A common-place book of English epigrams and other verses, apparently by a Wykehamist at Oxford, written in about 1630-1640
- (p. 15) '... the most humble petition of the poore distressed Commons ...' (1624?), beg. 'If bleeding soules'
- (p. 21) several poems on the Spanish Match, 1623
- (p. 39) 'His Majestyes verses on the Blazing Starre, 1618', beg. 'You men of Brittaine'
- (p. 40) 'Basse his Elegie one Poett Shakespear', beg. 'Renowned Spencer'
- (p. 42) 'On the death of Mr Owen, butler of Christ = Church Oxon', beg. 'Why cruell death'
- (p. 52) 'Vppon the Signe of the Flowre de luce in Oxon', beg. 'A stranger comming'
- (p. 62) 'Ben Stone on [Henry] Samburne sherrife of Oxon' (1608-9), beg. 'Fye schollers fye'
- (p. 63) 'Vppon sir Fraunces Stonor shreife of Oxon = shire. 1622', beg. 'Stone, rise again'
- (p. 78) 'Vppon the French Embassadours entertainment ... at Westminster Hall. Decem: 30. 1620', beg. 'The famous Embassadour'
- (p. 90) 'On Tom Coriatt', beg. 'Tom comminge neere'
- (p. 95) 'Ben Johnson on the Peake', beg. 'Cooke Lorrell'
- (p. 106) 'One the play which was acted by the students of C. Church before the K[ing] at Woodsto: 1621', also on the same subject an epigram beg. 'Christchurch a match') and two poems (begg. 'Whoope Holiday!', 'The King & the Court')
- (p. 112) bp. Corbet's poem on the King's Cambridge visit Mar. 7, 1614/5, cf. pp. 121, 125
- (p. 141) 'Certayne verses made one Will. Wise a fidler in Oxford', beg. 'Come prisoners come.' A fuller list of the pieces is in the 1836 Catalogue.
Other small Oxford poems are at pp. 41, 56, 59 (Ben Stone of New College), 95, 105, 139, 142, 147.
- Creation: written in about 1630-1640
174 pages
Language of Materials
- English
MS. Malone 19
Other Finding Aids
Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. IV, no 20567
Custodial History
'Feb. 13.1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas, E. Malone.'.
Physical Facet
On paper
7 3/8 × 5 7/8 in.
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom