Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photographs and photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections - Public Collections, T - Z, Private Collections, sales and booksellers, and whereabouts unknown', 1972-1994 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]
MS. 18746/114
Held in our offsite storage facility
Folder 1: 'Public Collections, T - Z', including
- Tallahassee, Florida State University, MS. BT / 769 / A56
- Austin, Texas, University Library, notebook of William Morris
- Toledo Cathedral, MS. 52. 10
- Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, MS. 97. 12; 100. 42
- Toledo, Ohio, Toledo Museum of Art, MS. 33
- Trapani, Biblioteca Comunale Fardelliana, MS. 6
- Trento, Museo Provinciale d'Arte, Castello del Buonconsiglio, B 1357 (formerly MS. Vindob. lat. 120)
- Troyes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 2471
- Udine, Archivio di Stato, payment rolls for papal 'Scriptores', referred to in correspondence with Prof. C. Scalon, Universita degli studi di Udine, Nov-Dec 1986
- Udine, Biblioteca Arcivescovile, Cod. 14 (Juvenal); 62 (Jerome, Letters); 63 (G. Campano, De ingratitudine fugienda)
- Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek, MS. C. 49; C. 82 (Bruni, Opera); C. 805
- Urbana, Illinois, MS. 20 (Ovid)
- Valencia Catedral, MS. 173 (Livy)
- Valencia, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 384; 386; 398; 608; 691; 731 (Jerome, Letters); 740 (Columella); 743 (Cyril, Thesaurus); 755 (Livy, in Italian); 756 (Livy, in Italian); 763; 773; 819 (Flavius Josephus); 827; 835; 836; 837 (Filarete); 838; 855; 856 ( Persuasio contra Turchum); 891
- Vancouver, University of British Columbia, MS. 87 - 366 (Cicero, Tusc. Q., et al.)
- Veroli, Biblioteca Giovardiana, MS. 12 (41. 1. 39) (Ovid, et al.)
- Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. CXLIII (Terence); CCI ( Leggi e statuti della città di Verona); CCXXXIX (ancient history, et al.); CCXXXVI (Galenus); CCCCLXI
- Verona, Biblioteca Comunale, MS. 1467 (fol. 40); 2006 (Marin Sanudo)
- Veszprem, Püspöki Könyvtár, E. 1
- Vicenza, Biblioteca Bertoliana, G. 2. 8. 12 (Tibullus, et al.); 3. 8. 14 (Ovid, Fasti); 7. 1. 78, and 7. 1. 79 (Bart. Pagello); 8. 12. 5 ( Libro dei testamenti del Convento di S. Agostino); 1. 11. 4 ( Libro dei livelli del Convento di S. Agostino)
- Vigevano, Biblioteca Roncalli, MS. 4 B. 1 - 2, fol. 1 (kept in Milan, Soprintendenza bibliografica per la Lombardia; Seneca glossed by Bussi)
- Viterbo, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. 1
- Volterra, Biblioteca Guarnacci, Inv. 5404
- Waldburg-Wolfegg und Waldsee, Schloss Wolfegg, Fürstliche Hofbibliothek, unidentified shelfmark (Ptolemy, 1468)
- Warsaw, National Library, Cim. 33
- Washington, Library of Congress, MS. 153 ( Libro de arte coquinaria); Rosenwald Collection, unidentified shelfmark (Valturius, De re militari)
- Washington, Folger Library, Va. 84
- Wellesley College, Massachusetts, Plimpton Collection no. 101 (Boccaccio); 492 (Petrarch, Trionfi); 854
- Wellington, New Zealand, Turnbull Library, unidentified shelfmark (Eutropius)
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. 69. 9. Aug. 2˚; 84. 1. Aug. 2˚; 85. 1. 1. Aug. 2˚; 10. 9. Aug. 4°; 22. 6. Aug. 4˚; 50. 5. Aug. 4˚ (Pliny, Letters); 56. 3. 2 Aug. 4˚; 63. 5. Aug. 8˚; 20 Gud. lat.; 23 Gud. lat.; 24 Gud. lat.; 68 Gud. lat.; 70 Gud. lat.; 108 Gud. lat.; 118 Gud. lat.; 170 Gud. lat.; 296 Gud. lat.; 318 Gud. lat.; 342 Gud. lat.; Extrav. 264. 12; Guelf. 20 Gud. 2˚; Guelf. 46 Gud. graec.; Guelf. 299 Extrav.; 336 Helmst
- Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, AKC. 1948 KN. 197 (former A. III. I. 20; Propertius); Magd. 1385; Rhedig. 87; 88; 91; 92; 93; 94 (preceding seven all Juvenal); 95
- Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, MS. C. 47; C. 74a (manuscript T of Quintilian)
Folder 2: 'Private Collections, Sale and Bookseller Catalogues A - J', including
- Joseph Baer, Frankfurt, 1912, no. 4683; Rudolf Busch Sale, 4 May 1921, no. 271
- Pierre Berès, Paris, Catalogue 66 (1974), no. 29 (Bartholomeus Paiellus, Carmen in laudem Petri Mocenigi)
- Libreria Internazionale C. Caldini, Florence, Catalogue (1974), no. 233
- Christie's, 30 Jan 1980, lot 213; 25 Jun 1986, lot 216 (Quintilian, Institutio oratoria); 218; 2 Dec 1987, lot 23
- Christie’s, New York, 17 Nov 1978, lot 276 (printed edition Augustine, Rome, Sweynheym and Pannartz, 1468)
- Collection Aveva Cohen, New York, printed edition Erasmus
- 'Collection J.D.', sale, Paris, 6-7 Dec 1961, lots 8, 24, 118
- Vente Robert Danon, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 21 Mar 1973, no. 12
- T. De Marinis, Catalogue VIII (1908), no. 3 (Thomas Aquinas); no. 22 (Dante); Catalogue IX (1911), nos. 35; 79 (Polybius)
- De Marinis Collection, Florence, several items
- Engel-Gros Collection, item sold Paris, Jun 1921, and again, Sotheby's, Monte Carlo, 1979
- Alberto Falck Collection, Milan, A) Bruni, De primo bello punico in Italian; B) Valla, De vero falsoque bono; C) Aristotle, Rhetoric, translated by Francesco Filelfo, scribe possibly Laurentius Lendinaria, 1463?. Includes correspondence with Dr. Alberto Falck regarding these manuscripts, Apr-May 1978.
- 'Fitzhardinge Petrarch', including correspondence with L.F. Fitzhardinge, New South Wales, regarding the manuscript, Jan 1979
- Lawrence Feinberg, Catalogue 5 (1980), no. 1 ( former Phillipps 3353, Justin)
- E.P. Goldschmidt, Catalogue 150, part I (1973), no. 1 ( Diario romano, and Mirabilia Romae); List 5, no. 128 (Richardus de S. Victor)
- Griffoni, 'end 1974' (Petrus Diaconus, Burchardus, Liber notarum, et al.)
- Lathrop C. Harper Inc., New York, Catalogue 216 (1974), no. 156 (printed edition Franciscus de Platea); Catalogue 237, 1980, nos. 31, 74
- Hoepli sale catalogue, 6-8 May 1925, no. 288 (Dante, Divina Commedia); 30 Nov-3 Dec 1925 (De Marinis Sale), lots 164, 355; Milan, 2-6 Apr 1927, lot 357 (Vergil in Italian, Aldobrandini arms); 3-4 May 1928, lot 37 (Lactantius); lot 170 (Petrarch, Trionfi); 189 (Cicero, De finibus); 18 Feb 1929, lot 51 (Cicero, De amicitia); 3-4 Dec 1929, p. 28 (Jerome, et al., Letters); p. 43 (Serapion, Delle medicine semplici); p. 53 (Cicero, De officiis); p. 63 (= 5-6 Jun 1935 lot 72, Ovid, Metamorphoses, in Italian); Rome, 15 Dec 1931, lot 42 (Epistole, Lezioni ed Evangeli); Zurich, 14 Oct 1932, lot 22 (Luca Signorelli, Letter); lot 26 (Perugino, Letter); Rome, 27 Apr 1933, lot 4 (Jacopo della Quercia, Letter), lot 15 (Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, Letter), lot 16 (Giuliano de' Medici, Letter); Martini sale, May 1935, lot 78 (G. Dati, La sfera), lot 137 (Micheli O., Opusculum); Hoepli / Kundig, Geneva, 20 Nov 1947, no. 3 (printed edition Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Milan, 1473); Hoepli, 23-24 Apr 1956, no. 14 (Perugino, Letter); 18 (A. da Sangallo the Elder, Letter); 19 (Caterina Sforza, Letter); 29 (A. Sangallo the Younger, Letter); 33 (Alessandra Ariosto, Letter); 34 (Jacopo Sansovino, Letter); 37 (Melanchthon, Letter); 38 (Giulio Romano, Letter); 49 (Veronese, Letter)
- Hoffman and Freeman, Catalogue 32, Feb 1971, no. 152
- R. von Hünersdorf, Catalogue 2 (1973), no. 1 (Barbaro, De re uxoria); 43 (life and martyrdom of St. George)
- Nico Israel, Amsterdam, Catalogue 22 (1980), no. 4 (Pseudo-Servius, Festus, Pseudo-Cicero, Bartolomeo Facio, with descriptions, and a letter from Nicolas Barker, British Library, regarding manuscripts sold by Israel, 17 Aug 1979)
Folder 3: 'Private Collections, Sale and Bookseller Catalogues K - W', including
- Kraus, Catalogue 80 (1956), no. 12 (Hieremias de Montagnone); Kraus, Monumenta Codicum Manuscriptorum (New York, 1974) no. 41; Catalogue 126, (1971), no. 17; Catalogue 153 (1979), no. 43 (former Phillipps 3989); no. 48 (former Phillipps 915, including description by Kraus); no. 65; no. 83 (former Phillipps 243, containing Boccaccio, La Fiametta, including correspondence with H.P. Kraus regarding this manuscript, Dec 1978-Jan 1979); Catalogue 155, Science (1980), no. 5 (Euclid / Luca Pacioli)
- Librairie Lardanchet, Beaux Livres Anciens et Modernes, Bibliothèque J.D. Paris, 1976, no. 9 (printed edition Eusebius, De prep. evang., Venice, 1470; illuminated, annotated)
- Maggs, Catalogue 542 (1930), Gordan Collection, New York, no. 196 (MS. 3, Cicero, De legibus); 112 (MS. 4, Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa, et al.); 115 (MS. 18, Vergerio, De ingenuis moribus, and Barbaro, De re uxoria); European Literature, Part 1, Greek and Latin Writers (1942), nos. 55A, 219, 296, 452A, 458; Bulletin 11, (Nov 1982), nos. 57, 79; Catalogue 1059 (Summer 1985), nos. 81, 91;
- Joseph Martini, Catalogue XXXIV (1932), no. 5 (Justin, from Manetti); Catalogue XXVIII (1938), no. 10 (Dio Cassius, in Greek, for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese). [The first catalogue reference, given as XXXIV, may be incorrect, cf. date of Catalogue XXVIII]
- Collection A. Mettler, sale, Amsterdam, 5 Apr 1935, no. 33; 34
- Olschki, Catalogue LXXIV?, no. 11 (Breviarium Franciscanum)
- 'Plimpton Petrarch'
- Quaritch, Catalogue 1056 (Nov 1985), no. 79
- Radaeli, Christmas 1967, including manuscripts containing Barzizza, Homer (in Latin, abbreviated version), and Gaspare da Verona / Guarino (from Bonaccorso Adimari, with description by G. Billanovich, and correspondence with Dr. Francesco Radaeli, Mar-Apr 1981)
- The Rendells, Inc., 1978, incunable leaf; Catalogue 146 (1979), no. 145
- Renzo Rizzi, Catalogue IV (1967), no. 389 (Gaspare da Verona); Boll. 36, no. 2770 (W. Burley; on paper, apparently Italian, mid-15th century); no. 2784 (Valerius Maximus); Boll. 40 (1977?), no. 156 (Book of Hours, humanistic script); no. 231; (photocopies from a catalogue not held by the Bodleian Library)
- Bernard M. Rosenthal, including Catalogue 22 (1971), no. 15; 56 (classics miscellany signed Gibertus, 1471 / 1473); 71; 73 (manuscript copied by ‘N.H.’, who worked in Basel and Louvain, containing Sallust, Poggio, De infelicitate principum); Catalogue 23 (1972), no. 84 (miscellany, Italy, 15th century). Also a printed edition Martial, Milan, 1478, with extensive marginal glosses, apparently with Rosenthal in Dec 1972.
- Joseph Rubinstein, including Zanobi Acciaiuoli manuscript
- Libreria Salimbeni, Florence, Paulus Venetus, 1477
- W. Sallock, New York, Catalogue 300, no. 19 (Castiglione, autograph letter); Catalogue 333, no. 22; Catalogue 375 (1981), no. 14
- Collection Otto Schäfer, including correspondence with Dr. Manfred von Arnim, Sammlung Otto Schäfer, regarding a Ptolemy manuscript, Oct 1975
- E.K. Schreiber, New York, Catalogue 7 (1979), nos. 65, 89
- Sotheby's, Vernon sale, 10-12 Jun 1918, lot 518 (Vergil); 4 Jun 1934, lots 38, 43; A.W.M. Mensing sale, 15-17 Dec 1936, lots 73, 159, 467, 531; 19 Dec 1955, lot 57; Hely Hutchinson sale, 12 Mar 1956, lot 184; 9 Dec 1974, lot 44; 19 Apr 1977, lots 262, 333; 13 Jul 1977, lot 56; 20 Jun 1978, lot 2986 ('Guidi Macrobius'); 19 Jun 1979, lot 45; 8 Dec 1981, lot 91; 22 Jun 1982, lot 56; Dec 1983, leaf of Terence; Important Printed Books, 20-21 Sep 1984, lot 707 (Sonetti manuscript); 26-27 Jun 1986, lots including 27, 75, 83, 96, 127, 128; 2 Dec 1987, lot 7 (leaf with historiated initial) and other lots; 21 Jun 1988 (manuscript signed by Bonifacius de Lazzarenis, 1454 or 1455
- Sotheby’s, New York, Parke-Bernet sale, 28 Mar 1972, lot 150 (Alamanni to Guicciardini, 1518)
- Archivio Spinelli (letter of Corso Adimari referred to in correspondence with Dr. Francesco Radaeli above)
- J.A. Stargardt, Autographen, sale, Marburg, 20-21 Feb 1973, lot 864 (Alfons V. von Aragonien)
- Libreria Giovanni Valleri, Florence, Catalogue 89, 1985, N. 1; 2; 3; 1481
- Lawrence Witten, including Catalogue 12 (1980), no. 22 (Hours illuminated by Benedetto Bordone, c. 1510); 25 (Juvenal, late 12th century, with 15th century additions mentioning Guarino); Catalogue 18 (1983), nos. 23, 33, 34, 40, 45
Folder 4: 'Whereabouts Unknown (including anonymous, private collections)', including
- letters received from Christie's, London, regarding a Quintus Curtius manuscript, Jul 1973
- Paris, private collection, from Phillips Collection 4473, Sotheby's sale, 1973, lot 613 (Buondelmonti)
- correspondence, notes, descriptions and images relating to Cicero, Orationes; De senectute; and De Amicitia; Propertius, Catullus, Tibullus; 'Stanze' by Molza and Gandolfo Porrino?; a Fonzio vocabulary; a Pico della Mirandola incunable; a 'Phillips Livy'; Boccaccio, Fiammetta; Sallust; Onosander; Herodotus, translated by Valla; Agapetus; Manetti
- correspondence with Sotheby's, London, regarding a Juvenal manuscript, Ferrara, 1453, Apr 1983
- Alan Thomas, Catalogue 46 (1984), no. 1 (Bianchini, Tabulae de Motibus Planetarum, Ferrara, c.1475)
- Longleat, Marquess of Bath, Botfield Collection (Vergil)
- Bembo, Petrarch, and related correspondence, Aug-Sep 1980
- charter of Emperor Maximilian II, 1570
- Pius II, letter to the Sultan Mahomet II, France, before 1470
- private collection, manuscript of Antonio Benivieni
- 'Private collection, Italy (?), Herbal of c.1510, probably from region of Pistoia'
- Paris, private collection, Book of Hours of Queen Claude of France, c.1515
- private collection, prayer book of Sixtus IV (= Closed).
- Creation: 1972-1994 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]
1 box (4 folders)
Language of Materials
- Latin
Conditions Governing Access
Some material is closed.
MS. 18746/114
Former reference:
Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. XXVIII-G
- From the Collection: de la Mare | Albinia Catherine | 1932-2001 | librarian and palaeographer (Person)
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