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'C. Iulii Solini siue grammatici Polihistor ab ipso editus et recognitus de situ orbis terrarum et d. c. m. q. i. Solinus Aduento.', Written perhaps in about A.D. 900

MS. Auct. T. 2. 28
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

'C. Iulii Solini siue grammatici Polihistor ab ipso editus et recognitus de situ orbis terrarum et d. c. m. q. i. Solinus Aduento.': then the preface, with 'Explicat prefatiuncula': then 'Incipit liber Iulii Solini de situ orbis terrarum et de singulis mirabilibus quae in mundo habentur', with prologue and text: at end 'C. Iulii Solini siue grammatici Polyhistor [-is added a little later] ab ipso editus et recognitus liber explicat.'

On fol. 42, among other excerpts, is an (nth cent. ?) Littera formata or form of notification that a person had taken the order of priesthood 'die sancto petiti xv. uidelicet Kal. Apr. die luna xia indictione xva a domno ill. episcopo domni episcopi Mabonis Brittigenę episcopi [Leonensis] successore ... in eclesia nomine [the last word in rasura, over ubi?] sancti Pauli confessoris aliorumque sanctorum corpora continentur', and that 'Greca elementa secundum canonicam auctoritatem huic [carte] adiuncta esse', sc. ΠΥΑ for Πατήρ, Υίός and "Αγιον Πνεύμα, Π for st. Peter, K for the first letter of the name of the consecrating bishop, )- ( (H ?) for the second letter of the name of the priest, M (?) for the third letter of the 'castellum' 'quod [in rasura] illius deberet fieri', 'quę simul iuncta Dcxxxiii conficiunt.' The body of St. Paul, bp. of St. Paul de Léon in the 6th century, was brought by Mabbo, bp. of the same place, to Fleury in A.D. 962.

'Hic liber est sancti Benedicti Floriacensis | Quem si quis tulerit non bene uertat ei | Deque libro uitę perdatur nomen ut eius | Oramus humiles, te Benedicte pater. | Amen quisque sonet deuotus corde fideli | Quo confirmetur hic liber e[sse ...]s[cilicet] bene' (11th cent. ?). On fol. 42v is an (nth cent.?) hymn: beg. 'Alludat letus ordo', and (scribbled) 'abbas sancti nescio cuius follus' with a rough sketch of an abbot: and on fol. 43 are scribbled (11th cent.?) 'hunbaldus indolis bune mem ... famhu[l]us dei', in disguised form, and 'Benignus Rotbertus.'


  • Creation: Written perhaps in about A.D. 900


44 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Latin


MS. Auct. T. 2. 28

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. IV, no. 20629

Custodial History

MSS. Meerman Purchase List (1824) 51.

Custodial History

On fol. 43v is 'Liber philosofie. arimetice. compoti. de Rethorica. & dialotica. & Solinus.' (12th cent.), indicating what the Clermont catalogue shows, that this Solinus was part of a much larger volume.

Physical Facet

On parchment


11 1/2 × 9 7/8 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom