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Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photographs and photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections', 1975 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]

MS. 18746/106
Held in our offsite storage facility

  • Request


Folder 1: 'A - F'

  1. Belluno, Biblioteca Civica Lolliana, MS. 25
  2. Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 231; 232; 468; 851; 876; 1605; 2529 (with description); 2369; 2529; 2621; 2703
  3. Budapest, Orszagos Széchényi Könyvtár, Clmae. ? (Fil. Podocataro manuscript, presumably Clmae. 141)
  4. Canberra, Australian National University, 77.06; 78.03 ('Orthographia' of Gasparino Barzizza)
  5. Carcassonne, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 35 (114); 36; 37 (34); 38
  6. Cologny-Genève, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, MS. lat. 247
  7. Cortona, Biblioteca Comunale and Accademia Etrusca, MS. 68
  8. Dublin, Trinity College, MS. I. 4. 31 (Plautus)
  9. Durham, Dean and Chapter Muniments, Loc. I. 12
  10. Durham, Ushaw College, MS. 4
  11. Eton, College Library, MS. 110; 261
  12. Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale, MS. II. 75 (Ficino); II. 137 (Dion. Areopagita, trans. Traversari, scribe Albertus, 1443); II. 141 (with Turin, Biblioteca Reale, Saluzzo 9, cf. XCVIII.2); II. 167 (Roverella coat of arms)

Folder 2: 'G - R'

  1. Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, MS. Luneb. 3 (Pomponius Mela, Maffei ex-libris); Philol. 111b (Tibullus, Catullus); 115f (Cicero, Letters); 123 (Horace);124 (Horace)
  2. The Hague, Royal Library, 130. E. 22
  3. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 2151; Voss. lat. 2⁰. 106; 4⁰. 80; 8⁰. 3ⁱ; 8⁰. 3ⁱⁱ; 8⁰. 93; Vulc. 89
  4. London, Lambeth Palace, MS. 529 (scribe frater Andrea de Mançinis, 1479, Florence)
  5. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, MS. 937 - 1951 (Cicero, De amicitia, et al.)
  6. Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana, MS. VIII. 562 (scribe Ludovicus de Vannuchoris of Lucca, 1468)
  7. Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 166; 246 (Boethius, Gothic hand); 1352 (Dante, Franciscus Florianus, Volterra, 1462)
  8. Mantua, Archivio di Stato, Archivio Gonzaga, E. XLVII. 3, busta 1595 (letter of Ermolao Barbaro, Bishop of Verona, to Marchese Barbara Hohenzollern)
  9. Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 276 inf. (Seneca, Tragedies)
  10. Modena, Biblioteca Estense, Lat. 387 (Caesar); Lat. 421 (α. W. 1 3; Caesar)
  11. Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS. IV. A. 46 (Cicero, De oratore, et al.); IV. A. 53 (Cicero, De oratore); IV. B. 2 (Quintilian, scribe Iohannes Lumel, 1460, from Nicolaus Cusanus); IV. D. 8 (Valerius Maximus, Sallust. Pt. 2 by scribe Jacobus); IV. F. 52 (Martial, in Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Port-Valais, Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux des origines au XVIe siècle (Bouveret, 1965), 16313, 1469); IV. G. 34 (Poggio, Hist. Flor., with epistle dedicated to Federico da Montefeltro by Jacopo di Poggio Bracciolini); IV. G. 44 (Cicero, De finibus)
  12. Padua, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. C. 44 (1491, italic)
  13. Padua, Museo Civico, MS. C. M. 207 (Poggio, De var. fortunae)
  14. Padua, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 1061 (scribe Ant. Gazius, 1497)
  15. Poitiers, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 249 (62) (from Alain de Coétivy)
  16. Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense, MS. 8 (Terence, scribe Altadellus); 179; 245 (Lucian); 261 (notes and ex-libris Ludovico Santo of Beringen); 428 (scribe Agnolo di Jacopo de' Dinuzi)
  17. Rome, Biblioteca Corsiniana, 43 F. 5 (Petrarch, Buc. carmen); 1717 (35 F. 17; Boccaccio, De casibus); Rossi 26 (43 G. 14) (Quintilian, Aquila Romanus)

Folder 3: 'S - Z'

  1. Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 85; 86; 245 (Propertius, Aulus Maveziin, 1464, Rome?)
  2. San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Guarneriana, MS. 53; 75
  3. St. Gallen, Stadtbibliothek Vadiana, MS. 311 (Io. Ny., Padua, 1477)
  4. Troyes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 552; 1211 (Caesar)
  5. Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, Ital. IX. 257 (6365); Ital. XI. 106 (6392); ?Lat. Z. 381 (Tacitus, from Bessarion); Lat. Z. 225 (William of Conches, and Chalcidius, gloss on Plato, Timaeus); Lat. VI. 203 (3039); Lat. X. 196 (3766); Lat. XI. 38 (3825); Lat. XII. 60 (3949) (Manilius, 'scripsi Basileae'); Lat. XIV. 35 (0000)
  6. Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, Cod. CCXXXIX; CCLXIX; CCCXVII
  7. Verona, Biblioteca Civica, MS. 114 (Aesop, Fables, translated by Ognibene da Lonigo)
  8. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, descriptions of Cod. 18; 20; 21; 22; 23; 761; 11; S. n. 12758; 2472; 132 (Tacitus); 644 (from Vitéz as bishop); 1923; S. n. 12746 (12746 / 1) (Ovid, Metamorphoses)
  9. Wellington, Alex Turnbull Library, Eutropius manuscript
  10. Wells Cathedral, Hayles Psalter (scribe Peter Meghen, 1514)
  11. Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 299 Extrav.

Folder 4: 'USA, Chicago, Newberry'

  1. Chicago, Newberry Library, printed edition Missale Romanum, 1472 (central Italy?); MS. 70. 5 (scribe Bassianus de Villanis, 1480); +75; 75. 5; 78. 1; 80. 1; 86; +89; 90; 91. 1; +92; 92. 5; 93; +97; 97. 2; 98; 103. 5; ZW. 435 V. 299; ZW. 1. 46; ZW. 1. 467; ZW. 1. 469

Folder 5: 'Private collections, booksellers, sales'

  1. Abbey J.A. 6153; 6765; 7351
  2. Philip Duschnes, Catalogue 208, no. 112
  3. Hoepli sale catalogues, Nov-Dec 1925 (De Marinis sale), lot 366; Aug 1938, lot 134
  4. Paris (Lisbon?), Gulbenkian Book of Hours
  5. Mrs. A. Jackson, New York, manuscript of Cicero, De amicitia
  6. Kraus, Catalogue 80, 1956, no. 12. See Phillipps below.
  7. Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen, XII. 3
  8. Maggs Catalogue 542, 1930, no. 162; Mar 1971, Letters of Guidantonio Arcimboldi, bishop of Milan, to Duke Lodovico Sforza, 1496; Mar 1971, ornamental pages to printed Ausonius; Athanasius, Contra Gentes?, received from Maggs Bros. Jan 1975
  9. unidentified sale, extract from D'Ancona, 'Di alcuni codici miniati di scuola fiorentina' in La Bibliofilia X (1908)
  10. Parke-Bernet Gallery, New York, Sale 3173, Mar 1971, lot 197, 'Caesar's Commentaries with the Piccolomini arms'
  11. Quaritch, Catalogue 321 (1912), no. 275; Quaritch, Catalogue of illuminated and other manuscripts, (1931), no. 4
  12. Phillipps MS. 915 ('with Kraus 1979'); 2252 (Sotheby’s, Nov 1972, lot 558); 5999 (Sotheby’s, Jul 1972, lot 1855); 6744 ('with Kraus, New York, 1978')
  13. Salt Collection (Ursuleo leaves)
  14. Paris, private collection (Propertius, Tibullus; scribes Leo Tomacellus and Lutius)
  15. Sotheby’s, 6 May 1909, lot 59; 27 Apr 1937, lot 268; 13 Mar 1956, lot 416; 11 Dec 1961, lots 184 and 170; 10 Jul 1967, lot 61 (Cicero, Letters; former MS. Marston); 9 Dec 1974, lot 43 (Seneca, Tragedies); 19 Jul 1979 (former Stratfield Saye Horace). See also Phillipps above.
  16. London, private collection, noted as 'whereabouts unknown'


  • Creation: 1975 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]


1 box (5 folders)

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. 18746/106

Former reference:

Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. XXVII