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A common-place book of English epigrams and other verses, apparently by a Wykehamist at Oxford, written in about 1630-1640

MS. Malone 19
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request


  1. (p. 15) '... the most humble petition of the poore distressed Commons ...' (1624?), beg. 'If bleeding soules'
  2. (p. 21) several poems on the Spanish Match, 1623
  3. (p. 39) 'His Majestyes verses on the Blazing Starre, 1618', beg. 'You men of Brittaine'
  4. (p. 40) 'Basse his Elegie one Poett Shakespear', beg. 'Renowned Spencer'
  5. (p. 42) 'On the death of Mr Owen, butler of Christ = Church Oxon', beg. 'Why cruell death'
  6. (p. 52) 'Vppon the Signe of the Flowre de luce in Oxon', beg. 'A stranger comming'
  7. (p. 62) 'Ben Stone on [Henry] Samburne sherrife of Oxon' (1608-9), beg. 'Fye schollers fye'
  8. (p. 63) 'Vppon sir Fraunces Stonor shreife of Oxon = shire. 1622', beg. 'Stone, rise again'
  9. (p. 78) 'Vppon the French Embassadours entertainment ... at Westminster Hall. Decem: 30. 1620', beg. 'The famous Embassadour'
  10. (p. 90) 'On Tom Coriatt', beg. 'Tom comminge neere'
  11. (p. 95) 'Ben Johnson on the Peake', beg. 'Cooke Lorrell'
  12. (p. 106) 'One the play which was acted by the students of C. Church before the K[ing] at Woodsto: 1621', also on the same subject an epigram beg. 'Christchurch a match') and two poems (begg. 'Whoope Holiday!', 'The King & the Court')
  13. (p. 112) bp. Corbet's poem on the King's Cambridge visit Mar. 7, 1614/5, cf. pp. 121, 125
  14. (p. 141) 'Certayne verses made one Will. Wise a fidler in Oxford', beg. 'Come prisoners come.' A fuller list of the pieces is in the 1836 Catalogue.

Other small Oxford poems are at pp. 41, 56, 59 (Ben Stone of New College), 95, 105, 139, 142, 147.


  • Creation: written in about 1630-1640


174 pages

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Malone 19

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. IV, no 20567

Custodial History

'Feb. 13.1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas, E. Malone.'.

Physical Facet

On paper


7 3/8 × 5 7/8 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom