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"An informacion of probable and infallible conjectures and presumpcions...", Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

MS. Tanner 50, fol. 112
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

"An informacion of probable and infallible conjectures and presumpcions, wherebye it apperethe evidentlye that the quene mother to our Sovereine Lorde was not onelye privye to the horrible and unworthye murder perpetrated in the persone of the kinge of good memorye hys highnesse father, but allso the verye instrument, chefe orgaine and causer of that unnaturalle crueltye."

Begins, "To enter in declaracion of her inconstancye towardes the kinge her husbande."

Ends, "So that there lacketh no proofe and evidence or numbre of infallible presumpcions."


  • Creation: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing


1 item

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Tanner 50, fol. 112