Showing Collections: 41 - 52 of 52
Papers of Women Administrative Officers in Colonial Africa
Reminiscences, press cuttings, circulars, photographs and associated material of women who served in the Colonial Service in Africa and the West Indies (one contribution only from the West Indies), mainly relating to the years 1945 to 1960.
Extents: 1.2 Linear metres (8 boxes)
Papers relating to the development of Sukumaland, Tanganyika
Memoranda, correspondence, diaries, photographs and associated material of administrators involved in the development of Sukumaland, Tanganyika, in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Extents: 0.6 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Single Item
Photograph of Kigoma, Lake Tanganyika, taken by Alfred Dalton
Panoramic view of Kigoma, Lake Tanganyika, taken by Dalton, 16 October 1922.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.t.43
Extents: 1 item
Photographs and diary relating to the work of Thomas M. R. Leonard
Eight captioned albums of photographs relating to Leonard's service as Medical Officer with the Anglo-French expedition in the Cameroons (1914-1916) and with the Nigerian Brigade in German East Africa (1916-1918). Also, a diary describing Leonard's medical service in Southern Nigeria (1907); letters, maps and photographs relating to his medical service in West Africa (1907-1931), and an album of photographs of service in South Africa, Grenada and St. Vincent (c.1901-1905).
Extents: 8 volumes, 1 box
[ca. 1901]-1931
Single Item
Photographs belonging to Margery A. Freeberne
Photographs relating to her service in women's education in Zanzibar (1938-1944); with album of Zanzibar pictures painted by a young Arab schoolboy (1937-1938).
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.s.1883
Extents: 1 box
Primary and Secondary Education in Six Selected African Territories
Memoranda, correspondence, diaries, etc. relating to primary, secondary and teacher education in the Gold Coast/Ghana, Northern Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia/Zambia, Nyasaland/Malawi, Tanganyika/Tanzania and Uganda, [1928-1984].
Extents: 50 boxes
Single Item
Recollections of Geoffrey Douglas Popplewell as a District Commissioner
"Random Recollections of a District Commissioner" by Geoffrey Popplewell covering his service in Tanganyika, 1926-1957. Typescript, 1990.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.s.2156
Extents: 166 pp.
Single Item
Record books of Smith Mackenzie & Company Limited (microfilm)
Record books of Smith Mackenzie & Company Limited relating to agencies in Zanzibar and Mombasa (the books were kept in Zanzibar). Includes freight passage, launch and hire rates, particulars of cargo, summaries of contracts, notes on extraction of clove oil and some copy letters. Microfilm.
Shelfmark: Micr.Afr.584
Extents: 1 item
Single Item
Report by Dr. J.K. Sweeney
Copy of annual report on health services, Tanga Region, Tanganyika, 1962, by Dr. J.K. Sweeney.
Shelfmark: MSS. Afr. s. 2309
Extents: 1 folder
20th century
Single Item
Safari diary of Edwin Aubrey Brinkworth
Safari diary of Edwin Aubrey Brinkworth, 30 September 1946-ca.18 January 1947, from Dar-es-Salaam to Bagamayo, Lugoba, Kisambi, Kitengwi, and back to Dar-es-Salaam. Typescript.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.s.788
Extents: 28 ff.; 5 ff. photographs
Sir William Denis Battershill photographic collection
7 photographs of Sir William Battershill, c1910-1950
263 photographs of views, camp scenes, fellow officers, etc. taken in India and Mesopotamia during World War I, 1914-1918, with photograph of HMAS Sydney at Aden
39 photographs taken in Egypt and London during World War II, 1939-1945
1525 photographs, with 23 duplicates, taken in Ceylon, Jamaica, Cyprus,…
Extents: 5 boxes
Single Item
Thesis by Maurice E.J. Hobbs
Thesis on The contribution of education to the development of a plural society in Africa (with special reference to Tanganyika by Maurice Hobbs, May 1956.
Shelfmark: MSS. Afr. s. 2236
Extents: 221 pp.
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: Tanzania X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 48
- Tanzania -- Description and travel 11
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Administration 6
- Tanzania -- History -- To 1964 6
- Education -- Tanzania 4
- Agriculture -- Tanzania -- History 3
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Agriculture 3
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanzania 3
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanzania -- Administration 3
- 19th century 2
- Colonial administrators -- -- -- Tanzania -- Diaries 2
- Colonial administrators -- Tanganyika 2
- Education -- Zambia 2
- Guyana -- History -- 20th century 2
- Kenya -- Description and travel 2
- Kenya -- History -- 1895-1963 2
- Mandates -- Palestine 2
- Photographs 2
- South Africa 2
- Tanganyika 2
- Tanganyika -- Officials and employees 2
- Tanzania 2
- Tanzania -- History -- 20th century 2
- Tanzania -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- World War, 1914-1918 -- India 2
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Iraq 2
- Zanzibar (Tanzania) 2
- Aden (Yemen) -- History -- 20th century 1
- Aden -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Aden -- History -- 20th century 1
- Africa, East -- Discovery and exploration 1
- Agriculture -- Africa 1
- Agriculture -- Tanganyika 1
- Agriculture -- Tanzania 1
- Agriculture -- Trinidad and Tobago -- History 1
- Apartheid -- South Africa 1
- Arusha Region (Tanzania) 1
- Australia.Royal Australian Navy -- Photographs 1
- Austria -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Barcelona (Spain) -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Benelux countries -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Botswana -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Cameroon 1
- Canada -- History -- 20th century 1
- Canary Islands -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Church of England -- Bishops 1
- Clinics -- Tanzania 1
- Colonial administrators 1
- Colonial administrators -- Tanzania -- Correspondence 1
- Colonial administrators' wives -- Guyana 1
- Colonial administrators' wives -- Mauritius 1
- Colonial administrators' wives -- Tanzania 1
- Cyprus -- History -- 20th century 1
- Cyprus -- Photographs 1
- Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) 1
- Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) -- Description and travel 1
- Djibouti -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Economic history -- Tanzania 1
- Education -- Ghana 1
- Education -- Malawi 1
- Education -- Nigeria 1
- Education -- Sierra Leone 1
- Education -- Tanganyika 1
- Education -- Tanzania -- History 1
- Education -- Tanzania -- Zanzibar 1
- Education -- Uganda 1
- Education, Higher -- Ghana 1
- Education, Higher -- Nigeria 1
- Education, Higher -- Tanzania 1
- Education, Higher -- Uganda 1
- Education, Higher -- Zimbabwe 1
- Egypt -- Description and travel 1
- Egypt -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Eritrea -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Eritrea -- History 1
- Ethnology -- Eritrea 1
- Ethnology -- Pictorial works 1
- Ethnology -- Tanzania 1
- Farmers -- Tanganyika 1
- Farms -- Tanzania -- Mboamaji 1
- Fiji -- History 1
- Folk medicine -- Tanzania 1
- Freight forwarders 1
- Gambia -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
- Geologists -- Correspondence 1
- Ghana -- History -- 20th century 1
- Ghana -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
- Gibraltar -- History -- 20th century 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Officials and employees -- Biography 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Social life and customs 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanganyika 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanzania -- Administration -- Biography 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanzania -- Administration -- Personal narratives 1
- Great Britain -- Photographs 1
- Great Britain.Customs and Excise -- Officials and employees -- Biography 1
- Grenada 1
- Healers -- Tanzania 1
- Hong Kong (China) -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Hong Kong (China) -- History -- 20th century 1
- Hospitals -- Tanzania 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 7
- Battershill | Sir | William Denis | 1896-1959 | Knight | colonial administrator 2
- Haylett | Helen L. | fl 1935-1996 | Colonial Office Assistant And Secretary 2
- Margaret | 1930-2002 | Princess, Countess of Snowdon 2
- Pollock | Hugh Wykeham David | d 1973 | Colonial Service in Tanganyika 2
- Popplewell | Geoffrey Douglas | b 1904 | District Officer Colonial Government 2
- Swantz | Lloyd W. | fl 1956-1972 2
- University of Oxford | Development Records Project 2
- African Research Survey 1
- Amalgamated Farmers' Association | Africa 1
- Anti-Apartheid Movement 1
- Bagenal | Charles James | 1877-1955 | Soldier and Colonial Administrator 1
- Bewes | Peter Cecil | b 1932 | surgeon 1
- Bradley | Anthony Wilfred | b.1934 | constitutional lawyer 1
- Brayne | Richard B. | b 1924 | colonial administrator 1
- Brinkworth | Edwin Aubrey | fl 1946-1947 1
- Britain-Tanzania Society 1
- Clarke | Philip H.C. | b 1918 | education officer 1
- Collings | Alan | b 1919 | colonial administrator 1
- Community of the Resurrection | Mirfield | Yorkshire 1
- Dalton | Alfred | 1892-1984 | Colonial Railway Administrator 1
- Elwell-Sutton | Margaret J | fl 1955-1966 | nee Fowler, Woman Education Officer, Colonial Service 1
- Four Powers Commission of Investigation for the Former Italian Colonies | Eritrea | 1947 1
- Freeberne | Margery A | fl 1937-1944 1
- Fuggles-Couchman | N.R.E. | fl 1907-1962 | colonial agricultural officer 1
- Gane | Michael | b 1927 | colonial forestry officer 1
- Gooding | H. J. | fl 1950-1963 | agricultural assistant and plant breeder 1
- Grant | Peter Dundas | fl 1954-1962 | Dr. | colonial medical officer 1
- Great Britain | Colonial Office | Officials and employees 1
- Greig | Robert Coventry Hunter | fl 1909-[1940s] | colonial officer 1
- Hailey | William Malcolm | 1872-1969 | 1st Baron Hailey 1
- Heaney | Leonard M. | b 1906 | colonial officer 1
- Heussler | Robert William | 1924-1984 | historian 1
- Hobbs | Maurice E.J. | fl 1956 | colonial government officer 1
- Hucks | Aline | fl 1937-1966 1
- Huddleston | Ernest Urban Trevor | 1913-1998 | Archbishop of the Indian Ocean and member of the Community of the Resurrection 1
- Iliffe | John | fl 1995 | Dar es Salaam 1
- International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. (IDAF) 1
- Kingdon | Dorothy | fl 1930-1956 1
- Kingdon | Teddy (Z.E.) | fl 1902-1956 | colonial administrator 1
- Leonard | Thomas Malcolm R | fl 1901-1931 | Medical Officer in Africa 1
- Makerere University 1
- Malcolm | Donald Wingfield | b 1907 | colonial administrator 1
- Marchant | P J C | b 1923 | District Officer Colonial Service Tanzania 1
- McElderry | Samuel Burnside Boyd | 1885-1984 | colonial administrator 1
- Mwankemwa | Swedi A. | fl 1995 | Professor 1
- North West Meru Farmers' Association | Africa 1
- Oljoro Farmers' Association | Arusha (Tanganyika) 1
- Russell | Alison | 1875-1948 | Sir | Chief Justice Tanganyika 1
- Smith, Mackenzie and Company Limited | shipping agents 1
- Sneath | Paul Alfred Turner | 1898-1976 | colonial medical officer 1
- Somers | Phoebe | d 1995 | art teacher 1
- Stubbings | Basil J.J. | fl 1939-1968 | colonial administrator and company director 1
- Sweeney | J.K. | fl 1962-1999 | colonial medical officer 1
- Sweeney | Joseph F. | fl 1956-1994 | colonial education officer 1
- Sweeney | Patrick Brian | b 1914 | Customs and Excise official, colonial administration 1
- Thornton | Richard | 1838-1863 | Geologist 1
- Tibandebage | Andrew | fl 1986-1987 | Tanzania 1
- Trevaskis | Sir | Gerald Kennedy Nicholas | 1915-1990 | Knight | Colonial Administrator 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 51
- French 1
- German 1
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
- Malagasy 1
- Swahili 1
- Undetermined 1
∨ more
∨ more