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Verse by Elizabeth Harcourt, Countess Harcourt, 1750-1804, n.d.

MS. Eng. d. 3887

  • Request


  1. (fols. ii-vi) an index of contents
  2. (fol. 1) verse commencing 'to thee I bend eternal God divine', n.d.
  3. (fol. 2) verse commencing 'in springs gay prime when greens of tender [hue?], n.d.
  4. (fol. 3) verse on Psalm 107 commencing 'ye sons of men unite with one accord, n.d.
  5. (fols. 4-5) verse titled 'John Tell Truth esq. to Peter Pindar esq. In answer to the [R C?] runaway', n.d.
  6. (fols. 6-7) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, Viscount Nuneham, commencing 'Greville to yours my wish I join', Oct. 1765
  7. (fols. 8-9r) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt 'upon his birthday with some flowers', commencing 'accept this emblematic wreath', n.d.
  8. (fols. 9r-10r) verse addressed to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt, titled 'To my Lord August the 12' commencing 'the fourth of June my Lord you know it', n.d.
  9. (fols. 10r-12r) verse titled 'The Nosegay a dialogue August the 12', a conversation in verse between Elizabeth Harcourt, Countess Harcourt and Walter Clark, n.d.
  10. (fols. 12r-13r) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt, commencing 'shall I who late on Sudburys plains', n.d.
  11. (fols. 14r-16r) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt, commencing 'write, but revise, contract, correct', June 1773
  12. (fols. 16r-17v) verse, addressed to Anna Grenville-Temple, Countess Temple, commencing 'was it dear ma'am in sport or spite', July 1773
  13. (fols. 17v-18r) verse, addressed to Horatio Walpole, commencing 'to write with judgment, with correctness please', Aug. 1773
  14. (fols. 18r-22r) verse, addressed to Miss Hay, titled 'The fairies', Sept. 1773
  15. (fols. 22v-26r) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, Viscount Nuneham, titled 'The druids curse', Oct. 1773
  16. (fols. 26r-28) verse, addressed to Anna Grenville-Temple, Countess Temple; George Simon Harcourt, Viscount Nuneham; and Horatio Walpole, commencing 'ah cease to pour upon my ravish'd ear', June 1774
  17. (fols. 29-31r) verse, addressed to Horatio Walpole 'written after reading his play of the Mysterious Mother',commencing 'Walpole, 'tis time, in every human breast', 1776
  18. (fols. 31r-v) verse titled 'To gratitude', Aug. 1776
  19. (fols. 31v-32v) verse titled 'To Oberon - written in the flower garden [at Nuneham]', Aug. 1777
  20. (fols. 33-37v) verse, addressed to Mrs Montague 'occassion'd by hearing her...speak with candour of an unfortunate Lady whose character was severely attack'd by some who had little right to be censouious', commencing 'euphrasia yes, well pleas'd I heard thee teach', Sept. 1777
  21. (fols. 37v-38v) verse addressed to Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, commencing 'sweet as the breath of Spring when Zephers power', Sept. 1778
  22. (fols. 39-41r) verse titled 'A letter of advice to myself to be read when I am old, in the hope that it may guard me from many of the ridicules and faults I sometimes witness, by shewing me what my opinion was in youth of the conduct I ought to follow at a more advanced period of life', n.d.
  23. (fols. 41-43r) verse, addressed to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt, commencing 'So sang the bard, whose moral strain directs', [Aug. 1781]
  24. (fol. 43) verse titled 'A prayer', n.d.
  25. (fols. 43v-44r) verse, 'to the memory of the Rev'd William Mason inscrib'd upon a cenotaph in the flower garden at Nuneham', commencing 'the poets feeling, and the painters eye'
  26. (fol. 44-5) proposed epitaphs for William Mason's monument in Westminster Abbey commencing 'ye letter'd sons of Britain favour'd isle'; and 'Mason to latest time the hand of Fame', n.d.
  27. (fol. 46r-v) verse 'occasion'd by a friends asking advice respecting an attachment she had form'd, the lines are suppos'd to be written by the Lady herself', n.d.
  28. (fols. 46v-48r) verse, addressed to Miss Anson, commencing 'I ask'd (my dear) what most you wanted?', Mar. 1778
  29. (fol. 48r-v) verse titled 'To a friend who was in a bad state of health on his birthday', n.d.
  30. (fols. 48v) 'translation of a German epigram on the the late Empress of Russia' commencing 'when Catherine knock'd at Satans gate', n.d.
  31. (fols. 49r-51r) 'epistle from Elizabeth, Queen to Edward the fourth, to Catherine Wideville' commencing 'tell me my friend, but tell me truly too', n.d.
  32. (fols. 51r-52r) verse titled 'The Reconciliation', n.d.
  33. (fols. 52r-53v) verse, addressed to Miss Hay, commencing 'Friendship, to thee the [lay?] I give', n.d.
  34. (fol. 53v) verse 'hung round the neck of a bust of Apollo in the flower garden at Nuneham the first time Mrs Montagu was there' commencing 'sister approach, with joy I hail the hour', n.d.
  35. (fols. 53v-55r) verse, written for Queen Charlotte for an intended performance by her children to mark the anniversary of George III's accession, commencing 'Can we while filial Loves 'oft transports glow', 1785
  36. (fols. 55v-56v) verse, concerning the illness of George III, commencing 'oh thou before whose throne of light', 1788
  37. (fols. 56v-57r) verse, addressed to Lady Harriet Spencer at the Nuneham [spinning feast?], commencing 'Lady on thy gentle breast', 1778
  38. (fol. 57v) verse, to the memory of Stephen Jones, commencing 'if strong attachment form'd in early youth', n.d.

(fols. 58-89) compilation for her sisters Martha and Anne Venables-Vernon, July 1797, of verse composed for her mother Martha Venables-Vernon, Lady Vernon, 1772-Apr. 1794, with:

  1. (fols. 85v-86r) verse, addressed to her sisters Martha and Anne Venables-Vernon, commencing 'ah me with what delight I hailed this morn', July 1796
  2. (fol. 86r) verse, for an inscription to [her sister?] Catherine Venables-Vernon, commencing 'such was her form, but vainly would I find', [c.1775?]
  3. (fols. 86v-89) verse, dedicated to [her sister?] Catherine Venables-Vernon, commencing 'Oh thou with who my [lifes?] first opening morn', 1776
  1. (fols. 90-1) verse, in memory of her sister Martha Venables-Vernon, commencing 'accepr lov'd shade, the tributary tear', [c.1808?]
  2. (fols. 92-3) verse, addressed to Miss Vernon, commencing 'when Caroline so sweetly sues', n.d.
  3. (fol. 94) verse, 'written after seeing the funeral procession of Prince Frederick pass by' commencing 'the awefull silence all around', 1766
  4. (fols. 95r-96v) verse titled 'Reason and love, a tale', n.d.
  5. (fols. 97r-98v) verse, concerning a priest who had fled France following the French Revolution, commencing 'ne'er will the modest exile grave his name', n.d.
  6. (fols. 98v-99v) verse, written in the flower garden at Nuneham, commencing 'stop stranger - this is hallow'd ground', n.d.
  7. (fols. 99v-100v) verse, addressed to Princess Elizabeth, titled 'To cupid', 1799
  8. (fols. 100v-101r) verse, concerning the recovery of George III, commencing 'our prayers are heard, the night of grief is o'er', [1789]
  9. (fol. 101r-v) epitaph on General James Johnston, written for Cecilia Johnston, commencing 'beneath these Holy shrines that awefull spread', n.d.
  10. (fols. 101v-102r) translation of a French epigram commencing 'the very first time I with Carlos convers'd'
  11. (fol. 102r) 'imitation of a German epigram on the late Empress of Russia Catherine the 2nd' commencing 'when death had seiz'd th'imperial Dame', n.d.
  12. (fols. 102r-103v) verse titled 'To a friend on the alterations he intended making at his country seat', n.d.
  13. (fols. 103v-104v) verse, 'written upon returning to Sudbury after being some time absent', commencing 'yes, my remembrance well recalls', 1766
  14. (fol. 105r-v) verse titled 'The evening walk', 1773
  15. (fols. 105v-106r) 'A song upon nobody, in answer to a song upon somebody', n.d.
  16. (fol. 106v) verse titled 'Character of Mr', n.d.
  17. (fols. 107r-111r) verse titled 'Earl Warren - in imitation of the old ballads', n.d.
  18. (fols. 111v-112r) verse, 'occasion'd by a friend's being surprized at my liking the country', commencing 'what means this change my gentle friend', n.d.
  19. (fols. 112v-114v) verse titled 'Lines on the manner in which I suppose my death would affect different persons', n.d.
  20. (fols. 115r-116r) verse titled 'To Flavia occasion'd by her saying she thought the men right in censuring the love of dissipation of the women of the present times', n.d.
  21. (fols. 116v-118r) verse titled 'A character', n.d.
  22. (fols. 118v-119v) verse titled 'To Miss Hay in answer to a letter informing me that she and her sister had purchas'd Ades and expressing her wish to pass her life there', n.d.
  23. (fols. 120r-121v) verse, addressed to Miss Hay, commencing 'but should I attempt to seize the shell', n.d.
  24. (fols. 121v-122r) verse, dedicated to the memory of Frances Temple, Viscountess Temple, 1770
  25. (fols. 122v-123v) verse titled 'Elegy', n.d.
  26. (fols. 123v-125r) verse, 'written during a dangerous illness', commencing 'say why my trembling, panting, foolish heart', 1760
  27. (fols. 125r-126v) translation of French verse commencing 'amidst the pomp of splendid courts', n.d.
  28. (fols. 126r-127v) verse titled 'To a friend', n.d.
  29. (fols. 128-31) ballad, with notes by Countess Harcourt, concerning the legend of the Nuneham bower, n.d.
  30. (fols. 132-3) ballad titled 'A word to the wise, or old England for ever', Dec. 1792
  31. (fols. 134r-135v) ballad titled 'when the Guards commanded by the H.R.H. the Duke of York and Albany went to the continent, Feb. 1793
  32. (fols. 135r-136r) ballad titled 'A sailors song', n.d.
  33. (fols. 136v-137r) ballad, written at the request of Princess Elizabeth, titled 'Collins return to Sea', July 1800
  34. (fols. 138-48) verse titled 'Fair Isabellas pilgrimage: a Spanish tale of the eleventh century', n.d.
  35. (fols. 149-62) play titled 'The pair of phoenixs or hymen rising from the tomb: a tragedy', 1799
  36. (fol. 163) verse commencing 'tho Price & knight may vent satyric spleen, n.d.
  37. (fols. 164-7) verse, addressed to Princess Elizabeth titled 'Philip: A tale', n.d.
  38. (fols. 168-78) a series of poems composed by Countess Harcourt, Mrs Kenniccott and Sir Brooke Boothby during a visit to Nuneham, that were to incorporate the words 'marvellous', 'when', 'robin', 'modest', 'tremor' and 'abstruse'
  39. (fols. 179-80) epistle titled 'From the Gloster of Reynolds to the portrait of Betty' incorporating the words 'marvellous', 'when', 'robin', 'modest', 'tremor' and 'abstruse', n.d.
  40. (fols. 181-2) verse titled 'Night bagshaws at Nuneham', by George Richards, incorporating the words 'marvellous', 'when', 'robin', 'modest', 'tremor' and 'abstruse', n.d.
  41. (fols. 183-4) verse, addressed to Queen Charlotte, commencing 'well pleas'd, & flatter'd, I obey'd' incorporating the words 'marvellous', 'when', 'robin', 'modest', 'tremor' and 'abstruse', Sept. 1811
  42. (fols. 185) verse commencing 'cadabbers indeed, we despise the harsh word', n.d.
  43. (fols. 187-90) verse titled 'Logogryphe', n.d.
  44. (fol. 191r) verse commencing 'while [pompous?] titles & illustrious birth', n.d.
  45. (191v) epitaph commencing 'Stranger approach - beneath this hallow'd Chalk n.d.
  46. (fol. 192) verse commencing 'the garden is locked & the blins are pulled down', n.d.
  47. (fol. 193) verse, in answer to Harriet Eyre, commencing 'well pleas'd experience heard the lays', n.d.
  48. (fols. 194-7) verse, addressed to Mrs Preston, commencing 'you know my friend the tunefull nine', Sept. 1804
  49. (fol. 198) verse, for a monument to George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt, commencing 'here rest lov'd shade amid thy kindred race', n.d.


  • Creation: 1750-1804, n.d.


118 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Eng. d. 3887