White Man's Country file 4, 1901-1934
Miscellaneous papers consisting of notes, extracts and correspondence relating to Delamere. Remarks on front cover of the file do not refer to the present contents.
- (fols 1-4) - notes by Brigadier General A.S. Cooper, formerly Assistant Chief Accountant, Uganda Railway, on the East Africa Turf Club of which he was Hon. Secretary from 1900-1908. The notes include reminiscences of Delamere, President of the Club. n.d.
- (fols 5-17) - manuscript notes made from Secretariat Files, concerning Delamere's land applications and the Land Commission of 1905, n.d.
- (fols 18-35) - transcript of notes by 'Boy' Long (E.C. Long, Manager of Delamere's estate, Soysambu) describing life on the estate from 1911-1927, n.d.
- (fols 36-52) - manuscript notes made from the Soysambu files, 1913-1927, n.d.
- (fols 53-55) - notes by Major Josceline Grant (Elspeth Huxley's father) about the first four months of the First World War in British East Africa, n.d.
- (fols 56-59) - manuscript notes on the East African Rifles and the Masai [Maasai], 1915-1919, n.d.
- (fol 60) - letter from J.A. Watson to Delamere, accepting his offer to the Economic Commission to guarantee the expense of printing the Report and Evidence, up to £100, 19 Apr 1918.
- (fol 61) - copy of a letter from Delamere to Charles Bowring, resigning from the Economic Commission, 6 Dec 1918.
- (fol 62) - copy of a letter from Lord Milner to Sir Edward Northey about the Ainsworth Circular (see MSS. Afr. s. 782 box 1, file 3, fols 1-7), 25 May 1920.
- (fols 63-68) - letter from Northey to Sir Francis Newton, with references to native labour policy in East Africa, 28 Aug 1921. There is a covering note from Northey to Elspeth Huxley dated 25 May 1933.
- (fol 69) - copy of the resolution of the Imperial Conference of 1921, recording the status of Indians in the Empire, n.d.
- (fols 70-75) - 'Pledges of Policy by Imperial Government': quotations from speeches and writings by Churchill, Amery, J.H. Thomas and others, from 1922-1929, n.d.
- (fols 76-77) - copy of a cable from Delamere to Ormsby-Gore on the Report of the East Africa Commission, 18 May 1925.
- (fols 78-81) - copy of a letter from Delamere to Sir Samuel Wilson about the necessity for a Dodoma-Fife Railway, n.d. [?1926].
- (fols 82-86) - letter from Nellie Grant to Delamere, with notes on European Settlement in Tanganyika, 25 Nov 1927.
- (fol 87) - page of a letter in Delamere's hand to his second wife, Gladys, about the death of C.L.N. Felling, General Manager of the Kenya and Uganda Railway, 20 Aug 1928.
- (fol 88) - excerpt from a speech by Sir Donald Cameron to the Tanganyika Legislative Council, Arusha, about railway facilities for Iringa Province, 3 Dec 1929.
- (fols 89-93) - manuscript notes on the Kenyan economy in 1929-1931, n.d.
- (fols 94-97) - copy of a Despatch from Lord Passfield to Sir Edward Grigg about an amendment to the Native Lands Trust Bill, 6 Mar 1930.
- (fols 98-105) - copy of a Despatch from Sir Edward Grigg to Lord Passfield about estimates of expenditure on direct native services and of revenue from Native Hut and Poll Tax, 31 Mar 1930. On the reverse of fols 104-105 are notes in Delamere's hand.
- (fols 106-117) - copies of two letters from Delamere to Sir Sydney Henn about the railway system of East Africa, 25 Jul-26 Jul 1930.
- (fols 118-125) - text of a speech by Delamere as leader of the Delegation of Kenya settlers at the Colonial Office Conference (see also MSS. Afr. s. 782 box 3, file 3, fols 102-104), 1930.
- (fols 126-132) - text of a speech by Delamere on the results of the 1930 Delegation, 1930.
- (fols 133-139) - notes for a speech by Delamere on Dual Policy, 1930.
- (fols 140-158) - notes on Memorandum on Native Policy by Lord Delamere [?1930].
- (fols 159-160) - copy of a telegram from Delamere to Lead, on Closer Union, 15 Jan 1931.
- (fol 161) - page of a letter in Delamere's hand (possibly to his second wife) complaining of overwork 'because we put rabbits to govern', 12 Feb 1931.
- (fols 162-166) - two letters from Miles Beevor to Elspeth Huxley, 4 Nov-23 Nov 1932. The first listing sums of money sent to Delamere in East Africa between 1900 and 1922, the second enclosing a chronology of his movements between 1889 and 1912.
- (fols 167-169) - letter from Grigg to Elspeth Huxley enclosing, and commenting on, a letter from Captain Spicer recounting a story about Delamere, 2 Dec 1932.
- (fols 170-179) - Memorandum on the Wheat Industry and Unga Limited by A.K. Constantine, explaining the part played by Lord Delamere in fostering the industry (see MSS. Afr. s. 782 box 3), 2 Jun 1933.
- (fol 180) - letter from Vincent Glenday to Elspeth Huxley, explaining certain African terms and enclosing a note on Nairobi Forests, 19 Apr 1934.
- (fols 182-187) - letter from W.C. Bottomley, Colonial Office, to Elspeth Huxley about the boundaries of the East Africa Protectorate, with two maps dated 1901 and 1902; he also replies to a question from her on the cost of the East Africa campaign to the Imperial Government, 18 Jun 1934.
- (fols 188-189) - map of East Africa, torn from a book, showing the boundaries of British Territories, n.d.
- Creation: 1901-1934
1.0 file
Language of Materials
- English
MSS. Afr. s. 782 box 1, file 4
- From the Collection: Huxley | Elspeth Josceline | 1907-1997 | née Grant | author and journalist (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
Weston Library
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom