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Bks. 2, 3 and 4 of the Spiritual Graces of Mathildis von Hackeborn, a mystic, in Dutch, written in the 15th cent.

MS. Douce 44
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

Book 2 beg. 'Dit is dat ... [tweede erased ?] boeck van Mechteldis Revelacie ... Op enen saterdach': at fol. 58 the name of the treatise is given as 'dat boec der gheesteliker Gracien'.

Bk. 3 begins on fol. 59, bk. 4 on fol. 129v.

Fols. 197-203 are in a different hand.

Fols. i--ii are a parchment fragment of a Latin 14th cent. antiphoner (?): on fol. iiv is a 16th cent. print of the revelation to Mathildis (?).

'Dit boec hoert tot ... besloten susteren van Onser Vrouwen in dai Wijngaerte Utrecht' (15th cent.).


  • Creation: written in the 15th cent.


204 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Dutch; Flemish


MS. Douce 44

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. IV, no 21618

Our best descriptions for medieval items in this collection are in Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries under MSS. Douce.


5 5/8 × 4 1/4 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom