'The Main Features of CPL', by D.W. Barron, J.N. Buxton, D.F. Hartley, E. Nixon and C. Strachey. (Titan Programming Paper No. 5), 26 February 1963., 1963
In an introductory note D.W. Barron explains that the proposals in Titan Programming Paper No.4 (C. 139) 'formed the basis from which CPL was developed, in cooperation with the University of London. On 21 February 1963 a Symposium on Development of New Programming Languages was held at London University, and for this a paper called 'The Main Features of CPL' was prepared. This paper is now issued, with corrections, as Titan Programming Paper No. 5'.
Also included here is a typescript of the article with same title published in The Computer Journal, 6.
See MS. Eng. misc. b. 289/F.24 for a copy of the published paper.
- Creation: 1963
1 file
Language of Materials
- English
MS. Eng. misc. b. 268/C.141
Former reference:
CSAC 71.1.80/C.141
Repository Details
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