Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photographs and photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections', 1975 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]
MS. 18746/106
Held in our offsite storage facility
Folder 1: 'A - F'
- Belluno, Biblioteca Civica Lolliana, MS. 25
- Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 231; 232; 468; 851; 876; 1605; 2529 (with description); 2369; 2529; 2621; 2703
- Budapest, Orszagos Széchényi Könyvtár, Clmae. ? (Fil. Podocataro manuscript, presumably Clmae. 141)
- Canberra, Australian National University, 77.06; 78.03 ('Orthographia' of Gasparino Barzizza)
- Carcassonne, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 35 (114); 36; 37 (34); 38
- Cologny-Genève, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, MS. lat. 247
- Cortona, Biblioteca Comunale and Accademia Etrusca, MS. 68
- Dublin, Trinity College, MS. I. 4. 31 (Plautus)
- Durham, Dean and Chapter Muniments, Loc. I. 12
- Durham, Ushaw College, MS. 4
- Eton, College Library, MS. 110; 261
- Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale, MS. II. 75 (Ficino); II. 137 (Dion. Areopagita, trans. Traversari, scribe Albertus, 1443); II. 141 (with Turin, Biblioteca Reale, Saluzzo 9, cf. XCVIII.2); II. 167 (Roverella coat of arms)
Folder 2: 'G - R'
- Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, MS. Luneb. 3 (Pomponius Mela, Maffei ex-libris); Philol. 111b (Tibullus, Catullus); 115f (Cicero, Letters); 123 (Horace);124 (Horace)
- The Hague, Royal Library, 130. E. 22
- Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 2151; Voss. lat. 2⁰. 106; 4⁰. 80; 8⁰. 3ⁱ; 8⁰. 3ⁱⁱ; 8⁰. 93; Vulc. 89
- London, Lambeth Palace, MS. 529 (scribe frater Andrea de Mançinis, 1479, Florence)
- London, Victoria and Albert Museum, MS. 937 - 1951 (Cicero, De amicitia, et al.)
- Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana, MS. VIII. 562 (scribe Ludovicus de Vannuchoris of Lucca, 1468)
- Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 166; 246 (Boethius, Gothic hand); 1352 (Dante, Franciscus Florianus, Volterra, 1462)
- Mantua, Archivio di Stato, Archivio Gonzaga, E. XLVII. 3, busta 1595 (letter of Ermolao Barbaro, Bishop of Verona, to Marchese Barbara Hohenzollern)
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 276 inf. (Seneca, Tragedies)
- Modena, Biblioteca Estense, Lat. 387 (Caesar); Lat. 421 (α. W. 1 3; Caesar)
- Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS. IV. A. 46 (Cicero, De oratore, et al.); IV. A. 53 (Cicero, De oratore); IV. B. 2 (Quintilian, scribe Iohannes Lumel, 1460, from Nicolaus Cusanus); IV. D. 8 (Valerius Maximus, Sallust. Pt. 2 by scribe Jacobus); IV. F. 52 (Martial, in Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Port-Valais, Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux des origines au XVIe siècle (Bouveret, 1965), 16313, 1469); IV. G. 34 (Poggio, Hist. Flor., with epistle dedicated to Federico da Montefeltro by Jacopo di Poggio Bracciolini); IV. G. 44 (Cicero, De finibus)
- Padua, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS. C. 44 (1491, italic)
- Padua, Museo Civico, MS. C. M. 207 (Poggio, De var. fortunae)
- Padua, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 1061 (scribe Ant. Gazius, 1497)
- Poitiers, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 249 (62) (from Alain de Coétivy)
- Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense, MS. 8 (Terence, scribe Altadellus); 179; 245 (Lucian); 261 (notes and ex-libris Ludovico Santo of Beringen); 428 (scribe Agnolo di Jacopo de' Dinuzi)
- Rome, Biblioteca Corsiniana, 43 F. 5 (Petrarch, Buc. carmen); 1717 (35 F. 17; Boccaccio, De casibus); Rossi 26 (43 G. 14) (Quintilian, Aquila Romanus)
Folder 3: 'S - Z'
- Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 85; 86; 245 (Propertius, Aulus Maveziin, 1464, Rome?)
- San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Guarneriana, MS. 53; 75
- St. Gallen, Stadtbibliothek Vadiana, MS. 311 (Io. Ny., Padua, 1477)
- Troyes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 552; 1211 (Caesar)
- Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, Ital. IX. 257 (6365); Ital. XI. 106 (6392); ?Lat. Z. 381 (Tacitus, from Bessarion); Lat. Z. 225 (William of Conches, and Chalcidius, gloss on Plato, Timaeus); Lat. VI. 203 (3039); Lat. X. 196 (3766); Lat. XI. 38 (3825); Lat. XII. 60 (3949) (Manilius, 'scripsi Basileae'); Lat. XIV. 35 (0000)
- Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, Cod. CCXXXIX; CCLXIX; CCCXVII
- Verona, Biblioteca Civica, MS. 114 (Aesop, Fables, translated by Ognibene da Lonigo)
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, descriptions of Cod. 18; 20; 21; 22; 23; 761; 11; S. n. 12758; 2472; 132 (Tacitus); 644 (from Vitéz as bishop); 1923; S. n. 12746 (12746 / 1) (Ovid, Metamorphoses)
- Wellington, Alex Turnbull Library, Eutropius manuscript
- Wells Cathedral, Hayles Psalter (scribe Peter Meghen, 1514)
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 299 Extrav.
Folder 4: 'USA, Chicago, Newberry'
- Chicago, Newberry Library, printed edition Missale Romanum, 1472 (central Italy?); MS. 70. 5 (scribe Bassianus de Villanis, 1480); +75; 75. 5; 78. 1; 80. 1; 86; +89; 90; 91. 1; +92; 92. 5; 93; +97; 97. 2; 98; 103. 5; ZW. 435 V. 299; ZW. 1. 46; ZW. 1. 467; ZW. 1. 469
Folder 5: 'Private collections, booksellers, sales'
- Abbey J.A. 6153; 6765; 7351
- Philip Duschnes, Catalogue 208, no. 112
- Hoepli sale catalogues, Nov-Dec 1925 (De Marinis sale), lot 366; Aug 1938, lot 134
- Paris (Lisbon?), Gulbenkian Book of Hours
- Mrs. A. Jackson, New York, manuscript of Cicero, De amicitia
- Kraus, Catalogue 80, 1956, no. 12. See Phillipps below.
- Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen, XII. 3
- Maggs Catalogue 542, 1930, no. 162; Mar 1971, Letters of Guidantonio Arcimboldi, bishop of Milan, to Duke Lodovico Sforza, 1496; Mar 1971, ornamental pages to printed Ausonius; Athanasius, Contra Gentes?, received from Maggs Bros. Jan 1975
- unidentified sale, extract from D'Ancona, 'Di alcuni codici miniati di scuola fiorentina' in La Bibliofilia X (1908)
- Parke-Bernet Gallery, New York, Sale 3173, Mar 1971, lot 197, 'Caesar's Commentaries with the Piccolomini arms'
- Quaritch, Catalogue 321 (1912), no. 275; Quaritch, Catalogue of illuminated and other manuscripts, (1931), no. 4
- Phillipps MS. 915 ('with Kraus 1979'); 2252 (Sotheby’s, Nov 1972, lot 558); 5999 (Sotheby’s, Jul 1972, lot 1855); 6744 ('with Kraus, New York, 1978')
- Salt Collection (Ursuleo leaves)
- Paris, private collection (Propertius, Tibullus; scribes Leo Tomacellus and Lutius)
- Sotheby’s, 6 May 1909, lot 59; 27 Apr 1937, lot 268; 13 Mar 1956, lot 416; 11 Dec 1961, lots 184 and 170; 10 Jul 1967, lot 61 (Cicero, Letters; former MS. Marston); 9 Dec 1974, lot 43 (Seneca, Tragedies); 19 Jul 1979 (former Stratfield Saye Horace). See also Phillipps above.
- London, private collection, noted as 'whereabouts unknown'
- Creation: 1975 and n.d. [c.1965-2000]
1 box (5 folders)
Language of Materials
- English
MS. 18746/106
Former reference:
Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. XXVII
- From the Collection: de la Mare | Albinia Catherine | 1932-2001 | librarian and palaeographer (Person)
Repository Details
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