Showing Collections: 621 - 640 of 654
Single Item
Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English
Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 791
Extents: 83 Leaves
20th century
Single Item
Typescript essays on Ram Mohan Roy by Shivacharan Lal
Typescript essays on Ram Mohan Roy by Shivacharan Lal, 1917.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 125
Extents: 45 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript play by 'Stanislaw Kazimierczyk' entitled 'Bernard of Clairvaux'
Typescript play by 'Stanislaw Kazimierczyk' entitled 'Bernard of Clairvaux'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 599
Extents: 77 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript translation by Dorothy M. Hall of 'The Heliand', a 9th-cent. epic on the life of Christ
Typescript translation by Dorothy M. Hall of 'The Heliand', a 9th-cent. epic on the life of Christ
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 621
Extents: 190 Leaves
20th century
Single Item
Unaddressed letter of William Edward Collins
Unaddressed letter of William Edward Collins
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 493, fols. 110-111
Extents: 2 Leaves
Single Item
An unidentified Italian translation of the Gospels
An unidentified Italian translation of the Gospels
Shelfmark: MS. Don. e. 122
Extents: 265 Leaves
c. 1767
Ussher Manuscripts
Collections by Archbishop Ussher, 17th century.
Extents: 0.88 Linear metres (8 boxes)
17th century
Single Item
A valuation (valor) of the diocese of Norwich
A valuation (valor) of the diocese of Norwich, no doubt made in 1603 for the new bishop, John Jegon.
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 330
Extents: 148 Leaves
Written early in the 17th century in England
Single Item
Views and designs of ancient antiquitys adapted to the gospels of the English liturgy by William Stukeley
Views and designs of ancient antiquitys adapted to the gospels of the English liturgy by William Stukeley
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 1012
Extents: 104 Leaves
Single Item
'Vita del Sommo Pontefice Sisto V, composta da vn' Autore Anonimo...'
'Vita del Sommo Pontefice Sisto V, composta da vn' Autore Anonimo...'
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 131
Extents: 184 Leaves
Written in the 17th century
Single Item
Volume compiled 1807-8 by John Skinner, rector of Camerton, Somerset
Volume compiled 1807-8 by John Skinner, rector of Camerton, Somerset
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 34
Extents: 216 Leaves
Single Item
Volume compiled by Miss H. Maxwell
Volume compiled by Miss H. Maxwell
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 1518
Extents: 184 pages
Single Item
Volume containing accounts of the religious experiences of Samuel Baker, 1667, and of his family
Volume containing accounts of the religious experiences of Samuel Baker, 1667, and of his family
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Suffolk e. 3
Extents: 54 pages
Single Item
Volume containing notes by Nathaniel Bonnel, mainly on religious topics
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 236
Extents: 147 Leaves
c. 1657-1799
Single Item
Volume containing notes in English and Latin on the sacraments and other theological matters
Volume containing notes in English and Latin on the sacraments and other theological matters, 17th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. f. 23
Extents: 77 Leaves
17th century
Single Item
Volume containing sermons and prayers
Volume containing sermons and prayers, 17th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. f. 22
Extents: 126 Leaves
17th century
Single Item
Volume of Baptist hymns and sermons, many by Benjamin Beddome, copied in two hands
Volume of Baptist hymns and sermons, many by Benjamin Beddome, copied in two hands
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 227
Extents: 186 Leaves
18th century
Single Item
Volume of draft poems, devotional and polemical, by 'John Brereley, Priest' (sometimes identified with James Anderton)
Volume of draft poems, devotional and polemical, by 'John Brereley, Priest' (sometimes identified with James Anderton)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. c. 61
Extents: 60 Leaves
c. 1620-1630
Single Item
Volume of Ietters and papers illustrative of English history, 17th-18th century, collected by F. J. Varley
Volume of Ietters and papers illustrative of English history, 17th-18th century, collected by F. J. Varley.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 308
Extents: 166 Leaves
17th-18th century
Single Item
Volume of miscellaneous early tracts
Volume of miscellaneous early tracts
Shelfmark: 4° D. 21 Jur (now part of)
Extents: 12 Leaves
Written early in the 16th century
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: Religion X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- Religion 646
- 17th century 197
- 19th century 192
- 20th century 150
- 18th century 135
- 16th century 103
- Theology 85
- Literature 79
- Church records and registers 64
- Oxfordshire (England) 58
- Letters 52
- Sermons 52
- Humanities 33
- Church 23
- Bible 21
- x - 15th century 17
- Catholic Church 16
- Prayers 16
- History 15
- Poetry 15
- Antiquarians 14
- Philosophy 14
- Church records and registers -- England -- Oxfordshire 13
- Greek literature 12
- Church of England -- Clergy 11
- x - 13th century 11
- x - 14th century 11
- 13th century 10
- Photographs 10
- Church of England -- Bishops 9
- Correspondence 9
- Saints 9
- 14th century 8
- Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 8
- Music 8
- Politics and Government 8
- x - 12th century 8
- Christianity 7
- Diaries 7
- Liturgies 7
- Manuscripts 7
- Royal family 7
- 21st century 6
- Catholic Church -- England 6
- Catholicism 6
- English literature 6
- Essays 6
- Religious literature, English 6
- Russia 6
- 12th century 5
- Bible. -- N.T. -- Gospels 5
- Classical literature 5
- Italy 5
- Manuscripts, Greek 5
- Oxford (England) 5
- Papacy 5
- Statutes 5
- x - 11th century 5
- 15th century 4
- Bible -- NT -- Epistles 4
- Bodleian Library 4
- Clergy 4
- Commonplace books 4
- India 4
- Religious poetry 4
- Accounts 3
- Bible -- Translating 3
- Biography 3
- Books 3
- Church of England. Book of common prayer 3
- Diaries -- 20th century 3
- English Literature 3
- English literature -- 19th century 3
- English literature -- 20th century 3
- France 3
- Great Britain 3
- Great Britain -- History 3
- Greece -- History 3
- Judaism 3
- Law 3
- Magic 3
- Medicine 3
- Monasteries 3
- Nonjurors 3
- Paris (France) 3
- Playwriting -- Drama 3
- Poems 3
- Psalms (Music) 3
- Spain 3
- Women 3
- x - 10th century 3
- x - 8th century 3
- 9th century 2
- Archaeology 2
- Art 2
- Art, British -- 20th century 2
- Asia 2
- Bible -- N.T. 2
- Bible. Psalms 2
- Books of hours 2 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Church of England 55
- Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 13
- Church of England | Bishops 6
- Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 6
- Wilberforce | family | 1614-1900 | Markington 5
- Keble | John | 1745-1834 | Church of England clergyman and poet 4
- Newman | John Henry | 1801-1890 | theologian and cardinal 4
- Catholic Church 3
- Church of England | Diocese of Oxford 3
- Church of England | Diocese of Winchester 3
- James | Thomas | ? 1573-1629 | Bodley's Librarian and Sub Dean of Wells 3
- Keble | John | 1792-1866 | Vicar of Hursley and Tractarian poet 3
- Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 3
- Luther | Martin | 1483-1546 | theologist and reformer 3
- Pusey | Edward Bouverie | 1800-1882 | Canon of Christ Church Oxford 3
- Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury 3
- Stukeley | William | 1687-1765 | antiquary and natural philosopher 3
- University of Oxford 3
- Ussher | James | 1581-1656 | Archbishop of Armagh, biblical scholar, and historian 3
- Buckland | William | 1784-1856 | Dean of Westminster, geologist 2
- Burgess | Thomas | 1756-1837 | Bishop of Salisbury 2
- Burton | Edward | 1794-1836 | Professor of Divinity 2
- Chrysostom | John | 347-407 | Saint 2
- Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 2
- Ducarel | Andrew Coltee | 1713-1785 | Antiquary 2
- Eusebius of Caesarea | 265-339 AD | historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist 2
- Farrer | Austin Marsden | 1904-1968 | philosopher and theologian 2
- Farrer | Katharine | nee Newton | 1911-1972 | novelist, wife of Austin Farrer 2
- Gilpin | Bernard | 1517-1583 | Archdeacon of Durham 2
- Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 2
- Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 2
- Herbert | Sir | Henry | bap. 1594-d. 1673 | Knight | Master of the revels 2
- Hereford Cathedral 2
- Hickes | George | 1642-1715 | Dean of Worcester, nonjuror, philologist and antiquary 2
- Laud | William | 1573-1645 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
- Oliver | George | 1781-1861 | Roman Catholic priest and historian 2
- Selden | John | 1584-1654 | Jurist, MP, and Antiquary 2
- Sheldon | Gilbert | 1598-1677 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
- Stanley | Arthur Penrhyn | 1815-1881 | Dean of Westminster 2
- Stubbs | William | 1825-1901 | Bishop of Oxford, Historian 2
- Wilberforce | William | 1759-1833 | MP, Philanthropist 2
- Abbot | George | 1562-1633 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
- Acworth | Harriet Garland | d 1846 | nee Miller | wife of William Acworth 1
- Acworth | William | 1803-1899 | Evangelical clergyman 1
- Adami | Johannes | fl. 1715 | scribe 1
- Alexander VI | d 1503 | Pope 1
- Allan | George | 1736-1880 | antiquary and topographer 1
- Allen | John | vice-principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford,1759-1779 1
- Allen | Timothy | vicar of Betchworth, Surrey, 1728-1744 1
- Allen | Ward S | b 1922 | theologist 1
- Allen | Ward S. | b 1922 | translator of the Gospels 1
- Allestree | Richard | 1621/2-1681 | Church of England clergyman 1
- Amando | Anthore | fl. 19th century 1
- Anderton | James | 1557-1613 | Religious controversialist also known as John Brereley 1
- Andrewes | Lancelot |1555-1626 | Bishop of Winchester 1
- Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 1
- Aquino | Ladislao | d' | 1543-1621 | cardinal 1
- Argentine | Richard | 1510/11-1568 | schoolmaster and Church of England clergyman 1
- Armstrong | Edward Allworthy | Reverend | 1900-1978 | ornithologist | priest 1
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
- Athanasius | Saint | c. 293-373 | of Alexandria , theologian, ecclesiastical statesman, and Egyptian national leader 1
- Augustine | d 604 | Saint, first Archbishop of Canterbury 1
- Bacon | Roger | c. 1214–1292 | philosopher and Franciscan friar 1
- Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 1
- Barker | Ralph | 1648-1708 | chaplain 1
- Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 1
- Baron | John | fl. 1726-1737 1
- Barrett | John | 1753-1821 | Antiquary Biblical Scholar 1
- Barros | Antonio | de | fl. 1701 1
- Basil the Great | 330-379 AD | Saint | of Caesarea | Bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia 1
- Beadon | Richard | 1737-1824 | bishop of Bath and Wells 1
- Beauvollier | Ant. | fl. 1701 1
- Becket | Thomas | 1118-1170 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
- Beddome | Benjamin | 1717-1795 | Baptist minister and hymn writer 1
- Bedell | William | bap. 1572-1642 | Church of Ireland bishop of Kilmore 1
- Bedingfield | Sir | Henry Arundell | c.1686-1760 | 3rd Baronet Bedingfeld of Oxburgh 1
- Bell | John | 1783-1864 | land surveyor and antiquary 1
- Bellarmine | Cardinal | Robert | 1542-1621 | Jesuit and Cardinal of the Catholic Church 1
- Benson | Robert Hugh | 1871-1914 | Roman Catholic writer and apologist 1
- Bentham | Edward | 1707-1776 | Anglican clergyman and a natural philosopher 1
- Bentivoglio | Giovanni II | 12 February 1443 – 15 February 1508 | Italian nobleman 1
- Bialloblotzky | Christopher Henry Frederick | 1799-1869 | author 1
- Bickersteth | A.C | 1920-1948 | Gurkha Rifles 1
- Bickersteth | Edward Henry | 1825-1906 | Bishop of Exeter | poet | hymnographer 1
- Bickersteth | Edward Monier | 1882-1976 | priest 1
- Bickersteth | Edward | 1786-1850 | author | Church of England clergyman | evangelical leader 1
- Bickersteth | Family | Church of England 1
- Bickersteth | Geoffrey | 1884-1974 | academic 1
- Bickersteth | John Burgon | 1888-1979 | academic administrator | author 1
- Bickersteth | Kenneth Julian | 1885-1962 | Clergyman | 1
- Bickersteth | Ralph | 1894-1989 1
- Bickersteth | Samuel | 1857-1937 | priest 1
- Bickersteth | Stanley Morris | 1891-1916 1
- Blunt | Wilfrid Scawen | 1840-1922 | poet and writer 1
- Bolswert | Schelte | a | 1586-1659 | Dutch engraver 1
- Boucher | Jonathan | 1738–1804 | schoolmaster and Church of England clergyman 1
- Bovey | James | 1622-1696 | Merchant, lawyer and philosopher 1
- Bower | Archibald | c.1686-1766 | religious controversialist and historical writer 1
- Bowhay | Tom Anderson | fl 1911-1925 1
- Boyce | Benjamin | fl. 1748 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 456
- Latin 137
- Undetermined 27
- French 20
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 20
- Italian 20
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 18
- Spanish; Castilian 13
- German 10
- Russian 5
- Slavic languages 4
- Hebrew 3
- Portuguese 3
- Welsh 3
- Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 2
- Multiple languages 2
- Armenian 1
- Basque 1
- Cornish 1
- Danish 1
∨ more
∨ more