmer, London, concerning a memorial to Lord Palmerston, 29 Dec 1865.
- 4. George Grossmith, London, concerning putting on "Sketches of Life & Character" at Tiverton, 13 Mar [c.1866].
- 5. Sir Harry Wilson, secretary to Joseph Chamberlain, commenting on Hugh Marshall Hole's description of the rebellion in Salisbury, Rhodesia, 2 Nov 1896.
- 6. Earl Grey, York, arranging a meeting with Hole in London, 30 Sep 1897.
- 7. Earl of Hopetoun, London, to Arthur Lawley, introducing John Marshall, 16 May 1898.
- 8. E.B. Iwan Müller, editor of the Daily Telegraph, London, inviting Hole to lunch, 28 Sep 1898.
- 9. Professor D.H. Müller, Vienna, discussing a stone with carved figures and inscription in Himyaritic characters discovered by Hole in Southern Arabia, 12 Feb 1903. In German.
- 10. Lord Roberts, Bloemfontein, returning a map to Hole after a visit to Rhodesia, 12 Oct 1904.
- 11. Thomas Allnutt Brassey, Battle, Sussex, concerning donations to an appeal, 29 Oct 1904.
- 12. Sir Gilbert Parker, Kimberley, thanking Hole following a visit to Bulawayo, 10 [Nov?] 1904.
- 13. Charles Howard, Viscount Morpeth, Penrith, acknowledging the receipt of a cheque, 27 Dec 1904.
- 14. Sir Lewis Michell, Kimberley, concerning rearrangements in De Beers' London office, 17 Feb 1905.
- 15. Arthur Lawley, at sea, on departing from the post of Lieutenant-Governor of the Transvaal, 7 Dec 1905.
- 16. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, Grand Master of English Freemasons, thanking the Rhodesian lodges for the address they had presented, 26 Feb 1906. Telegram from Pietermaritzburg.
- 17. Fabian Ware, editor of the Morning Post, London, arranging a meeting, 28 Nov 1906.
- 18. Sir Lewis Michell inviting Hole and his wife to dinner, [1906].
- 19. General J.C. Smuts, thanking Hole for his visit to Rhodesia, 18 Sep 1907. Telegram from Bulawayo.
- 20. Leander Starr Jameson, Bulawayo, to Mrs Hole, apologising for not having seen her, [1907].
- 21. Lord Windsor, Bulawayo, inviting Hole and his wife to dine with Lord Selborne, 21 Oct 1907.
- 22. Sir Alfred Sharpe arranging to meet Hole and Bourchier Wrey who had just arrived at Blantyre, [Aug 1909].
- 23. Lord Fortescue to Charles Marshall Hole, concerning a portrait of Fortescue, 15 Nov 1909.
- 24. Sir Robert Coryndon, Entebbe, relaying that he will be in England around Christmas, 24 Nov 1919.
- 25. Sir Herbert Morgan, London, concerning a campaign to encourage emigration to Rhodesia, 8 Dec 1919.
- 26. Sir Robert Coryndon, London, bemoaning the cost of living in England, 20 Jan 1920.
- 27. Philip Lyttelton Gell, Devon, concerning the Chartered Company and British interests, 31 Dec 1920.
- 28. Henry Wilson Fox, Royal les Bains, France, describing his improved health, 5 Jun 1921.
- 29. Lord Charnwood, London, inviting Hole to lunch to meet Basil Williams, 29 Jun 1921.
- 30. Sir Charles Hanson, London, suggesting a meeting, 4 Oct 1921.
- There is no item 31.
- 32. Dr Frederic Hicks Beaven, Bishop of Southern Rhodesia, on his resignation from the bishopric, 19 Nov 1924.
- 33. Sir Francis Newton, London, regretting having missined a lecture given by Hole, 24 Mar 1925.
- 34. Sir Henry Birchenough, Bournemouth, concerning Chartered Company matters, 15 Apr 1925.
- 35. The Duke of Abercorn, London, concerning an order for otter skins, 5 May 1925.
- 36. The Duke of Abercorn, London, concerning employment in Rhodesia for a young man, 6 Aug 1925.
- 37. Sir Francis Fox, London, thanking Hole for hospitality, 19 Sep 1925.
- 38. General Sir Andrew Russell, London, regretting not having seen Hole before departing, 1 Nov 1925.
- 40. Lord Plumer, Jerusalem, sending a subscription to a memorial in Rhodesia for General Bodle, 29 Nov 1925.
- 41. Sir Charles Coghlan, Southern Rhodesia, responding to Hole's letter of congratulations on his K.C.M.G, 2 Feb [1926].
- 42. M. Levidis, London, thanking Hole on behalf of the King of Greece for the copy of his book, The Making of Rhodesia, 23 Jul 1926.
- 43. Sir Godfrey Thomas, London, thanking Hole on behalf of the Prince of Wales for the offer of a copy of his book, The Making of Rhodesia, 29 Jul 1926.
- 44. Sir Godfrey Thomas, London, acknowledging the receipt of the book on behalf of the Prince of Wales, 6 Aug 1926.
- 45. Howard Unwin Moffat, Southern Rhodesia, offering to meet a friend of Hole's, 10 Sep 1927.
- 46. Sir Francis Newton, Epsom, acknowledging a letter from Hole, 15 Oct [1930].
- 47. Godfrey Martin Huggins, Southern Rhodesia, concerning Hole's collection of books and documents relating to the history of Rhodesia, 29 Mar 1934.
- 48. General Sir Ian Hamilton, London, thanking Hole for some information about Cecil Rhodes, 6 Jun 1934.
- 49. Autograph of Leander Starr Jameson, n.d.
- 50. Autograph of Field Marshall Lord Haig, n.d.
- 51. John Waller Hills, London, replying to Hole's request to raise the protection of British coastal shipping in the House of Commons, 16 Nov 1931.
- 52. Philip Kerr, Lord Lothian, London, thanking Hole for a copy of his book, 11 Oct 1928.
- Creation: 1865-1939
1 box
Language of Materials
- English
- German
Preferred Citation
Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. 5475, item 1].
MS. 5475
Collection ID (for staff)
CMD ID 5475
Letters from influential individuals, predominantly written to Hugh Marshall Hole, which trace the development of Southern and Northern Rhodesia, 1865-1939.
Biographical / Historical
Hugh Marshall Hole was born in 1865 and educated at Blundell's School and Balliol College, Oxford. He went out to South Africa in 1889 and the following year became the first clerk of the British South Africa Company. In 1891 he became secretary to Leander Starr Jameson, the Administrator of Mashonaland, and later served as Civil Commissioner of Bulawayo and Acting Administrator of North West Rhodesia.
During World War I Hole served in the Norfolk Regiment and rejoined the British South Africa Company in London after the war. He died in 1941.
Hugh Marshall Hole's arrangement and numbering of the letters has been retained.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Purchased by the Bodleian Library from Christie's in 1999.
- Title
- Catalogue of Letters to Hugh Marshall Hole relating to Rhodesia
- Status
- Published
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by Lucy McCann
- Date
- 2022
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom