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Lecture notes, 1932-1970

MS. Eng. misc. b. 156
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request


  1. (fols. 1-149) 'Honour Schools. Neuroendocrinology', 1964-1970 [CSAC 4/73/122]
  2. (fols. 150-369) 'Reproduction', shorter lectures, addresses and speeches (short title only; a detailed list is given on each folder), Hilary 1970 [CSAC 4/73/123]

(fols. 370-502) manuscript lecture notes, 1932-1948 [CSAC 4/73/124], comprising:

  1. (fols. 370-486) course of lectures mainly on neurosurgery and history of medicine, with related offprints [1932-48]
  2. (fols. 487-8) 'The control of our glands', Clare College, Cambridge, Feb 1948
  3. (fols. 489-92) 'The leader of the endocrine orchestra', n.d.
  4. (fols. 493-502) 'The pituitary gland in clinical medicine', Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Medical Society, 22 Nov 1948

(fols. 503-547) manuscript lecture notes, 1950-1951 [CSAC 4/73/125], comprising:

  1. (fols. 503-4) folder with notes
  2. (fols. 505-6) 'Neural control of pituitary gland', Veterans' Hospital, Los Angeles, 16 Feb 1950
  3. (fol. 507) untitled lecture notes, Chapel Hill, State University of North Carolina, 19 Nov 1951
  4. (fols. 508-21) 'Factors regulating the secretion of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone by the anterior pituitary gland', typescript lecture given to an unidentified conference, c.1950
  5. (fols. 523-6) 'Neural regualtion of A.C.T.H. secretion by the anterior pituitary gland', British Medical Association, Liverpool, 19 Jul 1950, typescript lecture with manuscript notes
  6. (fols. 527-8) 'Lecture on neural regulation of post[erior] pituitary', Salt Lake City, 2 Mar 1950
  7. (fols. 529-34) '3 1hr lectures', n.d.
  8. (fol. 535) 'Hypothalmic control of the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone', G.W. Harris and J. de Groot, Fed. Soc. meeting, Atlantic City, 17-21 Apr [1950], typescript notes
  9. (fols. 536-47) pen-and-ink drawings of sections of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and hypophysis in dogs, rabbits, rats and humans, n.d.

(fols. 548-610) manuscript lecture notes, 1952-1954 [CSAC 4/73/126], comprising:

  1. (fols. 548-51) manila folder annotated with list of lectures given
  2. (fol. 552) summary notes for a lecture, n.d.
  3. (fol. 553) rough diagrams for lecture to Electroencephalography Society, Cambridge, 4 Oct 1952
  4. (fols. 554-6) 'The hypothalamus and pituitary in clinical medicine', Kings College Hospital, 26 Jan 1953
  5. (fols. 557-9) untitled lecture notes, Runwell Hospital, Wickford, 5 Feb 1953
  6. (fol. 560) 'Emotional stress and the endocrine glands', Royal Medico-Psychological Association, Maudsley Hospital, 11 Feb 1953
  7. (fols. 561-2) 'Thyroid activity and the rabbit', joint symposium of Royal Society of Medicine and Society for Endocrinology, 25 Feb 1953
  8. (fol. 563) 'Emotional stress and thyroid activity', Maudsley Hospital, 28 Mar 1953
  9. (fol. 564) part of unidentified lecture notes
  10. (fols. 565-6) 'The adrenal gland and thyroid activity', AGM of the Endocrinological Society, 23 Apr 1953
  11. (fols. 567-9) K. Brown-Grant, C. von Euler, C.W. Harris, S. Reichlin, 'The Adrenal Gland and Thyroid Activity', Department of Neuroendocrinology, Maudsley Hospital, typescript paper, [c.1953]
  12. (fol. 570) 'Emotional and reflex activation of the posterior pituitary gland', Maudsley Hospital, 18 Jul 1953
  13. (fols. 571-90) 'Lectures in Canada & U.S.A. Sep Oct 1953', exercise book with manuscript notes for a number of lectures; list of venues at front (fol. 572)
  14. (fols. 591-2) 'The influence of the nervous system and adrenal gland on thyroid activity', Montreal Congress, 1953, typescript abstract
  15. (fols. 593-4) 'Neurogenic factors in the regulation of pituitary secretion', Allan Memorial Institute, [Montreal], 2 Sep 1953
  16. (fol. 595) 'The influence of the nervous system and adrenal gland on thyroid activity', International Physiological Congress, Montreal, 3 Sep 1953
  17. (fols. 596-7) 'The influence of the nervous system and adrenal gland on thyroid activity', Reticular Formation, Neurological Society, UCLA, 6 Oct 1953
  18. (fols. 598-600) 'Neural control of the pituitary gland', UCLA, 7 Oct 1953
  19. (fol. 601) 'The control of anterior pituitary activity', delivered at UC San Francisco 12 Oct 1953, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis 15 Oct 1953 and McGill University 19 Oct 1953
  20. (fols. 602-4) 'The first mediator of the response to stress', Montreal University, 17 Oct 1953
  21. (fol. 605) 'Hypothalamus-pituitary interrelationships', Fellows Club, Neurological Institute, McGill University, 20 Oct 1953
  22. (fols. 606-10) three lectures delivered at St. Mary's Hospital: 'Posterior Pituitary', 19 Jan 1954; 'Anterior Pituitary', 21 Jan 1954; 'Anterior Pituitary', 22 Jan 1954

(fols. 611-841) 'Lectures given as Visiting Professor, Berkeley', 1954 [CSAC 4/73/127], comprising manuscript notes:

  1. (fols. 611-656) four lectures, pages numbered consecutively, 1-44: 'Blood', 27 Sep 1954; 'Red blood corpuscles', 29 Sep 1954; 'Manophagus of blood', 1 Oct 1954; 'Haemopoiesis', 4 Oct 1954
  2. (fols. 657-66) notes for lectures on blood, n.d.
  3. (fols. 667-80) 'Nerve cells', 3 Nov 1954
  4. (fols. 681-97) 'Nerve fibres', 5 Nov 1954
  5. (fols. 698-710) 'Nerve degeneration and regeneration', 8 Nov 1954
  6. (fols. 711-21) 'The heart', 25 Oct 1954
  7. (fol. 722) bibliography for heart lecture
  8. (fols. 723-35) cardiac system in mammals, n.d.
  9. (fols. 736-9) outline lecture notes for the vascular system, n.d.
  10. (fols. 740-8) 'Vascular system', 27 Oct 1954
  11. (fols. 749-61) 'Lymphatic tissue', 29 Oct 1954
  12. (fols. 762-75) 'Spleen', 1 Nov 1954
  13. (fols. 776-90) 'The intestine', 21 Nov 1954
  14. (fols. 791-800) 'Pancreas', 26 Nov 1954
  15. (fols. 801-16) 'Testis', 6 Dec 1954
  16. (fols. 817-28) 'Uterus', 13 Dec 1954
  17. (fols. 829-41) 'The adrenal glands', n.d.


  • Creation: 1932-1970


841 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Eng. misc. b. 156

Former reference:

CSAC 4/73/122-127

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom