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Literary and historical manuscripts owned by Disraeli, 16th-19th cent.

Dep. Hughenden 27/2, fols. 254-323
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

Literary and historical manuscripts owned by Disraeli, with a few letters concerning them, 1876-1886. Includes:

  1. (fols. 255-266) holograph draft by Thomas de Quincey, ['Sketch from childhood'], given by James Hogg, 1876 (who first printed it, 1851), beg. 'But surely it was no matter for grief - that the two idiots were dead and buried?', and ending with two lines of Latin 'Hi motus animorum …', printed Collected writings of Thomas de Quincy, ed. D. Masson, I (Edinburgh, 1889), 105-14; with (fols. 254, 267-270) covering note, and two letters from Hogg's son, 1886
  2. (fols. 273-314) report on Cyprus, by the Venetian ambassador to Cyprus, to the Venetian Signory, in a Humanistic cursive hand, 1559 (stiffened paper wrappers), with letters to Corry from (fols. 271-272) Rawdon Brown, presenting it to Disraeli, 1878, and (fols. 315-316) Sir Austen Layard, concerning it, 1879
  3. (fols. 317-320) a petition to Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry, with a note signed by Coventry, and a response to the note, 1629
  4. (fols. 321-322) articles of misdemeanour, Yorkshire, 1660
  5. (fol. 323) a silhouette by Isaac D'Israeli; according to a note by Disraeli, 1861, it is of Isaac D'Israeli aged 13, with a later note by him saying that it was probably D'Israeli's schoolmaster


  • Creation: 16th-19th cent.


71 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


Dep. Hughenden 27/2, fols. 254-323