Home Affairs briefs, 1978-1985
1. CRD/B/16/5 - Home Affairs briefs, 1978-1981:
- HAC(78)1 Law and Order, 24/02/1978 [Author: NET/JM]
- Independent Broadcasting Authority Bill, 2nd reading, 05/04/1978 [Author: Geoffrey DM Block]
- HAC(78)2 Law and Order, 02/11/1978 [Author: NET/AMH]
- HAC(79)1 Local Government Grants (Ethnic Groups) Bill, 08/03/1979 [Author: CM/HLL]
- Proposals for the revision of the Immigration Rules (Cmnd. 7750), 15/11/1979 [Author: NET/CD]
- HAC(79)2 Public Expenditure Cuts, 16/07/1979 [Author: CM/CC/MJEB]
- HAC(79)3 Debate on the Royal Commission Report on Gambling, 25/10/1979 [Author: NT/CD]
- Husbands and Fiancés [Commonwealth immigration], 30/10/1979 [Author: NT/CD]
- Proposals for the revision of the Immigration Rules (Cmnd. 7750), 15/11/1979 [Author: NET/CD]
- HAC(79)4 Debate on a Motion to approve the White Paper on Proposals for Revision of the Immigration Rules (Cmnd. 7750), 03/12/1979 [Author: NT/CD]
- HAC(79)5 Supply Day Debate on the Increase in the Television Licence Fees, 03/12/1979 [Author: NT/CD]
- HAC(80)1 Tenants' Rights etc (Scotland) Bill, 08/01/1980 [Author: EGM/KTK]
- HAC(80)2 Broadcasting Bill 1980, 14/02/1980 [Author: GDMB/CD]
- HAC(80)3 Debate on the lack of adequate Home and Civil Defence, 03/03/1980 [Author: NT/FL]
- HAC(80)4 Brief for Supply Day Debate on Immigration, and motion on Immigration Rules, 06/03/1980 [Author: NET/CD]
- HAC(80)5 The Olympic Games and the Invasion of Afghanistan, 14/03/1980 [Author: RT/TH/JMcC]
- HAC(80)6 Debate on the Offence of Loitering with Intent under the Vagrancy Act 1824, 03/06/1980 [Author: NET/CD]
- HAC(80)7 Debate on the prison system, and on the Report of the May Committee (Cmnd. 7673), 30/07/1980 [NT/CC]
- HAC(81)1 Brief for second reading of the Criminal Attempts Bill, 15/01/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)2 The British Nationality Bill, 23/01/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)3 The BBC, 19/05/1981 [Author: CM/FL]
- HAC(81)4 Summary of the Committee Stage of the British Nationality Bill, 28/05/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)5 Brief for a debate on 'the need for effective action to combat the continuing prevalence in the United Kingdom of racial disadvantage and discrimination on grounds of race and sex', 08/06/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)6 Opposition's Supply Day Debate, 'The Damaging Effects of Government Policies on the rights, status and opportunities of women', 11/06/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- HAC(81)7 Brief for debate on the Nationality Bill, Second Reading, House of Lords, 16/06/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)8 Brief for a debate on recent outbreaks of civil disorder in Great Britain [No date or author given]
- HAC(81)9 British Nationality Bill: Lords Amendment, 23/10/1981 [Author: NT/CM/SH]
- HAC(81)10 Brief for Supply Day Debate on Law and Order, 25/11/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)11 Opposition Supply Debate on the present emergency in Her Majesty's prisons and ways in which it can be overcome, 30/11/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)12 Debate on the Report of the Scarman Inquiry on the Brixton Disorders, 09/12/1981 [Author: NT/SH]
- HAC(81)13 Supply Debate on the need to introduce a Reduced Rate Television Licence for retirement pensioners, 14/12/1981 [Author: NT/CHH]
2. CRD/B/16/6 - Home Affairs briefs, 1982:
- HAC(82)1 Criminal Justice Bill, 19/01/1982 [Author: NT/TK]
- HAC(82)2 Brief for House of Lords Debate on Law and Order, 17/03/1982 [Author: NT/TK]
- HAC(82)3R Second Reading of the Civil Jurisdiction & Judgements Bill (Lords), 24/03/1982 [Author: DN/SCB]
- HAC(82)4 Supply Day Debate on Law and Order, 24/03/1982 [Author: NT/TK]
- HAC(82)5 Opposition Supply Day Motion on the Immigration Rules, 25/06/1982 [Author: EGMcD/JLS]
- HAC(82)6 Public Service Pensions Debate, 19/10/1982 [Author: AC/SCB]
- HAC(82)7 Cable Broadcasting, 18/11/1982 [Author: AC/SCB]
- Changes in the Immigration Rules, 25/10/1982 [Author: EGM/TK]
- HAC(82)8 Police and Criminal Evidence Bill, 25/11/1982 [Author: Evelyn McDermott/Nigel Clarke]
- HAC(82)9 The Changes in the Immigration Rules to be laid before Parliament, 06/12/1982 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
3. CRD/B/16/7 - Home Affairs briefs, 1983:
- HA(83)1 Data Protection Bill, 20/01/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)2 Shop Hours Bill, 03/02/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke/ Nigel Hawkins]
- HA(83)3 Police and Criminal Evidence Bill: Disclosure of Confidential Information, written by Patrick Mayhew, 10/02/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)4 Statement of changes in Immigration Rules, 14/02/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)5 Brief for Right of Reply in the Media Bill, 17/02/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)6 Policing in the Metropolis, 28/02/1983 [Author: Tony Hutt]
- JA(83)7 Jellicoe Report and The Prevention of Terrorism Act, 03/03/1983 [Author: Alistair Cooke]
- HA(83)8 House of Lords debate on Prisons, 16/03/1983 [Author: AB Cooke]
- HA(83)9 Data Protection Bill, 29/03/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)10 Police and Criminal Evidence Bill: the investigation of offences, written by Patrick Mayhew, 29/03/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)11 Possible industrial action by the National Association of Probation Officers on 27 April 1983. Note by David Mellor MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 21/04/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)12R Brief for the debate on the Development of Cable Systems and Services, 28/06/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)13 [Vacant]
- HA(83)14 Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 17/10/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)15 Draft regulations laid before Parliament under Section 8(3) of the Civil Defence Act 1948, 24/10/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)16 The Police and Criminal Evidence Bill, 27/10/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)17 Home Office Achievements, 09/12/1983 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(83)18 Cable and Broadcasting Bill, 13/12/1983 [Author: Tim Hollins]
4. CRD/B/16/8 - Home Affairs briefs, 1984:
- HA(84)1 Data Protection Bill, 27/01/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)2 Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Bill, 03/02/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)3R Brief for the debate on an Opposition motion, 'Problems of the Young Unemployed', 20/02/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)4 Brief on London for Mr Tony Banks' motion on The Effects of the Government's Policies on the Democratic Rights and Living Standards of Londoners, 23/02/1984 [No author given]
- HA(84)5R Opposition Supply Day Debate 'The use of the Immigration Rules to attack family life', 02/03/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)6 The proposed tour of South Africa by the Rugby Football Club, 22/03/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)7 The Policing of the Miners' Dispute, 10/04/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)8 British Nationality Fees, 10/04/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)9 The Cable and Broadcasting Bill, 04/05/1984 [Author: Timothy Hollins]
- HA(84)10 Policing the Metropolis, 11/05/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)11 Additional brief for the report stage of the Police and Criminal Evidence Bill, 11/05/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)12 Police and Criminal Evidence Bill, 01/06/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)13 Debate on the Government's Reply (Cmnd. 9140) to the First Report of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Session 1982-83, 'Representation of the People Acts' HC 32-1, 27/06/1984 [Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)14R Common Format Passport [No date; Author: Nigel Clarke]
- HA(84)15 Prosecution of Offence Bill, 26/11/1984 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(84)16R Enduring Powers of Attorney Bill, 29/11/1984 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(84)17 Representation of the People Bill, 06/12/1984 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
5. CRD/B/16/9 - Home Affairs briefs, 1985:
- HA(85)1R The Administration of Justice Bill, 11/01/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)2 Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Bill, 15/01/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)3R Civil Defence, 01/02/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)4R White Paper on the Interception of Communications in the United Kingdom (Cmnd. 9438), 06/02/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)5 Financing Broadcasting and the Arts, 28/02/1985 [Author: Tim Hollins]
- HA(85)6R The Child Abduction and Custody Bill, 28/02/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)7 Interception of Communications Bill, 04/03/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)8R Representation of the People Bill, 07/03/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)9R Official Secrets Act and Freedom of Information, 14/03/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)10R The BBC Licence Fee, 27/03/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)11R Prosecution of Offences Bill, 2nd reading, 16th April 1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)12R The Concessionary TV Licence Scheme, 15/04/1985 [Author: Tim Hollins]
- HA(85)14R Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Bill, 18/04/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)15R Interception of Communications Bill, 09/05/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)16 The Administration of Justice Bill, 13/05/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)17 Supplementary White Paper: 'Scientific Procedures on Living Animals' (Cmnd. 9521), 16/05/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)18 Sunday Trading and Shop Hours, 16/05/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)19 Report of the Commission for Racial Equality on Immigration Control Procedures, 20/05/1985 [Author: Maurice Fraser]
- HA(85)20 Policing the Metropolis, 25/06/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)21 Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Bill, 01/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)22 Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Bill, 09/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)23 European Court of Human Rights Judgement: Immigration Rules and the Government's Response, 10/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)24 The Case for Sunday Trading - a speech by the Party Chairman, 12/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)25R The Home Secretary's response to the Association of Chief Police Officers Working Party Report on drug-related crime, 18/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)26R Police resources, 18/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)27 Changes in Immigration Rules, 19/07/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)28 Inner City Disturbances, 21/10/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)29 The Queen's Speech - Law and Order, 07/11/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)30 Sunday Trading, 14/11/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)31 Animals (Scientific Procedures) Bill, 25/11/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)32 The Shops Bill, 27/11/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)33 The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 - codes of conduct, 04/12/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)34 Sentencing for Rape, 05/12/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)35 Notes on the Crown Prosecution Service (Transfer of Staff) Regulations 1985, 10/12/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- HA(85)36 Legal Aid Regulations, 17/12/1985 [Author: Elizabeth Buchanan]
- Creation: 1978-1985
1 box (5 folders)
Language of Materials
- English
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
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