Reference files of Albinia de la Mare, containing photocopies of manuscripts and related papers: 'Reproductions, miscellaneous collections', 1988-2000 and n.d. [c.1970-1990]
MS. 18746/87
Held in our offsite storage facility
Folder 1: images and papers, 1993-2000 and n.d. [c.1990], including materials relating to
- London, Victoria and Albert Museum, L. 1348 - 1957 (Grammatical tracts, fols. 11v-12, 20v-26, 27v-28, 29v-30, 58)
- Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, M. 36 ( Regulae scribendi); unidentified shelfmark (beginning 'Poggius Troiolo malvitio p. s. d. Accepi comediam nuper a te editum')
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Lat. 17323 (Missal, 1509, Florence, Murate, with illumination by Attavante
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 877; Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Conv. soppr. 580, which includes a Greek-Latin dictionary possibly by Guarino, and Cambridge, University Library, Dd. VIII. 3, containing a similar work; Yale, Beinecke Library, Marston 94, including Guarino's De aspiratione; and Naples, Biblioteca Gerolamini, CF. 1 - 23, with a letter from Peter Thiermann, Universität Hamburg, 19 Oct 1993, concerning these manuscripts
- Holkham Hall, MS. 351 (Livy)
- Milan, Biblioteca Braidense, Fondo Castiglioni 24 (Poliziano, Miscellanea, Forence, 1483, with ex-libris of Carlo di Roberto Strozzi)
- former Chester Beatty Collection, W. 120 (Sotheby's, 24 Jun 1969, lot 60)
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. lat. 95 (Curtius Rufus, coat of arms Petrucci?, ex-libris Orlando Marescotti and Celso Cittadini); Vat. lat. 1835 (Sallust, scribe Bartolomeo Sanvito); 1608 (Catullus); Barb. lat. 569
- London, British Library, unidentified shelfmark (letter by Thomas Linacre, London)
- Florence, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Catasti of Vespasiano, and Michele di Giovanni Ghuarducci [Guarducci] (1433), manuscript of Ordinazioni of the Otto di Guardia (scribe Zanobi di Pace, illuminator Mariano del Buono)
- Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale, 4 Qq. A. 7 (Lactantius, scribe Bartolomeo Sanvito)
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Add. C. 284
Folder 2: images, n.d. [c.1975], including
- Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Cod. 225
- Trieste, Biblioteca Civica, Sez. P. P. R., MS. II. 1 (Piccolomini, De duobus amantibus)
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 3366 (Landino, Bembo); Borgh. lat. 341 (Cicero, Orat.); Reg. lat. 1385 (miscellany, including Claudian, 1494; from Bourdelot); Ross. 502 (Lucretius); Urb. lat. 463 (Eutropius); Vat. lat. 3175 (Tibullus); Pietro Ursuleo Prayer book, photographs of two leaves
Folder 3: images and papers, 1988-1990 and n.d. [c.1980-1990], including materials relating to
- Tartu, University Library, MS. 282 (Petrarch, Lactantius), and 286 (miscellany)
- unidentified sale, 21 Jun 1982, no. 5
- Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, MS. 515 (Macrobius, Saturnalia, script similar to MS. 759, but not certainly the same, owned by Benedetto Varchi)
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 115 (Vegetius, Mulomedicina) and Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 4438 (Vegetius, Mulomedicina), with a letter from Pierre-Paul Corsetti, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 24 Apr 1988, concerning these
- Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Z. III. 20, and Madrid, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS. 141, including a letter from Michael [Reeve], Pembroke College, Cambridge, 10 Apr 1990, regarding Florus manuscripts
- Berkeley, University of California and Harvard incunabula, including correspondence with Professor Richard Rouse, University of California, Feb-Jun 1988, concerning these
- Christie's, 11 Dec 1969, lot 42; 21 Jun 1989, lots 13, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 37
- The Hague, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, incunabula
- Sotheby's, 18 Jun 1991, various lots, in particular lot 83 (Terence, Comedies, Florence); 84 (Sallust, Florence); 85 (Juvenal, 1453, Bologna or Ferrara); 87 (Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia); 90 and 91 (Servius on Vergil); 107 (Augustine, De civitate Dei, Milan); 80 (Lactantius, Tanaglia); 81 (Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa, described as Rome); 94 (Trogus, probably Lombardy)
- Christie's?, 1991, unidentified lot (beginning 'Quando il sol')
Folder 4: 'Photographs to order', notes, n.d. [c.1970-1980]
- Creation: 1988-2000 and n.d. [c.1970-1990]
1 box (4 folders)
Language of Materials
- English
MS. 18746/87
Former reference:
Archive A. C. de la Mare, sect. II., cont. X
- From the Collection: de la Mare | Albinia Catherine | 1932-2001 | librarian and palaeographer (Person)
Repository Details
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