Draught of a bond to be given by sir Will. Turner concerning the money paid by bishop Wood, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
MS. Tanner 131, fol. 134
Held at the Weston Library
Draught of a bond to be given by sir Will. Turner, alderman of London, concerning the money paid by bishop Wood; drawn up by archbp. Sancroft.
- Creation: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
1 item
Language of Materials
- English
MS. Tanner 131, fol. 134
- From the Collection: Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury (Person)
- From the Collection: Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary (Person)
- From the Collection: Allin | Sir | Thomas | 1612-1685 | Knight | Admiral (Person)
- From the Collection: Lenthall | Sir | William | 1591-1662 | Knight | Speaker of the House of Commons, Master of the Rolls (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
Weston Library
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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom