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Health and Social Security briefs, 1983-1986


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1. CRD/B/27/5 - Health and Social Security briefs, 1983:

  1. SS(83)1R Tadworth [i.e., Tadworth Court, Surrey, hospital for sick children], 14/01/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  2. SS(83)2 Conditions of Employment for National Health Service staff, 24/01/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  3. SS(83)3 Briefing for Age Concern Lobby on Monday 31st January 1983, 27/01/1983 [Author: Katharine Marsh]
  4. SS(83)4 Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Bill, 15/02/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  5. SS(83)5 Social Services, 07/03/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  6. SS(83)6 Pensions, 17/03/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  7. SS(83)7 Social Security and Housing Benefits Bill, 11/04/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  8. SS(83)8 [Vacant]
  9. SS(83)9 A Public/Private Mix for Health, 26/04/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  10. SS(83)10 A brief summary of the Government's record on health, social security and education, for debate on Opposition Motion attacking the Government's record on the Welfare State, 24/06/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  11. SS(83)11 [Vacant]
  12. SS(83)12 Debate on the Opposition Motion 'Government Cuts in the National Health Service', 24/10/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  13. SS(83)13 [Vacant]
  14. SS(83)14 The National Health Service, 08/11/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  15. SS(83)15 Debate on the SDP/Liberal Motion on Personal Social Services, 09/11/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  16. SS(83)16 Debate on Robert Wareing's Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Bill, 17/11/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  17. SS(83)17 Debate on the Opposition Motion, 'The Government's Attack on the Pensioners' Standard of Living', 22/11/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  18. SS(83)18R Debate on the Age of Retirement, 24/11/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  19. SS(83)19R Severe Disablement Allowance, 06/12/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  20. SS(83)20R Debate on Jo Richardson's 'Sex Equality Bill', 07/12/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  21. SS(83)21R Housing Benefit, 08/12/1983 [Author: Judith Walpole/Christina Dykes]
  22. SS(83)22 The Health and Social Security Bill 1983, 19/12/1983 [Author: Christina Dykes/Judith Walpole]

2. CRD/B/27/6 - Health and Social Security briefs, 1984:

  1. SS(84)1 Opposition's Debate on Housing Benefit, 19/01/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  2. SS(84)2R The National Health Service in London, 25/01/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  3. SS(84)3R Deputising Services, 27/01/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  4. SS(84)4R Housing Benefit, 09/02/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  5. SS(84)5R The Welfare State, 09/02/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  6. SS(84)6R Private Members' Motions on Renal Services, 10/02/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  7. SS(84)7R The Elderly, 22/02/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes/Judith Walpole]
  8. SS(84)8R Debate on Women's Choices at Work and at Home, 02/03/1984 [Christina Dykes]
  9. SS(84)9R Lobby by Opticians, 05/03/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  10. SS(84)10R Prescription Charges, 08/03/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  11. SS(84)11 Oppostion Motion, 'Fuel Costs & Poverty', 20/03/1984 [Author: Nigel Hawkins/Christina Dykes/Judith Walpole]
  12. SS(84)12R Adjournment Debate on the Griffiths Report, 02/05/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  13. SS(84)13R The Health and Social Security Bill 1983, 16/05/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes/Judith Walpole]
  14. SS(84)14R The Social Security Reviews, 17/05/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  15. SS(84)15R The Griffiths Report, 05/06/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  16. SS(84)16R Opposition Supply Day debate on the Disparity between the Rich and Poor, 27/06/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  17. SS(84)17R Adjournment Debate on Disabled People, 28/06/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  18. SS(84)18R NHS, 04/07/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  19. SS(84)19A Housing Benefit, 19/07/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  20. SS(84)19 Social Security Uprating, 18/07/1984 [Author: Judith Walpole]
  21. SS(84)20R Debate on the DHSS Industrial Dispute, 25th October 1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  22. SS(84)20R Debate on the DHSS Industrial Dispute, Re-issued 21/11/1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  23. SS(84)21R Debate on the Warnock Committee, 31st October 1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  24. SS(84)22R Benefits for the Blind, Lobby, 13th November 1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  25. SS(84)23R Report of the Warnock Committee, 19/11/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  26. SS(84)24R Social Security Bill, 22/11/1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  27. SS(84)25R Limited Drug List, 10/12/1984 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  28. SS(84)26R £1 Deduction from Long-Term Rate, 10/12/1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  29. SS(84)27R Supplementary Benefit: Board and Lodging, 12/12/1984 [Author: Judith Chaplin]

3. CRD/B/27/7 - Health and Social Security briefs, 1985:

  1. SS(85)1R Water (Fluoridation) Bill, 10/01/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  2. SS(85)2 The National Health Service and Changes in the Social Security System, 07/02/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin/Christina Dykes]
  3. SS(85)3R Supplementary Benefit payments for fuel in periods of exceptionally severe weather, 13/02/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  4. SS(85)4R The need for a Disability Council by Royal Charter, 19/02/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  5. SS(85)5R The Limited List Proposals, 21/02/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  6. SS(85)6R National Pensioners' Convention petition, 04/03/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  7. SS(85)7 Changes proposed for Resettlement Units and Re-establishment Centres, 11/03/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  8. SS(85)8R NHS Charges, 11/03/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  9. SS(85)9R Supplementary Benefit: Board and Lodging, prepared for 21st March 1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  10. SS(85)10R Water (Fluoridation) Bill, 22/03/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  11. SS(85)11 Cervical Cancer, 27/03/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  12. SS(85)12R Opposition Motion of the Social Services and the Welfare State, 18/04/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes/Judith Chaplin]
  13. SS(85)13R Cervical Cytology, 02/05/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  14. SS(85)14R Social Security Bill, 23/05/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  15. SS(85)15 'Reform of Social Security' Green Paper, 03/06/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  16. SS(85)16R Problems of the Elderly, 05/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  17. SS(85)17R Nurses' and Midwives' Pay, 06/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  18. SS(85)18R The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, 10/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  19. SS(85)19 Debate on the Green Paper on the reform of Social Security, 17/06/1985 [Author: Judith Chaplin]
  20. SS(85)20 Child Benefit, 26/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  21. SS(85)21R Housing Benefit, 26/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  22. SS(85)22 Revised brief: Supplementary Benefit: Board and Lodging, 28/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  23. SS(85)23R The National Health Service, 28/06/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  24. SS(85)24R Community Care and the mentally ill and mentally handicapped, 10/07/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  25. SS(85)25R Nurses' and Midwives' Pay, 11/07/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  26. SS(85)26R Social Security Up-rating, 25/07/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  27. SS(85)27R Water (Fluoridation) Bill, 21/10/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  28. SS(85)28 Revised brief: Supplementary Benefit: Board and Lodging, 19/11/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  29. SS(85)29R Community Care and the mentally ill and mentally handicapped, 29/11/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]
  30. SS(85)30 Social Security White Paper, 16/12/1985 [Author: Christina Dykes]

4. CRD/B/27/8 - Health and Social Security briefs, 1986:

  1. SS(86)1 Social Security Bill, 22/01/1986
  2. SS(86)2 Cervical Cytology, 05/02/1986, [Author: CD/BANJ]
  3. SS(86)3 The Royal College of Nursing's Campaign on the Griffiths Report, 12/02/1986, [Author: CD/PE]
  4. SS(86)4R Help with Heating Costs, 19/02/1986, [Author: CD/NB] *plus copy of brief with postscript regarding statement by Norman Fowler
  5. SS(86)5R Children in Care, 24/02/1986, [Author: CAD/NB/BANJ]
  6. SS(86)6R Social Security, Uprating Statement, 24/02/1986, [Author: CAD/CLB/BANJ] *two copies
  7. SS(86)7 The Opposition Motion on 'The Plight of the Elderly', 04/03/1986, [Author: CAD/BANJ/WD2]
  8. SS(86)8 Prescription Charges, 10/03/1986, [Author: CAD/BANJ/NHS4]
  9. SS(86)9R Background Note, Sale of NHS Property– and the Continued Provision of Accommodation for Essential Staff, 13/03/1986, [Author: CAD/BANJ/NHS4]
  10. SS(86)10R Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Bill, 10/04/1986
  11. SS(86)11 The National Health Service (Amendment) Bill, 15/04/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  12. SS(86)12R The Government's Proposals for Maternity Benefits, 21/04/1986, [Author: CD/NB]
  13. SS(86)13R The Government's Proposals for the Reform of the Industrial Injuries Scheme, 21/04/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  14. SS(86)14R Primary Health Care, 21/04/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  15. SS(86)15R Family and Community Care, 01/05/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  16. SS(86)16R Mortgage Interest Repayment, 19/05/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  17. SS(86)17R Social Security Bill, Second Reading, 30/05/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  18. SS(86)18R The Crisis in the Big Cities' Hospitals, 16/06/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  19. SS(86)19R Supplementary Benefit, Board and Lodging Payments, 18/06/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  20. SS(86)20R Mortgage Interest Repayment, 24/06/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  21. SS(86)21R Supplementary Benefit, Board and Lodging Payments, 02/07/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  22. SS(86)22R Background Information for Members when Meeting the SPUC Lobby, 09/07/1986, [Author: CAD/LM]
  23. SS(86)23R Residential and Nursing Homes for the Elderly, 09/07/1986, [Author: JPE/LM]
  24. SS(86)24R Opposition Motion on 'The Plight of the Elderly', 16/07/1986, [Author: CAD/BANJ/WD2]
  25. SS(86)25R Supplementary Benefits: Single Payments, 21/07/1986, [Author: JPE/LM]
  26. SS(86)26R Social Security Bill, Consideration of Lords Amendments, 23/07/1986, [Author: JPE/LM]
  27. SS(86)27 The National Health Service (Amendment) Bill, 07/10/1986, [Author: PJG/IOT]
  28. SS(86)28R Social Security, Uprating Statement, 22/10/1986, [Author: JPE/IOT]
  29. SS(86)29 Background Brief on AIDS, 20/11/1986, [Author: PJG/IOT]
  30. SS(86)30 Exceptionally Cold Weather Payments, 20/11/1986, [Author: JPE/IOT]
  31. SS(86)31 Background Brief on AIDS, 26/11/1986, [Author: PJG/IOT]
  32. SS(86)32 Background Brief on AIDS, 26/11/1986, [Author: PJG/IOT]
  33. SS(86)33 Opposition Motion on 'Fuel Poverty', 02/12/1986, [Author: JPE/IOT]
  34. SS(86)34 Mortgage Interest Payments, 09/12/1986, [Author: JPE/IOT]


  • Creation: 1983-1986


1 box (4 folders)

Language of Materials

  • English



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