Treatises by Roger Bacon and Alphita, a Latin list of medicinal plants, Made up of two pieces written in the late 14th century in England
Treatises by Roger Bacon:
- Fol. 1, 'Liber quem composuit Rogerus Bacon de ordine Minorum de Retardacione accidenciutn senectutis & senij ...'
- Fol. 15v, 'De regimine senium & seniorum': beg. 'Et summa regiminis senum uniuersalis': followed by the two short pieces De balneis senum et seniorum (fol. 16v: beg. 'Senes sunt balneandi') and De feompositione quarundam medicinarum (fol. 17: beg. 'Incipiamus in nomine Domini'): both here without title. Cr.]
- Fol. 17v, Antidotarius, a second part of the Retardatio senectutis, here without title or author's name: beg.'Post completum vniuersalis'.
- Fol. 20, Sermo rei admirabilis siue de retardatione senectutis, by Bacon, here without title or author's name: beg. 'Intendo componere sermonem'.
- Fol. 24v, De graduatione medicinarum compositarum, by Bacon, here without title or author's name: beg. 'Omnis forma inherens'.
- Fol. 25v, A commentary on the preceding treatise, in two parts, not by Bacon: beg. 'Expositio capituli de gradibus': part 2 begins on fol. 29. Cr.]
- Fol. 31, 'De erroribus medicorum secundum fratrem Rogerum Bacon.'
- Fol. 37v, An extract from part of Bacon's Compendium philosophic (?): beg. 'Frater Rogerus Bacon in libro 6 Scienciarum in 3° gradtt sapiencie vbi loquitur de bono corporis', cf. A. G. Little's Grey Friars in Oxford (1892), p. 202.
- Fol. 39v, 'Alius tractatus eiusdem fratris Rogeri Bacon extractus de sexta parte Compendij studij theologie ... est tractatus de materia prius pertractata & extrahitur de capitulo quod intitulatur De sciencia experimentali...': beg. 'Corpora vero Ade & Eue': see Little, as above, p. 198. Other hands write foll. 41-3, 49-51.
- Fol. 43, 'Theorica extracta de libro 7 Serapionis qui est antitodarium suum', i. e. Bacon's Canones practici de medicinis compositis Componendis: beg. 'Necesse est illi qui vult'. At fol. 52 is added 'Capitulum Auicenne de serpentibus'.
Alphita, a Latin list of medicinal plants, in alphabetical order, with short descriptions and often with the English or French names (fol. 53): beg. 'Absinthium, herba fortis, gallice aloine, anglice wermode'. The latter part, after Sinaphe, is wanting. Ed. J. L. G. Mowat, Anecdota Oxoniensia, 1881.
- Creation: Made up of two pieces written in the late 14th century in England
84 Leaves
Language of Materials
- Latin
MS. Arch. Selden B. 35
Old Selden mark = B. 19
Other Finding Aids
Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. II, no. 3349
Custodial History
Manuscript 3363 acquired by the Bodleian Library
Physical Facet
On parchment, with coloured capitals, etc.
9 3/4 × 7 1/8 in.
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom