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'A letter to the assembly of nobility & gentry assembled at Loghreagh [Loughrea] the 15 of November 1651', Written in or soon after 1651

MS. Clarendon 99
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

'A letter to the assembly of nobility & gentry assembled at Loghreagh [Loughrea] the 15 of November 1651', by the duke of Ormond, containing a long and elaborate vindication of his policy in Ireland during 1650.

The title is an added one, and the date at the end is 2 Dec. 1650, which seems to be the more correct. Letters, articles, proposals, answers, etc., are quoted in the course of the letter.


  • Creation: Written in or soon after 1651


182 pages

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Clarendon 99

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. III, no. 16185

Physical Facet

On paper


11 7/8 × 7 1/2 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom