Album inscribed 'Cécile Mendelssohn Bartholdy den 24sten December 1844. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy Frankfurt am Main zur Weihnachtszeit 1844', 1844
Album inscribed 'Cécile Mendelssohn Bartholdy den 24sten December 1844. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy Frankfurt am Main zur Weihnachtszeit 1844'
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Pictures, music, autograph letters, etc., mounted by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, with ascriptions in his hand as far as fol. 83, after which some pieces were left anonymous.
- (fol. 4) Johann Wilhelm Schirmer. Woodland landscape with figure and animals. No signature or date. Watercolour. 230 × 325 mm.
- (fol. 6) Eduard Magnus. Putti with wreath and palm. Watercolour. No signature or date. 125 × 161 mm.
- (fol. 9) Josef Kriehuber. Mountain waterfall. Signed. Watercolour. 332 × 282 mm.
- (fols. 10-11) Wilhelm und Fanny Hensel. Song, 'Suleika', for voice and piano, [words by Goethe, from the West-östlicher Divan], beg. 'Ach um deine feuchten Schwingen'. Music by Fanny, autograph. Decorated by Wilhelm, pencil and wash touched with gold, 1836. This may originally have been in the 1836 album (MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c.21) [see Fanny's letter to Felix, 19 Dec 1836].
- (fols. 13-14) Justinus Kerner. Letter to 'Herr Mahler Dörr aus Heilbronn in Tübingen', complete in 15 lines, beg. 'Geliebtester! Wir grüssen dich herzlich!'. Weinsb'g? 30 Juni [18]38.
- (fols. 15-16) Moses Mendelssohn. Letter [to Franz Michael Leuchsenring], complete in 26 lines, beg. 'Bester Freund, ich kan mich gar leicht in die Lage versetzen'. Berlin, 8 Feb 1784.
- (fols. 18-19) Wilhelm und Fanny Hensel. Duett for soprano and tenor and piano, [words by Goethe, from the West-östlicher Divan, Buch Suleika], beg. 'An des lust'gen Brunnens Rand'. Music by Fanny, autograph. Decorated with pencil drawing by Wilhelm. Published by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy in his op. 8, no. 12. This may originally have been in the 1836 album (MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c.21).
- (fols. 20-21) Fanny and Luise Hensel. Songs 'Die Schiffende' and 'Nacht liegt auf den fremden Wegen', for voice and piano. Music by Fanny, autograph. Decorated with silhouettes by Luise. This may originally have been in the 1836 album (MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c.21).
- (fol. 24) Julius Hübner. 'Soldaten Abschied von Müller [from Lieder und Balladen] und Fesca für Felix ... 1829'. Song with piano accompaniment, copied on embossed paper 134 × 179 mm. and decorated with watercolour and gold. Removed by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy from MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn d. 8 (fol. 59). Verses 2-7, fols. 25-26.
- (fol. 26v) Johann Gustav Droysen. 2 lines from The Birds of Aristophanes with German translation. Berlin, 16 Aug 1835.
- (fols. 27-28) Johann Kaspar Lavater. Letter to Füessli, complete on two pages, beg. 'Könnte ich schon alle meine bittere empfindungen', 17 Sep [17]59. [Note: fol. 30 was cut out by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy].
- (fol. 31) Oswald Achenbach. Pencil sketch of sea shore with boats, and (on verso) watercolour with monogram OA, dated 'um Juni 1838. Isle of Wight'. 240 × 340 mm.
- (fol. 34) Heinrich von Kleist. Letter, complete in 15 lines, to [Johann Friedrich Cotta, editor of the Morgenblatt für gebildete Stände, Stuttgart], beg. 'auf Eur. Wohlgebohren gefällige Zuschrift'. Dresden, 8 Nov [180]7.
- (fol. 35) Adolf Müllner. Letter, complete in 18 lines, beg. 'Eur. Wohlnée, bin ich beauftragt ergebenst zu fragen'. Weissenfels, 12 Jun 1826.
- (fol. 38) Karl Joseph Stieler. Pencil drawing of a child's head. 145 × 160 mm.
- (fol. 39) Karl Wilhelm Ramler. Letter to [Moses] Mendelssohn, complete in 9 lines, beg. 'Die Herzogin von Curland möchte Sie, mein verehrungswürdige Freund, gern näher kennen lernen'. Berlin, 10 Sep 1785.
- (fol. 42) Leaf, 82 × 110 mm. 'aus Th[eodor] Hildebrands Skizzenbuch: Portraits der Cardinali Rohan und Micara ... (Rom 1830)'. Pencil sketches, removed by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy from MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn d. 8, fol. 32v, where an inscription remains.
- Salomann Sulzer. Missing.
- (fol. 45) F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Pencil drawing, 'Im Frankfurter Wald, den 13 July 1836'. 231 × 284 mm.
- (fol. 48) Eduard Bendemann. Watercolour 'nach Webers Oberon, "An dem Strand des Bund-Emir" ...', n.d. 142 × 231 mm.
- (fol. 49) Johann Ludwig Uhland. 'Gebet eines Würtembergers' [Vaterländische Gedichte, 12].
- (fol. 51) Wilhelm Kretzschmer. 'Der Sultan wartet schon! 1844'. Signed and dated sketch in pencil and watercolour, representing the artist ? with sketchbook attended by riders and packhorse with easel and palette, all galloping. 232 × 300 mm.
- (fols. 52-53) Frederic Chopin. 'Ballade, pour le piano, dedié à Madame la Baronne C. de Rothschild par F. Chopin ... Oev. 52' Fair copy, used by the engraver, whose pencil marks appear between the treble and the bass staves. Bars 1-136 only. One double sheet, oblong quarto, wove paper 217 × 287 mm., 12 staves. [Digital images available in the Online Chopin Variorum Edition].
- (fols. 55-56) August Wilhelm von Schlegel. Letter to Dr. Michael Friedlander, complete in 8 lines, beg. 'leibt es noch dabey, mein theurster Freund dass Sie mir heute Ihr Gesellschaft zum Mittagsessen schenken?', n.d.
- (fol. 57) Friedrich Schlegel. Letter complete in 17 lines, beg. 'Für die gutige Uebersendung der Bücher danke ich bestens'. Kölln, 25 May 1807.
- (fol. 59) Felix Schadow. Illustration in pencil and sepia wash to lines by Goethe [West-östlicher Divan, Buch der Betrachtungen 4], beg. 'Lieblich ist das Mädchens Blick', 1844. 273 × 202 mm.
- (fol. 60) Alexander Humboldt. Album leaf for F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 29 Nov 1844, 11 lines of prose 'aus dem ersten Bande meines ungedruckten Kosmos'.
- (fol. 62) Victor Hugo. Album leaf, 5 lines of verse beg. 'Oh! je voudrais entendre un cor au fond des bois', n.d.
- (fol. 63) Friedrich Rückert. 'Arabische Sprichwörte' in 21 couplets, beg. 'Dem Rosse magst du beschaun die Zähn, Einem Manne nur ins Auge sehn'. Berlin, Nov 1844.
- (fol. 65) Friedrich der Grosse. Signature on note to Franz Michael Leuchsenring, 14 Jun 1784.
- (fol. 67) Friedrich Wilhelm II von Preussen. Signature on order, Berlin, 1 Sep 1782.
- (fol. 70) Friedrich Wilhelm III von Preussen. Signature on order. Paris, 30 May 1814.
- (fol. 71) Friedrich Wilhelm IV von Preussen. Signature on order to F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy for performance of 'St. Paul'. Sans-souci, 9 Nov 1844.
- (fol. 74) Staatskanzler Hardenberg. Signature on official letter. Berlin, 23 Dec 1798.
- (fol. 77) Wilhelm Hensel. Pencil drawing of a woman's head. Signed and dated Rom 1839.
- (fols. 79-80) Luigi Cherubini. Letter complete in 3 pages to Louis Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul, Directeur du Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Liège, with corrections to be made in Cherubini's Cours de Contrapoint et de la Fugue, printed 1835. Paris, 1835.
- (fol. 81) Nikolaus Lenau [Nikolaus Niembsch von Strehlenau]. 'Waldlied' [iii], beg. 'Durch den Hain'. Note by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: 'geschrieben in Soden im August 1844'.
- (fol. 85) [Jean Joseph Bonaventure] Laurens in Montpellier. Tower in mountain landscape, watercolour 165 × 225 mm. Inscribed on the back to F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (with a reference to the exchange described in Grove, 1st. ed. 1880, ii. 273 n. 3) 'Désespéré de ne pouvoir vous vendre ce dessin, pour des fugues de Bach, je vous le donne.'
- (fol. 87) F. W. Keyl. Donkey and foal. Pencil, touched with white and brown. 214 × 242 mm. See Green Book XIX 308.
- (fol. 89) Watercolour landscape. Unsigned, no date. 180 × 256 mm.
- (fol. 91) Watercolour of the Forum at Rome with the column of Phocas and arch of Septimus Severus. Unsigned, no date. 280 × 240 mm.
- (fol. 93) Frederic Chopin. Muzurek in A flat [op. 59, no. 2], complete, inscribed 'hommage a Madame F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy de la part de F. Chopin. Paris, 8 Oct 1845'. Single sheet, 218 × 286 mm. Wove paper, 14 staves. Formerly folded to approx. 55 × 125 mm. [Digital images available in the Online Chopin Variorum Edition].
- (fol. 95) Louis Francois Philippe Drouet. 'Lied ohne Worte' in G for flute and piano 'Pour l'album de Madame Mendelssohn', Leipzig 14 May 1846. Single sheet, 286 × 340 mm. 12 staves, ruled in blue, to which Drouet added three short staves.
- (fol. 98) J. [or T?] B. The watch of Hagen and Volker from the Nibelungenlied. Initialled and dated 28 Apr 1847. Pen and ink drawing, 133 × 143 mm.
- (fol. 100) Auguste Delacroix. Moonlit harbour. Initialled A.D. Ascription in Cécile's hand. Painted in black and white on blue paper, 125 × 218 mm.
- (fol. 102) Jean Joseph Bonaventure Laurens. Watercolour of dark woman 'an Mendelssohn zur Erinnerung von seinem Verehrer Laurens'. Sepia sketch of trees on verso. 129 × 78 mm.
- (fol. 103) Jean Joseph Bonaventure Laurens. Watercolour of fair woman, with opening theme of the Andante of the Grosses Trio, op. 66. 90 × 125 mm.
- (fol. 104) Jean Joseph Bonaventure Laurens. Watercolour of a woman in a bonnet. Another on verso. 128 × 91 mm.
- (fol. 105) Jean Joseph Bonaventure Laurens. Heads of Teresa and Maria Milanollo in pencil. Landscape in pen and ink, dated 1846, on verso. 80 × 115 mm.
- (fol. 107) Daniel Chodowiecki. Engraving, 'Cabinet d'un Peintre' Berlin, 1771.
- (fol. 110) Albrecht Dürer. Engraving of the Nativity, 1504. See A. Bartsch, Le Peintre Graveur, vii, 1808, pp. 31-33.
- (fol. 111) Building with steeple, amongst trees. No signature or date. Pencil and sepia wash. 206 × 272 mm.
- (fol. 114) Julius Hübner. 'Der Geist der Liebe führt in alle Weisheit', Inscribed to Cécile Mendelssohn B., 1850. Ink and wash. 238 × 298 mm.
- (fol. 115) Pencil drawings of F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy on his deathbed and, on verso, studies of [coffin?]. 235 × 298 mm.
- (fol. 118) [Jean Joseph Bonaventure Laurens?]. 'Jeune fille d'Arles Boucher du Rhône'. Pencil drawing. 320 × 240 mm.
- Creation: 1844
116 Leaves
Language of Materials
- German
MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn b. 2
Custodial History
Wach collection.
Physical Facet
Binding: dark red morocco with gilt tooling. Gilt edges. Originally 37 leaves of white and tinted paper, on which the items were mounted, plus end-papers. 3 of the original leaves (30, 86b, 88a) were removed.
Oblong, 292 × 372 mm.
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom