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Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections', 1988-2000 and n.d. [c.1970-1990]

MS. 18746/87
Held in our offsite storage facility

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Folder 1: images and papers, 1993-2000 and n.d. [c.1990], including materials relating to

  1. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, L. 1348 - 1957 (Grammatical tracts, fols. 11v-12, 20v-26, 27v-28, 29v-30, 58)
  2. Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, M. 36 ( Regulae scribendi); unidentified shelfmark (beginning 'Poggius Troiolo malvitio p. s. d. Accepi comediam nuper a te editum')
  3. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Lat. 17323 (Missal, 1509, Florence, Murate, with illumination by Attavante
  4. Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 877; Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Conv. soppr. 580, which includes a Greek-Latin dictionary possibly by Guarino, and Cambridge, University Library, Dd. VIII. 3, containing a similar work; Yale, Beinecke Library, Marston 94, including Guarino's De aspiratione; and Naples, Biblioteca Gerolamini, CF. 1 - 23, with a letter from Peter Thiermann, Universität Hamburg, 19 Oct 1993, concerning these manuscripts
  5. Holkham Hall, MS. 351 (Livy)
  6. Milan, Biblioteca Braidense, Fondo Castiglioni 24 (Poliziano, Miscellanea, Forence, 1483, with ex-libris of Carlo di Roberto Strozzi)
  7. former Chester Beatty Collection, W. 120 (Sotheby's, 24 Jun 1969, lot 60)
  8. Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. lat. 95 (Curtius Rufus, coat of arms Petrucci?, ex-libris Orlando Marescotti and Celso Cittadini); Vat. lat. 1835 (Sallust, scribe Bartolomeo Sanvito); 1608 (Catullus); Barb. lat. 569
  9. London, British Library, unidentified shelfmark (letter by Thomas Linacre, London)
  10. Florence, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Catasti of Vespasiano, and Michele di Giovanni Ghuarducci [Guarducci] (1433), manuscript of Ordinazioni of the Otto di Guardia (scribe Zanobi di Pace, illuminator Mariano del Buono)
  11. Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale, 4 Qq. A. 7 (Lactantius, scribe Bartolomeo Sanvito)
  12. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Add. C. 284

Folder 2: images, n.d. [c.1975], including

  1. Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Cod. 225
  2. Trieste, Biblioteca Civica, Sez. P. P. R., MS. II. 1 (Piccolomini, De duobus amantibus)
  3. Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 3366 (Landino, Bembo); Borgh. lat. 341 (Cicero, Orat.); Reg. lat. 1385 (miscellany, including Claudian, 1494; from Bourdelot); Ross. 502 (Lucretius); Urb. lat. 463 (Eutropius); Vat. lat. 3175 (Tibullus); Pietro Ursuleo Prayer book, photographs of two leaves

Folder 3: images and papers, 1988-1990 and n.d. [c.1980-1990], including materials relating to

  1. Tartu, University Library, MS. 282 (Petrarch, Lactantius), and 286 (miscellany)
  2. unidentified sale, 21 Jun 1982, no. 5
  3. Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, MS. 515 (Macrobius, Saturnalia, script similar to MS. 759, but not certainly the same, owned by Benedetto Varchi)
  4. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 115 (Vegetius, Mulomedicina) and Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 4438 (Vegetius, Mulomedicina), with a letter from Pierre-Paul Corsetti, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 24 Apr 1988, concerning these
  5. Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Z. III. 20, and Madrid, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 141, including a letter from Michael [Reeve], Pembroke College, Cambridge, 10 Apr 1990, regarding Florus manuscripts
  6. Berkeley, University of California and Harvard incunabula, including correspondence with Professor Richard Rouse, University of California, Feb-Jun 1988, concerning these
  7. Christie's, 11 Dec 1969, lot 42; 21 Jun 1989, lots 13, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 37
  8. The Hague, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, incunabula
  9. Sotheby's, 18 Jun 1991, various lots, in particular lot 83 (Terence, Comedies, Florence); 84 (Sallust, Florence); 85 (Juvenal, 1453, Bologna or Ferrara); 87 (Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia); 90 and 91 (Servius on Vergil); 107 (Augustine, De civitate Dei, Milan); 80 (Lactantius, Tanaglia); 81 (Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa, described as Rome); 94 (Trogus, probably Lombardy)
  10. Christie's?, 1991, unidentified lot (beginning 'Quando il sol')

Folder 4: 'Photographs to order', notes, n.d. [c.1970-1980]


  • Creation: 1988-2000 and n.d. [c.1970-1990]


1 box (4 folders)

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. 18746/87

Former reference:

Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. X