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Correspondence of Edward William Harcourt, 1866-77, n.d.

MS. Eng. d. 3879

  • Request


letter to:

  1. (fols. 301-2) Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Sept. 1876

letters from:

  1. (fols. 1-2) Augustus Henry Vernon, 6th Baron Vernon, Apr. 1871
  2. (fols. 3-4) Harriet Vernon, Lady Vernon, n.d.
  3. (fols. 5-6) Sir Edward Sabine, Apr. 1871
  4. (fols. 7-58) his mother Matilda Vernon Harcourt, Mar.-July 1876, mainly n.d.
  5. (fols. 59-94) his brother Sir William Harcourt, Nov. 1876-Jan. 1877, mainly n.d.
  6. (fols. 95-8) Elizabeth Cabot Ives, Nov. 1876, n.d.
  7. (fols. 99-100) [H. Tennant Cook?], n.d.
  8. (fols. 101-38) his sister Cecilia Rice, n.d.
  9. (fols. 139-44) his sister Lady Selina Morshead, n.d.
  10. (fols. 145-52) his sister Mary Beresford, n.d.
  11. (fols. 153-4) his brother-in-law George De La Poer Beresford, Nov. 1876
  12. (fols. 155-6) his nephew Lewis Harcourt, Dec. 1874
  13. (fols. 157-8) his nephew Henry Rice, n.d.
  14. (fols. 159-68) G.H. Vernon, n.d.
  15. (fols. 169-70) [Egerton?] Vernon Harcourt, June 1875, Dec. 1876
  16. (fols. 173-6) unidentified, n.d.
  17. (fols. 177-8) his cousin Augustus Vernon Harcourt, Nov. 1876
  18. (fols. 179-80) ? Astley, Jan. 1877
  19. (fol. 181) G. Cecil Gooch, Feb. 1876
  20. (fols. 182-3) his aunt A. Gooch, Mar. 1876
  21. (fols. 184-5) his cousin L. Edith Gooch, n.d.
  22. (fols. 186-9) Louisa H. Vernon, n.d.
  23. (fols. 190-5) ? Danby, n.d.
  24. (fols. 196-7, 199-200) Lady Catherine Vernon Harcourt, Nov. 1875, Apr. 1876
  25. (fols. 201-2) Frances Parkinson-Fortescue, Countess Waldegrave, [July?] 1875
  26. (fols 203-7) Montagu Bertie, 6th Earl of Abingdon, July 1874-Oct. 1876
  27. (fols. 208-9) unidentified, n.d.
  28. (fols. 210-11) George Holroyd, 2nd Earl of Sheffield, Apr. 1875
  29. (fols. 212-20) Harriet Holroyd, Countess of Sheffield, Apr. 1876, mainly n.d.
  30. (fols. 220-34) Murray Finch Hatton, July 1875-Dec. 1876
  31. (fols. 236-51) Henry Holroyd, 3rd Earl of Sheffield, Oct. 1875-Jan. 1877
  32. (fols. 254-5) D.E. Holroyd, Oct. 1876
  33. (fols. 258-74) Henry George Liddell, Nov. 1866, June-Nov. 1876
  34. (fols. 274-9) Lorina H. Liddell, n.d.
  35. (fols. 280-5) H.W. Acland, June 1876
  36. (fols. 286-96) Marquess d'Harcourt, June-Nov. 1876, n.d.
  37. (fols. 297-300, 303-8) Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Mar.-Apr. 1866, Apr. 1869, Aug.-Oct. 1876
  38. (fols. 309-10) Maurice Gervais-Beresford, Archbishop of Armagh, Sept. 1872, Sept. 1875
  39. (fols. 315-20) ? Anson, Mar.-May [1865?], June 1870
  40. (fols. 321-2) W.J. Evelyn, Nov. 1874
  41. (fols. 323-6) Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 5th Baron Dufferin and Clanboye, Feb. 1875-May 1876
  42. (fols. 327-30) [ Harriet Loyd-Lindsay], n.d.
  43. (fols. 331-2) Leveson C. Randolph, Sept. 1874
  44. (fols. 333-4) Ernest de Bunsen, June 1876
  45. (fols. 335-40) John Goring, n.d.
  46. (fols. 341-4) M.J. Egerton, n.d.
  47. (fols. 345-6) Henry [Danett?], June 1876
  48. (fols. 347-8) unidentified, July 1876
  49. (fols. 349-54) J. Sidney Smith, June 1870, June-Aug. 1876
  50. (fols. 356-9) [G.S. Moncke?], Mar.-July 1875
  51. (fols. 360-3) Walter Sneyd, Nov. 1876, n.d.
  52. (fols. 364-71) Charles Conybeare, June 1873, Oct. 1876, n.d.


  1. (fols. 252-3) memorial for George Holroyd, 2nd Earl of Sheffield, [1876?]
  2. (fols. 256-7) verse titled 'Love disarmed' by unidentified, n.d.
  3. (fols. 311-14) letter from Gertrude Harcourt to Mrs Danby, Oct. 1875


  • Creation: 1866-77, n.d.


375 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Eng. d. 3879