Photographic slides collected by Albinia de la Mare: 'Sales and American Libraries', n.d. [c.1965-2000]
MS. 18746/267
Held in our offsite storage facility
Folder 1: 'Christie's, Quaritch'
- Christie's, Jun 1989 (Book of Hours on purple parchment, 3 slides, unidentified folios)
- Quartich (Aristotle, fols. 8r, 9r, 24v, 35v, 52r, 68v, 97r, 129v, 160r, 172r; signed by Altadell, c.1458-1459)
- Quartich (Perotti manuscript, fols. 1r (whole), 1r (upper half), 5r, 55v (initial), 96v (lower half), 161r (initial), 202v (initial); Bologna, 1454)
Folder 2: 'Baltimore'
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 155 (Thomas of Siena, fol. 2)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 330 (Psalter, fol. 15; Naples, mid-15th century)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 331 (Psalter with gloss, fol. 1; Naples, late 15th century)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 336 (Breviary, fol. 21)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 338 (Gregory, Moralia in Job, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 339 (Rule of Augustine, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 340 (Rule of Augustine, fols. 1, 7 (detail), 26, 26 (detail), 27v (detail); Nic. Mangona?)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 341 (Rule of St Benedict, fol. 1; Milan, second quarter 15th century?)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 344 (Pseudo-Dionysios, Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, fol. 30)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 345 (Jerome, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 348 (Innocent III, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 350 (Legend of St Catherine of Siena, fol. 10)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 351 (Life of the Virgin, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 355 (Aesop, Fables, fol. 3v)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 356 (Aristeas, trans. M. Palmieri, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 357 (Aulus Gellius, fol. 13; Milan, third quarter 15th century)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 359 (Boethius, fol. 1; early 15th century, Venice-Padua)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 360 (Caesar, fol. 95; Rome?, third quarter 15th century)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 361 (Cicero, Pseudo-Seneca, fol. 152)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 362 (Cicero, De officiis, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 363 (Cicero, De officiis, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 364 (Cicero, Opera phil., fols. 1, 1 (detail), 53; Baldinotti)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 368 (Cicero, De inventione, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 369 (Columella, fol. 1; Ormannus de Erfordia, Rome, 1450s)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 374 (Horace, Odes, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 376 (Horace, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 377 (Horace, Statius, Claudian, and Johannes de Sacrobosco, fol. 90)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 379 (Juvenal, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 381 ( Roman History, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 390 (Plutarch, fol. 1; Pesaro)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 393 (Festus Rufus, et al., fol. 65v)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 394 (Solinus, fol. 13)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 398 ( Urbis vero, fol. 2; Rome?)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 400 (Vergil, Opera, fols. 54v-55r and an unidentified folio)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 401 (Vergil, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 406 (Naldo Naldi, fols. 1, 3 (detail), 51v (detail), 82 (detail); Verazzano)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 407 (Boccaccio, Fiammetta, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 408 (Boccaccio, Corbaccio, fol. 1)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 411 (Petrarch, Canzoniere, fol. 51r, 51v; B.S.H. signed)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 413 A, 414, 415 (three cuttings)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 470 (Lectionary, fragment, fol. 2)
- Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, W. 755 (fols. 29v, 46v, 59v, 65v and 2 unidentifed folios; illumination by Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni)
Folder 3: 'Princeton'
- Princeton, University Library, Garrett 67 (Eusebius, De prep. evang., fols. 1, 3v; Padua, 1460)
- Princeton, University Library, Garrett 104 (Euclid, fol. 1, 1 (detail))
- Princeton, University Library, Garrett 113 (Livy, Dec. I, fols. 1, 218; Florence, 1450-1460, namepiece)
- Princeton, University Library, Garrett 122 (fols. 1v, 3; February 28 1517)
- Princeton, University Library, Garrett 158 (fol. 17)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 22 (Xenophon, fol. 1, fol. 1 (detail, 2 slides))
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 25 (Terence, fols. 1, 157v; Naples, 1448)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 31 (Cicero, De oratore, fol. 1; Giovanni da Stia)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 33 (Sallust, fol. 1; Nic. Riccius)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 34 (Ovid, fol. 1; Florentine cursive)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 38 (Juvenal, fols. 1, 65, 82; scribe Panormita?, Naples, 1458)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 39 (Pseudo-Quintilian, fols. 1, 130v; Petrus Anzotus, Venice, 1404)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 41 (Caesar, fol. 1, 27, 46v; Ferrara)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 42 (Justin, fols. 8v, 9, 131; scribe Alfonsus Palentinus)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 43 (Justin, fol. 1; Lucca and Florence?, 1470)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 45 (Q. Curtius, fols. 1, 1 (detail), 15; Florence, 1465-1470)
- Princeton, University Library, Kane 55 (Bruni, De bello italico adv. Gothos gesto, fols. 1, 73, 78; signed Gaspar Bonatus Parmensis, 1456)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 35 (Vergil, fols. 1, 53; Ferrara?, 1460s)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 36 (Vergil, fols. 1, 14v, 50v, 87v; Ferrara, 1450s)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 45 (Pliny, Letters, fol. 1; Rome, 1450s)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 77 / 26 (fols. 1, 16v-17r)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 97 (Congregation of Monte Oliveto, Statutes or Privileges, fols. 1, 26v-27r; Milan, 1512?)
- Princeton, University Library, MS. 129 (Book of Hours, fols. 13v, 13v-14r, 106v-107r, 137v-138r, 189v-190r; scribe Baldinotti)
Folder 4: 'Austin–Cleveland'
- Austin, Texas, University Library, MS. 35 (Horace, 7 slides, unidentified folios, Bartolomeo Sanvito)
- Austin, Texas, University Library, HR. HRC. HRC. 36 (Cicero, De oratore, fols. flyleaf, a1, a1 (detail); Florence, ?1450)
- Austin, Texas, University Library, HR. HRC. HRC. 38 (Pseudo-Phalaris, Letters, in Italian, trans. Bartolomeo Fonzio, fols. 1r, 1v)
- Austin, Texas, University Library, HR. HRC. HRC. 42 ( De perfectione vitae spiritualis, fols. 2, 9; Florence, third quarter 15th century)
- Austin, Texas, University Library, HR. HRC. HRC. 47 (Petrarch, Canzoniere, 4 unidentified slides, two thought to be fols. 136v and 140; Spanish)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 2 (Augustine, fols. 3, 26, 69r, 69v, 79; Venice 1420s?)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 33 (frate Paolo Attavanti?, fols. 1, 14; Sinibaldi)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 61 (Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, fol. 35 and an unidentified folio; Naples)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 70 (Vergil, fol. 1; Siena?)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 79 (Euclid, fols. 2, 13v, 149v; Florence)
- Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, MS. 142 (Cicero, fols. 1, 53, 54v, 103; Florence)
- Camarillo, St John's Seminary, Estelle Doheny Library, MS. Doheny #3863 (Petrarch, Trionfi, unidentified folio)
- Cleveland (Missal, 3 unidentified folios; Siena, 15th century)
Folder 5: 'Harvard-San Marino'
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 40 (Juvenal, fol. 1; Bologna, 1462)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 124 (trans. Bruni, Palladius, Ovid, et al., list of contents and fol. 108v; in part? Jacopo di Poggio Bracciolini)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 144 (Francesco Barbaro, De re uxoria, fol. 1; Venice, first quarter 15th century)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 163 (Francesco Barbaro, De re uxoria, fol. 2; Florence, 1470s)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 177 (Cicero, De officiis, fol. 1)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 205 (Alberti, Philodexeos, Sallust, fol. 1; Milo da Carraria)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Lat. 248 (Aquinas, fol. 1; Florence, c.1465)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 5 (Ptolemy, fol. 1; early 15th century, Florence)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 9 (Bruni, Letters, beg. text; sold by Vespasiano ?1445)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 217 (fols. [1]r, Vv, CXXVv)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 219 (fols. 8, 25v, 28v)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 297 (Basil, et al., trans. Bruni, fol. 1; Milan)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 322 (Juvenal, fols. 1v, 2, 25, 107v; Florence, late 15th or early 16th century)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 327 (Santa Maria di Porcilia?, Catasto, fol. 1r; scribe Antonio delle Conchelle, Padua)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 447 (Palladius, fols. 47v, 87; Verona, scribe Blasius de Saracenis)
- Harvard, Houghton Library, Typ. 496 (Fiocchi, fols. 1r, 32r; Rome, Bembo scribe, 1465)
- Iowa City, University of Iowa, MS. 6 (Lucan, 2 unidentified folios; Baldinotti)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 244 (Xenophon and Onosander, trans. Bruni, fols. 2, 99v; Gundisalvus Hispanus)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 361 (Book of Hours, fols. 1, 100)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 475 (fol. 3; Giovanni da Stia)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 476 (Livy, Dec. I, fols. 1, 27; Florence, 1450-1460, late Giovanni Aretino)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 477 (Jerome, Letters, in Italian, fol. 1 and beg. text; Franciscus, Florence)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 496 (Jerome, fols. beg. text, 1v, 224v; Sigismondo de' Sigismondi, for Matthias Corvinus)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 497 (Cicero, Opera phil., and the Commentarium of Niccoli, fols. 1, flyleaf verso, 269v)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 746 (Mandeville’s travels, in Italian, fol. 1; Ferrara, Nic. de Mascarinus)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 867 (Pontano, Poems, fols. 1, 8, 16v, 25, 35)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 920 (Petrarch, fols. 1, 46; Gherardo del Ciriagio)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library?, (Vespasiano, Vita di A. Bardi, beg. text; scribe Sinibaldus C.)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Glazier MS. 22 (Cicero, fol. 1; scribe Sinibaldus C.)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Glazier MS. 41 (Terence, fol. 1)
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, E. 2 78B (Aristotle, fol. 247)
- New York, Public Library, Spencer Collection MS. 20 (Valerius Maximus, frontispiece detail)
- San Marino, Huntington Library, MS. 1080 (fols. 5, 368; Niccolò Berti da San Gimigniano)
- San Marino, Huntington Library, HM. 142 (collection of devotional works, Werken?, unidentified folio)
Folder 6: 'Chicago, private collection–Yale, Beinecke Library'
- Chicago, private collection - Robert Williams (Sallust, Bellum Catalinae, 2 unidentified folios; fragment copied by the Yates Thompson scribe)
- private collection?, Kraus Engel / Gros (Servius on Vergil, fols. 1r, 30r; signed Ambrogio da Marliano)
- private collection?, Kraus, Cat. 153 (Phillipps 6744) (Livy, Dec. I, fol. 5; scribe of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. Class. Lat. 300)
- William Voelkle Collection (Burial service, 2 unidentified folios; scribe Ioh. Bapt. de Laurentiis of Milan)
- Roger Wieck Collection (cutting from a Gradual, 2 unidentified folios; Cortese?)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. 1 (Livy, Dec. I, fol. 66)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. 284 (Cicero, De officiis, fols. 1r, 275r; Piero Cennini)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. 438 (Petrarch, Trionfi, fols. 3, 20v, 25v, 39, 49v, 53v; Florence, mid-15th century, Giovanni Varnucci)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 6 (Cicero, Speeches, fol. 1r; Ferrarese?)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 7 (Cicero, Phillipics, et al., fols. 1r, 32r, 65v, 111v; 'Florence, very early')
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 10 (Demosthenes, et al., trans. Bruni, fols. 1r, 9r; early)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 35 (Flavio Biondo, Italia illustrata, fols. 1r, 88v; Ferrara, scribe of the Maffei Vergil?)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 39 (Cicero, De oratore, et al., fols. 1r, 121v, 144v, 145r; signed Filippo Corbizzi)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 52 (Suetonius, fols. 1r, 152r; scribe Simon Carpanetis)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 55 (Nonius Marcellus, fol. 1r; Florence)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 78 (Plato, trans. Bruni, fol. 1r; 1440s?)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 91 (fol. 1r)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 94 (fols. 1r, 60v)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 99 (Petrarch, Canzoniere, fol. 1v; north east Italy)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 111 (Guarino, Grammatica, fol. 1r; scribe of Yates Thompson Petrarch)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 124 (Ambrose, fol. 1r)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 184 (Cicero, Tusc. Q., fol. 1r; scribe Domenico di Niccolò Pollini)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 188 (fol. 1r; Venice)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 217 (Matteo Palmieri, De temporibus, fol. 1r; Domenico Cassii)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 247 (miscellany of Italian 'dicerie', fol. 1r; Florence, scribe of Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, S. Marco 384)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 261 (Petrarch, Trionfi, fol. 1; Carlo di Palla di Guidi della Foresta)
- Yale, Beinecke Library, MS. Marston 278 (Cicero, Tusc. Q., Rutilius Lupus, Aquila Romanus, Priscian, fol. 1r; Florence, late 1420s, Antonio di Mario?)
- Creation: n.d. [c.1965-2000]
1 box (6 folders)
Language of Materials
- Latin
MS. 18746/267
Former reference:
Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. III., SLC V 1-6
- From the Collection: de la Mare | Albinia Catherine | 1932-2001 | librarian and palaeographer (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom