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Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photographs and photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections - Public Collections, T - Z, Private Collections, sales and booksellers, and whereabouts unknown', 1972-1994 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]

MS. 18746/114
Held in our offsite storage facility

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Folder 1: 'Public Collections, T - Z', including

  1. Tallahassee, Florida State University, MS. BT / 769 / A56
  2. Austin, Texas, University Library, notebook of William Morris
  3. Toledo Cathedral, MS. 52. 10
  4. Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, MS. 97. 12; 100. 42
  5. Toledo, Ohio, Toledo Museum of Art, MS. 33
  6. Trapani, Biblioteca Comunale Fardelliana, MS. 6
  7. Trento, Museo Provinciale d'Arte, Castello del Buonconsiglio, B 1357 (formerly MS. Vindob. lat. 120)
  8. Troyes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 2471
  9. Udine, Archivio di Stato, payment rolls for papal 'Scriptores', referred to in correspondence with Prof. C. Scalon, Universita degli studi di Udine, Nov-Dec 1986
  10. Udine, Biblioteca Arcivescovile, Cod. 14 (Juvenal); 62 (Jerome, Letters); 63 (G. Campano, De ingratitudine fugienda)
  11. Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek, MS. C. 49; C. 82 (Bruni, Opera); C. 805
  12. Urbana, Illinois, MS. 20 (Ovid)
  13. Valencia Catedral, MS. 173 (Livy)
  14. Valencia, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 384; 386; 398; 608; 691; 731 (Jerome, Letters); 740 (Columella); 743 (Cyril, Thesaurus); 755 (Livy, in Italian); 756 (Livy, in Italian); 763; 773; 819 (Flavius Josephus); 827; 835; 836; 837 (Filarete); 838; 855; 856 ( Persuasio contra Turchum); 891
  15. Vancouver, University of British Columbia, MS. 87 - 366 (Cicero, Tusc. Q., et al.)
  16. Veroli, Biblioteca Giovardiana, MS. 12 (41. 1. 39) (Ovid, et al.)
  17. Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. CXLIII (Terence); CCI ( Leggi e statuti della città di Verona); CCXXXIX (ancient history, et al.); CCXXXVI (Galenus); CCCCLXI
  18. Verona, Biblioteca Comunale, MS. 1467 (fol. 40); 2006 (Marin Sanudo)
  19. Veszprem, Püspöki Könyvtár, E. 1
  20. Vicenza, Biblioteca Bertoliana, G. 2. 8. 12 (Tibullus, et al.); 3. 8. 14 (Ovid, Fasti); 7. 1. 78, and 7. 1. 79 (Bart. Pagello); 8. 12. 5 ( Libro dei testamenti del Convento di S. Agostino); 1. 11. 4 ( Libro dei livelli del Convento di S. Agostino)
  21. Vigevano, Biblioteca Roncalli, MS. 4 B. 1 - 2, fol. 1 (kept in Milan, Soprintendenza bibliografica per la Lombardia; Seneca glossed by Bussi)
  22. Viterbo, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. 1
  23. Volterra, Biblioteca Guarnacci, Inv. 5404
  24. Waldburg-Wolfegg und Waldsee, Schloss Wolfegg, Fürstliche Hofbibliothek, unidentified shelfmark (Ptolemy, 1468)
  25. Warsaw, National Library, Cim. 33
  26. Washington, Library of Congress, MS. 153 ( Libro de arte coquinaria); Rosenwald Collection, unidentified shelfmark (Valturius, De re militari)
  27. Washington, Folger Library, Va. 84
  28. Wellesley College, Massachusetts, Plimpton Collection no. 101 (Boccaccio); 492 (Petrarch, Trionfi); 854
  29. Wellington, New Zealand, Turnbull Library, unidentified shelfmark (Eutropius)
  30. Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. 69. 9. Aug. 2˚; 84. 1. Aug. 2˚; 85. 1. 1. Aug. 2˚; 10. 9. Aug. 4°; 22. 6. Aug. 4˚; 50. 5. Aug. 4˚ (Pliny, Letters); 56. 3. 2 Aug. 4˚; 63. 5. Aug. 8˚; 20 Gud. lat.; 23 Gud. lat.; 24 Gud. lat.; 68 Gud. lat.; 70 Gud. lat.; 108 Gud. lat.; 118 Gud. lat.; 170 Gud. lat.; 296 Gud. lat.; 318 Gud. lat.; 342 Gud. lat.; Extrav. 264. 12; Guelf. 20 Gud. 2˚; Guelf. 46 Gud. graec.; Guelf. 299 Extrav.; 336 Helmst
  31. Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, AKC. 1948 KN. 197 (former A. III. I. 20; Propertius); Magd. 1385; Rhedig. 87; 88; 91; 92; 93; 94 (preceding seven all Juvenal); 95
  32. Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, MS. C. 47; C. 74a (manuscript T of Quintilian)

Folder 2: 'Private Collections, Sale and Bookseller Catalogues A - J', including

  1. Joseph Baer, Frankfurt, 1912, no. 4683; Rudolf Busch Sale, 4 May 1921, no. 271
  2. Pierre Berès, Paris, Catalogue 66 (1974), no. 29 (Bartholomeus Paiellus, Carmen in laudem Petri Mocenigi)
  3. Libreria Internazionale C. Caldini, Florence, Catalogue (1974), no. 233
  4. Christie's, 30 Jan 1980, lot 213; 25 Jun 1986, lot 216 (Quintilian, Institutio oratoria); 218; 2 Dec 1987, lot 23
  5. Christie’s, New York, 17 Nov 1978, lot 276 (printed edition Augustine, Rome, Sweynheym and Pannartz, 1468)
  6. Collection Aveva Cohen, New York, printed edition Erasmus
  7. 'Collection J.D.', sale, Paris, 6-7 Dec 1961, lots 8, 24, 118
  8. Vente Robert Danon, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 21 Mar 1973, no. 12
  9. T. De Marinis, Catalogue VIII (1908), no. 3 (Thomas Aquinas); no. 22 (Dante); Catalogue IX (1911), nos. 35; 79 (Polybius)
  10. De Marinis Collection, Florence, several items
  11. Engel-Gros Collection, item sold Paris, Jun 1921, and again, Sotheby's, Monte Carlo, 1979
  12. Alberto Falck Collection, Milan, A) Bruni, De primo bello punico in Italian; B) Valla, De vero falsoque bono; C) Aristotle, Rhetoric, translated by Francesco Filelfo, scribe possibly Laurentius Lendinaria, 1463?. Includes correspondence with Dr. Alberto Falck regarding these manuscripts, Apr-May 1978.
  13. 'Fitzhardinge Petrarch', including correspondence with L.F. Fitzhardinge, New South Wales, regarding the manuscript, Jan 1979
  14. Lawrence Feinberg, Catalogue 5 (1980), no. 1 ( former Phillipps 3353, Justin)
  15. E.P. Goldschmidt, Catalogue 150, part I (1973), no. 1 ( Diario romano, and Mirabilia Romae); List 5, no. 128 (Richardus de S. Victor)
  16. Griffoni, 'end 1974' (Petrus Diaconus, Burchardus, Liber notarum, et al.)
  17. Lathrop C. Harper Inc., New York, Catalogue 216 (1974), no. 156 (printed edition Franciscus de Platea); Catalogue 237, 1980, nos. 31, 74
  18. Hoepli sale catalogue, 6-8 May 1925, no. 288 (Dante, Divina Commedia); 30 Nov-3 Dec 1925 (De Marinis Sale), lots 164, 355; Milan, 2-6 Apr 1927, lot 357 (Vergil in Italian, Aldobrandini arms); 3-4 May 1928, lot 37 (Lactantius); lot 170 (Petrarch, Trionfi); 189 (Cicero, De finibus); 18 Feb 1929, lot 51 (Cicero, De amicitia); 3-4 Dec 1929, p. 28 (Jerome, et al., Letters); p. 43 (Serapion, Delle medicine semplici); p. 53 (Cicero, De officiis); p. 63 (= 5-6 Jun 1935 lot 72, Ovid, Metamorphoses, in Italian); Rome, 15 Dec 1931, lot 42 (Epistole, Lezioni ed Evangeli); Zurich, 14 Oct 1932, lot 22 (Luca Signorelli, Letter); lot 26 (Perugino, Letter); Rome, 27 Apr 1933, lot 4 (Jacopo della Quercia, Letter), lot 15 (Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, Letter), lot 16 (Giuliano de' Medici, Letter); Martini sale, May 1935, lot 78 (G. Dati, La sfera), lot 137 (Micheli O., Opusculum); Hoepli / Kundig, Geneva, 20 Nov 1947, no. 3 (printed edition Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Milan, 1473); Hoepli, 23-24 Apr 1956, no. 14 (Perugino, Letter); 18 (A. da Sangallo the Elder, Letter); 19 (Caterina Sforza, Letter); 29 (A. Sangallo the Younger, Letter); 33 (Alessandra Ariosto, Letter); 34 (Jacopo Sansovino, Letter); 37 (Melanchthon, Letter); 38 (Giulio Romano, Letter); 49 (Veronese, Letter)
  19. Hoffman and Freeman, Catalogue 32, Feb 1971, no. 152
  20. R. von Hünersdorf, Catalogue 2 (1973), no. 1 (Barbaro, De re uxoria); 43 (life and martyrdom of St. George)
  21. Nico Israel, Amsterdam, Catalogue 22 (1980), no. 4 (Pseudo-Servius, Festus, Pseudo-Cicero, Bartolomeo Facio, with descriptions, and a letter from Nicolas Barker, British Library, regarding manuscripts sold by Israel, 17 Aug 1979)

Folder 3: 'Private Collections, Sale and Bookseller Catalogues K - W', including

  1. Kraus, Catalogue 80 (1956), no. 12 (Hieremias de Montagnone); Kraus, Monumenta Codicum Manuscriptorum (New York, 1974) no. 41; Catalogue 126, (1971), no. 17; Catalogue 153 (1979), no. 43 (former Phillipps 3989); no. 48 (former Phillipps 915, including description by Kraus); no. 65; no. 83 (former Phillipps 243, containing Boccaccio, La Fiametta, including correspondence with H.P. Kraus regarding this manuscript, Dec 1978-Jan 1979); Catalogue 155, Science (1980), no. 5 (Euclid / Luca Pacioli)
  2. Librairie Lardanchet, Beaux Livres Anciens et Modernes, Bibliothèque J.D. Paris, 1976, no. 9 (printed edition Eusebius, De prep. evang., Venice, 1470; illuminated, annotated)
  3. Maggs, Catalogue 542 (1930), Gordan Collection, New York, no. 196 (MS. 3, Cicero, De legibus); 112 (MS. 4, Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa, et al.); 115 (MS. 18, Vergerio, De ingenuis moribus, and Barbaro, De re uxoria); European Literature, Part 1, Greek and Latin Writers (1942), nos. 55A, 219, 296, 452A, 458; Bulletin 11, (Nov 1982), nos. 57, 79; Catalogue 1059 (Summer 1985), nos. 81, 91;
  4. Joseph Martini, Catalogue XXXIV (1932), no. 5 (Justin, from Manetti); Catalogue XXVIII (1938), no. 10 (Dio Cassius, in Greek, for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese). [The first catalogue reference, given as XXXIV, may be incorrect, cf. date of Catalogue XXVIII]
  5. Collection A. Mettler, sale, Amsterdam, 5 Apr 1935, no. 33; 34
  6. Olschki, Catalogue LXXIV?, no. 11 (Breviarium Franciscanum)
  7. 'Plimpton Petrarch'
  8. Quaritch, Catalogue 1056 (Nov 1985), no. 79
  9. Radaeli, Christmas 1967, including manuscripts containing Barzizza, Homer (in Latin, abbreviated version), and Gaspare da Verona / Guarino (from Bonaccorso Adimari, with description by G. Billanovich, and correspondence with Dr. Francesco Radaeli, Mar-Apr 1981)
  10. The Rendells, Inc., 1978, incunable leaf; Catalogue 146 (1979), no. 145
  11. Renzo Rizzi, Catalogue IV (1967), no. 389 (Gaspare da Verona); Boll. 36, no. 2770 (W. Burley; on paper, apparently Italian, mid-15th century); no. 2784 (Valerius Maximus); Boll. 40 (1977?), no. 156 (Book of Hours, humanistic script); no. 231; (photocopies from a catalogue not held by the Bodleian Library)
  12. Bernard M. Rosenthal, including Catalogue 22 (1971), no. 15; 56 (classics miscellany signed Gibertus, 1471 / 1473); 71; 73 (manuscript copied by ‘N.H.’, who worked in Basel and Louvain, containing Sallust, Poggio, De infelicitate principum); Catalogue 23 (1972), no. 84 (miscellany, Italy, 15th century). Also a printed edition Martial, Milan, 1478, with extensive marginal glosses, apparently with Rosenthal in Dec 1972.
  13. Joseph Rubinstein, including Zanobi Acciaiuoli manuscript
  14. Libreria Salimbeni, Florence, Paulus Venetus, 1477
  15. W. Sallock, New York, Catalogue 300, no. 19 (Castiglione, autograph letter); Catalogue 333, no. 22; Catalogue 375 (1981), no. 14
  16. Collection Otto Schäfer, including correspondence with Dr. Manfred von Arnim, Sammlung Otto Schäfer, regarding a Ptolemy manuscript, Oct 1975
  17. E.K. Schreiber, New York, Catalogue 7 (1979), nos. 65, 89
  18. Sotheby's, Vernon sale, 10-12 Jun 1918, lot 518 (Vergil); 4 Jun 1934, lots 38, 43; A.W.M. Mensing sale, 15-17 Dec 1936, lots 73, 159, 467, 531; 19 Dec 1955, lot 57; Hely Hutchinson sale, 12 Mar 1956, lot 184; 9 Dec 1974, lot 44; 19 Apr 1977, lots 262, 333; 13 Jul 1977, lot 56; 20 Jun 1978, lot 2986 ('Guidi Macrobius'); 19 Jun 1979, lot 45; 8 Dec 1981, lot 91; 22 Jun 1982, lot 56; Dec 1983, leaf of Terence; Important Printed Books, 20-21 Sep 1984, lot 707 (Sonetti manuscript); 26-27 Jun 1986, lots including 27, 75, 83, 96, 127, 128; 2 Dec 1987, lot 7 (leaf with historiated initial) and other lots; 21 Jun 1988 (manuscript signed by Bonifacius de Lazzarenis, 1454 or 1455
  19. Sotheby’s, New York, Parke-Bernet sale, 28 Mar 1972, lot 150 (Alamanni to Guicciardini, 1518)
  20. Archivio Spinelli (letter of Corso Adimari referred to in correspondence with Dr. Francesco Radaeli above)
  21. J.A. Stargardt, Autographen, sale, Marburg, 20-21 Feb 1973, lot 864 (Alfons V. von Aragonien)
  22. Libreria Giovanni Valleri, Florence, Catalogue 89, 1985, N. 1; 2; 3; 1481
  23. Lawrence Witten, including Catalogue 12 (1980), no. 22 (Hours illuminated by Benedetto Bordone, c. 1510); 25 (Juvenal, late 12th century, with 15th century additions mentioning Guarino); Catalogue 18 (1983), nos. 23, 33, 34, 40, 45

Folder 4: 'Whereabouts Unknown (including anonymous, private collections)', including

  1. letters received from Christie's, London, regarding a Quintus Curtius manuscript, Jul 1973
  2. Paris, private collection, from Phillips Collection 4473, Sotheby's sale, 1973, lot 613 (Buondelmonti)
  3. correspondence, notes, descriptions and images relating to Cicero, Orationes; De senectute; and De Amicitia; Propertius, Catullus, Tibullus; 'Stanze' by Molza and Gandolfo Porrino?; a Fonzio vocabulary; a Pico della Mirandola incunable; a 'Phillips Livy'; Boccaccio, Fiammetta; Sallust; Onosander; Herodotus, translated by Valla; Agapetus; Manetti
  4. correspondence with Sotheby's, London, regarding a Juvenal manuscript, Ferrara, 1453, Apr 1983
  5. Alan Thomas, Catalogue 46 (1984), no. 1 (Bianchini, Tabulae de Motibus Planetarum, Ferrara, c.1475)
  6. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, Botfield Collection (Vergil)
  7. Bembo, Petrarch, and related correspondence, Aug-Sep 1980
  8. charter of Emperor Maximilian II, 1570
  9. Pius II, letter to the Sultan Mahomet II, France, before 1470
  10. private collection, manuscript of Antonio Benivieni
  11. 'Private collection, Italy (?), Herbal of c.1510, probably from region of Pistoia'
  12. Paris, private collection, Book of Hours of Queen Claude of France, c.1515
  13. private collection, prayer book of Sixtus IV (= Closed).


  • Creation: 1972-1994 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]


1 box (4 folders)

Language of Materials

  • Latin

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MS. 18746/114

Former reference:

Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. XXVIII-G