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Foreign Affairs briefs, 1973-1987


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1. CRD/B/14/3 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1973-1977:

  1. FAC(73)1 [Vacant]
  2. FAC(73)2 Foreign Affairs debate [Subjects covered:- Overseas Aid; Southern Africa; French Nuclear Tests in the Pacific; Developments on the Indian Sub-Continent; Relations with Portugal, Greece and Turkey], 26/06/1973 [Author: MN/NF/RM/PC/CH/SS-P]
  3. FAC(73)3 Visit by the Portuguese Prime Minister, 16/07/1973 [Author: MN/PC]
  4. FAC(73)4 The Present Situation in the Middle East, 17/10/1973 [Author: MY/SS-P]
  5. FAC(73)5 see Agriculture briefs, above, for PAC(73)3 The Sugar Question, 22/10/1973
  6. FAC(73)6 Chile: A Reason Why, 19/11/1973 [Author: C/CFH]
  7. British Aid: Facts and Figures, 21/11/1973 [Author: RM/SS-P]
  8. FAC(73)7 Brief for debate on EEC Affairs, 22/11/1973 [Author: NF/ARF]
  9. Food Prices and the EEC, 11/12/1973 [Author: NF/ARF]
  10. FAC(74)1 Brief for Adjournment Debate on EEC Renegotiation, 07/06/1974 [Author: RT/NF/ARF]
  11. FAC(74)2 Brief for debate on the EEC, 16/12/1974 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  12. FAC(75)1 Brief for Debates on EEC Documents, 25/02/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  13. FAC(75)2 Brief for Debate on the White Paper: 'Referendum on United Kingdom Membership of the European Community' (Cmnd. 5925), 07/03/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  14. FAC(75)2 Foreign Affairs Debate [Subjects covered:- Indo-China; Portugal; Middle East; Cyprus; Southern Africa; East-West Relations], 24/03/1975 [Author: NF/MY/RT]
  15. FAC(75)3 Brief for debate on the White Paper: "Referendum on United Kingdom Membership of the European Community" (Cmnd 5925), 07/03/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  16. FAC(75)4 Brief for debate on the outcome of the EEC Renegotiations and the Government's recommendation that the UK should remain a member of the European Community, 02/04/1975 [Author: RT/SH]
  17. FAC(75)5 Brief for debate on the Second Reading of the Referendum Bill, 04/04/1975 [Author: RT/SH]
  18. FAC(75)6 Brief for Adjournment Debate on the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE), 11/07/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  19. Direct Elections to the European Parliament, 21/08/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  20. FAC(75)7 Debate on Aid Policy, 05/11/1975 [Author: RJS/GD]
  21. FAC(75)8 Foreign Affairs Debate [Subjects covered:- East-West Relations; Cyprus; The Iberian Peninsula; The Middle East; Southern Africa; South East Asia; The Indian Ocean; The United Nations], 10/11/1975 [Author: CPAJ/GD]
  22. FAC(75)9 Brief for debate on Developments in the European Community, April to October 1975, 28/11/1975 [Author: RPT/CFR]
  23. FAC(76)1 East-West Relations, 20/02/1976 [Author: PJ/RT/RS/GD/CR]
  24. FAC(76)2 Debate on the Southern Rhodesia Act 1965 (Continuation) Order 1976, 10/10/1976 [Author: RJS/GD]
  25. Appendix 13 and 14 only of paper concerning foreign fishing vessels stationed around Britain, c. 1976
  26. FAC(77)1 Foreign Affairs Debate [Subjects covered:- Western Europe (Cyprus, Greek-Turkish Relations, Spain, Portugal, Italian Communism); East-West Relations; Africa; The Middle East; The Far East; The United Nations; Global Interdependence; Other Matters], 28/02/1977 [Author: PJ/RT/RS/MP/JK/AH]
  27. FAC(77)2 Belgrade meeting on the Helsinki Final Act [i.e., of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (C.S.C.E)], 16/05/1977 [Author: JR/AH]
  28. FAC(77)3 [Vacant]
  29. FAC(77)4 Debate on Southern Rhodesia Act 1965 (Continuation) Order 1977, 04/11/1977 [Author: RPT/JEK]

2. CRD/B/14/4 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1978-1981:

  1. FAC(78)1 Soviet Involvement in Africa, 01/02/1978 [Author: RPT/JEK]
  2. FAC(78)2 Rhodesia, 28/04/1978 [Author: RPT/CC]
  3. FAC(78)3 Foreign Affairs Debate [Subjects covered:- The European Community; Western Europe; East-West relations; Asia; Commonwealth/Dependencies; CPRS Report on Overseas Representation; Africa; The Middle East], 05/06/1978 [Author: PCAJ/AC]
  4. FAC(78)4 Rhodesia, 25/07/1978 [Author: RPT/AS]
  5. FAC(78)5 Rhodesia, 31/10/1978 {Author: RPT/AS]
  6. FAC(78)6 The Bingham Report [concerning oil supplies to Rhodesia contrary to UN sanctions], 31/10/1978 [Author: RPT/AS]
  7. FAC(79)1 Debate on the Queen's Speech: Foreign Affairs [Subjects covered:- European Community; National Security; East-West Relations; Arms Control; Commonwealth; Aid; Africa; Middle East], 17/05/1979 [Author: PJ/RT/JR/KM/KD/JN]
  8. FAC(79)1-5 [Vacant]
  9. FAC(79)6 Kiribati Bill (Independence for the Gilbert Islands) - second reading debate on 24th May 1979 [Author: MSH/JEN]
  10. PFAC(79)7 European Assembly (Salaries and Pensions) Bill, 20/06/1979 [Author: KM/CDB]
  11. PFAC(79)8 Southern Africa, 20/07/1979 [Author: RT/KJD]
  12. PFAC(79)9 European Communities (Greek Accession) Bill, 25/10/1979 [Author: GW/CDB]
  13. FAC(79)9 Rhodesia, 08/11/1979 [Author: RT/KJD]
  14. PFAC(79)10 [Vacant]
  15. PFAC(79)11 Supply Day Debate (Opposition Motion) - BBC External Services, 12/11/1979 [Author: EMcD/CDB]
  16. PFAC(79)12 Cambodia, 05/12/1979 [Author: 05/12/1979]
  17. PFAC(79)13 Rhodesia, 10/12/1979 [Author: RT/KJD]
  18. FAC(80)1 [Vacant]
  19. FAC(80)2 East/West Relations and the Crisis in South West Asia, 22/01/1980 [Author: RT/EGM/KJD/MB]
  20. FAC(80)3 Iran, 09/05/1980 [Author: RT/CDB]
  21. FAC(80)4 Brandt Commission Report [i.e., Report of the Independent Committee on International Development Issues], 11/06/1980 [Author: EMcD/CDB]
  22. The Republican Government: Policy Themes and Proposals [i.e., United States], 05/11/1980 [Author: EMcD/CDB]
  23. PFAC(81)1 [Vacant]
  24. PFAC(81)2 Foreign Affairs Debate [Subjects covered:- The Polish Crisis; The Madrid Review Conference and the future of détente; The Middle East and South West Asia; El Salvador; Southern Africa; The Canadian Constitutional Question; Belize], 05/05/1981 [Author: RT/EMcD/RS/CDB/FB]
  25. PFAC(81)3 The Government's Decision to Improve the Audibility of the BBC's External Broadcasting Services, 15/07/1981 [Author: EGM/FB]
  26. PFAC(81)4 The Brandt Report, 21/07/1981 [Author: EGM/FB/LG]

3. CRD/B/14/5 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1982:

  1. PFAC(82)1 Overseas Development, 09/02/1982 [Author: HM/CJM]
  2. PFAC(82)2 The Canadian constitution, 12/02/1982 [Author: RS/CJM]
  3. PFAC(82)3 Central America: El Salvador, 01/03/1982 [Author: RS/CDB]
  4. PFAC(82)4 The Falkland Islands, 06/04/1982 [Author: RS/CJM]
  5. PFAC(82)5 The Falkland Islands (2), 28/04/1982 [Author: SH/RS/CJM]
  6. PFAC(82)6 The Middle East, 17/06/1982 [Author: RT/CDB]
  7. PFAC(82)7 The Falkland Islands, 20/12/1982 [Author: Rosemary Spencer]

4. CRD/B/14/6 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1983:

  1. FA(83)1 The Franks Report - a brief for the debate on the Report of the Falkland islands Review Committee, 24/01/1983 [Author: Rosemary Spencer]
  2. FA(83)2 The Second Brandt Report - a brief for the debate on the "Common Crisis" North-South: Co-operation for World Recovery, 14/04/1983 [Author: Piers Wooley]
  3. FA(83)3 The European Community's special programme to combat hunger in the world, 05/05/1983 [Author: Piers Wooley]

5. CRD/B/14/7 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1984:

  1. FA(84)1 G.C.H.Q - Notes in connection with the GCHQ Mass Lobby, 22/04/1984 [Author: John Greig]
  2. FA(84)2 Relations with the Soviet Union, 05/03/1984 [Author: Robin Turner]
  3. FA(84)3 Hong Kong, 14/05/1984 [Author: John Greig]
  4. FA(84)4 The Fontainebleau Summit, 28/06/1984 [Author: Andrew Tyrie]
  5. FA(84)5 Overseas Aid, 19/11/1984 [Author: John Greig]
  6. FA(84)6 Hong Kong, 02/12/1984 [Author: John Greig]

6. CRD/B/14/8 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1985:

  1. FA(85)1R Hong Kong, 18/01/1985 [Author: John Greig]
  2. FA(85)2R The Government's observations on the fifth report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1983-84 on the Falkland Islands, 12/03/1985 [Author: John Greig]
  3. FA(85)3R The Falkland Islands, 15/04/1983 [Author: John Greig]
  4. FA(85)4R Overseas Development, 07/06/1985 [Author: Robin Turner]
  5. FA(85)5R Relations with South Africa, 02/08/1985 [Author: Robin Turner]
  6. FA(85)6R World Poverty, 18/10/1985 [Author: Robin Turner]
  7. FA(85)7R Relations with South Africa, 21/10/1985 [Author: Robin Turner]
  8. FA(85)8 Famine in Africa, 12/12/1985 [Author: Robin Turner]

7. CRD/B/14/9 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1986:

  1. FA(86)1 South Africa, 13/06/1986, [Author: RT/JLS]

8. CRD/B/14/10 - Foreign Affairs briefs, 1987:

  1. FA(87)1 Foreign Relations, 19/03/1987 [Author: Keith Simpson]
  2. FA(87)2 Foreign Affairs, 03/04/1987 [Author: Keith Simpson]


  • Creation: 1973-1987


1 box (8 folders)

Language of Materials

  • English



Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

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