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Showing Collections: 41 - 43 of 43

Single Item

'Vita del Sommo Pontefice Sisto V, composta da vn' Autore Anonimo...'

'Vita del Sommo Pontefice Sisto V, composta da vn' Autore Anonimo...'
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 131
Extents: 184 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 17th century
Single Item

Volume of draft poems, devotional and polemical, by 'John Brereley, Priest' (sometimes identified with James Anderton)

Volume of draft poems, devotional and polemical, by 'John Brereley, Priest' (sometimes identified with James Anderton)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. c. 61
Extents: 60 Leaves
Dates: c. 1620-1630
Single Item

'A widdowe indeed', a discourse on widowhood

'A widdowe indeed', a discourse on widowhood
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 115
Extents: 240 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1620-1630 by W. Page

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Religion X
  • Indexed subjects: 17th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
Religion 42
Literature 30
Church 9
18th century 4
English literature 4
Prayers 4
Sermons 4
Catholic Church 3
Classical literature 3
16th century 2
Antiquarians 2
Devotional literature, German 2
Ecclesiastical courts 2
Greek literature 2
Poetry 2
Poetry -- 17th century 2
Religious literature, English 2
Russia 2
13th century 1
14th century 1
∨ more  
Indexed names
Herbert | Sir | Henry | bap. 1594-d. 1673 | Knight | Master of the revels 2
Alexander VI | d 1503 | Pope 1
Amando | Anthore | fl. 19th century 1
Anderton | James | 1557-1613 | Religious controversialist also known as John Brereley 1
Aquino | Ladislao | d' | 1543-1621 | cardinal 1
Carafa | Carlo | 1517-1561 | cardinal 1
Cooke | Caleb | d 1708 | clergyman 1
Cooke | Sarah | fl 1718 | wife of Caleb Cooke 1
Goodman | Godfrey | 1583-1656 | Bishop of Gloucester 1
Greenham | Richard | 1535-1594 | clergyman 1
Gui | Bernard | 1261-1331 | Dominican friar 1
Haward | Sir | William | c. 1617-1704 | Knight | Courier and antiquary 1
Hickes | George | 1642-1715 | Dean of Worcester, nonjuror, philologist and antiquary 1
Holland | Henry | fl. 1605 | editor 1
Lewis | John | 1675-1747 | Antiquary 1
Libri | Guillaume | 1803-1869 | Professor of Mathematical Physics 1
Lushington | Thomas | 1590-1661 | author and theologian 1
Page | William | fl. 1620-1630 1
Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 1
Sixtus V | 1521-1590 | Pope 1