Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 49
Single Item
Additional letters, postcards and cards sent by Philip Larkin to Monica Jones, with three photographs
Letters from Philip Larkin, poet and librarian, to Monica Jones, teacher and academic.
Shelfmark: MS. 22131
Extents: 1 box
9 Aug 1962-15 Oct 1978, n.d.
Single Item
Album of manuscript verse by Caroline de Crespigny, Thomas Medwin and other contemporary English and German poets, with some original drawings and watercolours
Caroline de Crespigny’s album is made up predominantly of original autograph verse by herself, Thomas Medwin and the German poets they encountered and translated. Tipped in, pinned or loosely inserted are also original drawings and watercolours, together with cut-outs and press cuttings, and one music manuscript. As far as it has been possible to establish, her own verses are unpublished. A number of other pieces remain unidentified.
Shelfmark: MS. 11916
Extents: 1.0 volume
1838-1861, n.d.
An Annotated Copy of Joseph Ritson, Bibliographia poetica
An Annotated Copy of Joseph Ritson, Bibliographia poetica
Extents: 10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
19th century
Archive of Anne Ridler and Vivian Ridler
Correspondence and papers of the poet and writer Anne Ridler (1912-2001) and her husband Vivian Ridler (1913-2009), printer to the Oxford University Press and founder of Perpetua Press.
Extents: 5.596 Linear metres (81 boxes)
1836-2011, n.d.; Majority of material found within 1927 - 2011
Archive of Geoffrey Tillotson
Archive of Geoffrey Tillotson
Extents: 0.75 Linear metres (9 boxes)
Archive of George Thorn-Drury
Archive of George Thorn-Drury
Extents: 1.19 Linear metres (19 boxes)
19th-20th cent.
Archive of Sir Herbert Grierson relating to John Donne
Archive of Sir Herbert Grierson relating to John Donne.
Extents: 0.27 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Archive of the Noel, Byron and Lovelace Families
Papers of Annabella, Lady Byron (1792-1860), including papers of her parents, Sir Ralph and Judith Milbanke (later Noel), papers of her daughter, Ada Byron (later Lady Lovelace), and her grand-children, Ralph King (2nd Earl of Lovelace) and Anne Blunt.
Extents: 50.6 Linear metres (460 Shelfmarks)
Single Item
Autograph works of John Taylor the Water-Poet
Autograph works of John Taylor the Water-Poet, written in 1643-1645.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 209
Extents: 33 Leaves
written in 1643-1645 by J. Taylor
Single Item
A collection of jokes, riddles and verse entitled 'The Young Men and Maids Merry Companion' by Thomas Chapman
A collection of jokes, riddles and verse entitled 'The Young Men and Maids Merry Companion' by Thomas Chapman.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 7018
Extents: 182 Leaves
Single Item
Collection of poems, including political satires, topical verse, epigrams and groups of poems
Collection of poems, including political satires, topical verse, epigrams and groups of poems
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. c. 50
Extents: 135 Leaves
c. 17th century
Single Item
Collection of recusant verse
Collection of recusant verse
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. b. 5
Extents: 130 Leaves
Compiled 1651-1657
Single Item
Collection of verse and prose in three hands, early to mid-17th century. Sonnets / Poems by William Alabaster and 2 others
Collection of verse and prose in three hands, early to mid-17th century. Sonnets / Poems by William Alabaster and 2 others.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 57
Extents: 82 Leaves
17th century
Single Item
Contemporary copy of poem by Thomas Campbell, 'The friars of Dijon'
Contemporary copy of poem by Thomas Campbell, 'The friars of Dijon', with pen-and-ink illustrations.
Shelfmark: MS. Montagu d. 34
Extents: 17 Leaves
Correspondence of Philip Larkin and Judy Egerton
Letters and cards exchanged between the poet Philip Larkin (1922-1985) and the art historian Judy Egerton (1928-2012) during the course of their thirty-year friendship.
Extents: 2.25 Linear metres (14 physical shelfmarks)
Single Item
Early manuscript volume of Lord Byron's poetry, made by or for Dr Francis le Mann
Early manuscript volume of Lord Byron's poetry, made by or for Dr Francis le Mann, c.1810-1816.
Shelfmark: MS. 17560
Extents: 1 volume
Greeting cards sent by Monica Jones to Philip Larkin
Greeting cards sent by Monica Jones to Philip Larkin, 1950s-1984.
Extents: 0.75 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Single Item
Guard-book of verse
Guard-book of verse, 19th-20th centuries.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 187
Extents: 78 Leaves
19th-20th centuries
Single Item
Letter from Edmund Blunden to Jack Isaacs
Letter from Edmund Blunden to Jack Issacs, c.1920s.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8394, fol. 86
Extents: 1 leaf
Single Item
Letter of Richard Polwhele to John Bowyer Nichols
Autograph letter of Richard Polwhele to John Bowyer Nichols, 28 Jan 1828.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8418, fol. 124
Extents: 1 leaf
28 Jan 1828
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 25
- 19th century 18
- English poetry 12
- Poetry 11
- Poets, English -- 20th century -- Correspondence 11
- Poetry, English 10
- 17th century 9
- Literature 9
- Poets 9
- English literature 8
- English poetry -- 20th century 8
- 18th century 7
- Correspondence 6
- Poetry, English -- 19th century 6
- English poetry -- Women authors 5
- Humanities 5
- Poetry, English -- 18th century 5
- Poets, English -- 19th century 5
- Poetry, English -- 17th century 4
- Poets, English 4
- English literature -- 20th century 3
- Poetry -- 20th century 3
- English poetry -- 19th century 2
- Letters -- 20th century 2
- Literature -- 20th century 2
- Poetry, English -- 16th century 2
- Poets -- 20th century 2
- Poets, English -- 18th century 2
- Poets, English -- Correspondence 2
- Women poets, English -- 19th century 2
- 16th century 1
- 21st century 1
- Abolitionists | Great Britain 1
- Antislavery movements -- Great Britain 1
- Authors, Classical 1
- Autographs -- Collections 1
- Children 1
- Congregationalists -- Clergy 1
- Cornwall (England) 1
- Cricket 1
- Drama -- 17th century 1
- Drawing 1
- Education 1
- Education -- England 1
- English Literature 1
- English drama -- 17th century 1
- English fiction 1
- English literature -- 16th century 1
- English literature -- 18th century 1
- English literature -- 19th century 1
- English poetry -- 16th century 1
- English poetry -- Bio-bibliography 1
- German poetry -- Women authors 1
- Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 1
- Hymns, English -- Texts 1
- Inklings (Group of writers) 1
- Letters 1
- Literature -- 18th century 1
- Mathematics -- Early works to 1800 1
- Metaphysical poetry -- Criticism and interpretation 1
- Operas -- Librettos 1
- Oxford (England) 1
- Pastoral poetry, English 1
- Playwriting -- Drama 1
- Poems 1
- Poetry -- 19th century 1
- Poetry -- printing-press -- publishing 1
- Poetry, English--17th century 1
- Poetry, German -- 19th century 1
- Poetry, Italian 1
- Poets, English | 19th century 1
- Political satire 1
- Printing 1
- Printing -- England -- Oxford 1
- Quaker women 1
- Quakers 1
- Quakers -- Great Britain 1
- Religious poetry 1
- Reminiscences 1
- Schools -- Great Britain 1
- Slave trade 1
- Slaves -- West Indies 1
- Social history -- 20th century 1
- University of Oxford -- Students 1
- War poetry 1
- Wit and humor -- Early works to 1800 1
- Women 1
- Women -- Education 1
- Women and literature -- Germany -- 19th century 1
- Women poets, German -- 19th century 1
- Women scientists 1
- x - 15th century 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 5
- Jones | Monica Margaret Beal | 1922-2001 | lecturer in English 4
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 3
- Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St. Paul's and poet 2
- Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 2
- Marvell Press | publisher 2
- Pitter | Ruth | 1897-1992 | poet 2
- Queen's University Belfast 2
- University of Hull 2
- Alabaster | William | 1567-1640 | Latin Poet and Canon of St Paul's 1
- Amherst | Elizabeth | c.1716-1779 | poet and amateur naturalist 1
- Binyon | Laurence | 1869-1943 | Poet and art historian 1
- Boswell | James | 1778-1822 | Lawyer and Editor 1
- Bottomley | Gordon | 1874-1948 | Poet and playwright 1
- Buckley | William Edward | ? 1817-1892 1
- Byron | Anne Isabella | 1792-1860 | 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron | Social reformer and philanthropist 1
- Byron | George Gordon | 1788-1824 | | 6th Baron Byron | poet 1
- Byron | George Gordon | 6th Baron Byron | 1788-1824 | poet 1
- Campbell | Thomas | 1777-1844 | Poet 1
- Candler | Sarah | 1790-1816 | poet 1
- Carew | Thomas | 1594-1640 | Poet 1
- Casey | George Edward Comerford | 1846-1912 | clergyman, teacher and writer 1
- Chapman | Thomas | fl 1766 | author 1
- Coleridge | Sara | 1802–1852 | writer and literary editor 1
- Crabbe | George | 1754-1832 | Poet 1
- Crespigny | Caroline Champion de | née Bathurst | 1796-1861 | poet 1
- Drury | George Thorn | 1860-1931 | Barrister and Literary Scholar 1
- Egerton | Judy | 1928-2012 | art historian 1
- Faber and Faber | publisher 1
- Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 1
- Gardner | Helen Louise | 1908-1986 | literary scholar 1
- Gosse | Sir | Edmund William | 1849-1928 | Knight | poet, biographer and literary critic 1
- Grierson | Sir | Herbert John Clifford | 1866-1960 | Knight | Professor of English literature at Edinburgh University 1
- Grierson | Sir | Herbert John Clifford | 1866-1960 | knight | Professor of English literature at Edinburgh University 1
- Haslewood | Joseph | 1769-1833 | Antiquary 1
- Herrick | Robert | 1591-1674 | poet 1
- Jonson | Benjamin | c. 1573-1637 | poet 1
- King | Ada Augusta | 1815-1852 | mathematician | wife of 1st Earl Lovelace 1
- King | William | 1805-1893 | 1st Earl of Lovelace 1
- Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 1
- Lewis | Cecil Day | 1904-1972 | poet 1
- Madden | Sir | Frederic | 1801-1873 | Knight | Antiquary, and Palaeographer 1
- Mann | Francis | le | d. c.1851 | physician, surgeon and apothecary 1
- Mare | Richard Herbert Ingpen de la | 1901-1986 | publisher 1
- Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 1
- Mason | William | 1724-1797 | poet 1
- Medwin | Thomas | 1788-1869 | biographer of P.B. Shelley 1
- Milbanke | Ralph Gordon Noel King | 2nd Earl of Lovelace | 1839-1906 1
- Milbanke-Noel | Judith | 1751-1822 | nee Noel, afterwards Milbanke | wife of Sir Ralph Milbanke-Noel 1
- Milbanke-Noel | Sir | Ralph | 1747-1825 | | 6th Baronet | MP for Durham 1
- Montagu | Montagu | 1787-1863 | Captain RN, Author, and Autograph Collector 1
- Moore | Thomas Sturge | 1870-1944 | writer and wood engraver 1
- Nichols | John Bowyer | 1779-1863 | printer and antiquary 1
- Plunkett | Edward John Moreton Drax | 1878-1957 | 18th Baron of Dunsany | writer 1
- Polwhele Richard | 1760-1838 | Anglican clergyman, topographer, theologian 1
- Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | Poet 1
- Randolph | Thomas | 1605-1635 | poet 1
- Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | née Bradby | poet and writer 1
- Ridler | Vivian Hughes | 1913-2009 | printer, typographer and scholar 1
- Ritson | Joseph | 1752-1803 | Literary Critic 1
- Rogers | Samuel | 1763-1855 | poet 1
- Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 1
- Shirley | James | 1596-1666 | poet 1
- Sidney | Sir | Philip | 1554-1586 | Knight | Soldier, statesman, and poet 1
- Southey | Robert | 1774-1843 | poet, journalist, and biographer 1
- Southwell | Robert | c 1561-1595 | Jesuit and poet 1
- Sparrow | John Hanbury Angus | 1906-1992 | Warden of All Souls College, Oxford 1
- Spoure | Edmund | fl. 1695 | Poet 1
- Stukeley | William | 1687-1765 | antiquary and natural philosopher 1
- Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 1
- Tate Gallery 1
- Taylor | John | 1578-1653 | called the Water Poet | poet 1
- Taylor | Thomas Rawson | 1807-1835 | minister, hymnodist and poet 1
- Tennyson | Alfred | 1809-1892 | 1st Baron Tennyson | poet 1
- Thomas | Philip Edward | 1878-1917 | poet and writer 1
- Thwaite | Ann Barbara | 1932 | née Harrop | biographer 1
- Thwaite | Anthony | b. 1930 | poet and writer 1
- Tillotson | Geoffrey | 1905-1969 | Professor of English Literature London University 1
- Treby | Ivor | 1933-2012 | poet, gay literary activist and Michael Field researcher 1
- University of Leicester 1
- University of Oxford 1
- Wallace | (Richard Horatio) Edgar | 1875-1932 | novelist, playwright and journalist 1
- Waller | Edmund | 1606-1687 | poet 1
- Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 1
- Wilson | Jeremy Michael | 1944-2017 | biographer and editor 1
- Wither | George | 1588-1667 | Poet and pamphleteer 1
- Wordsworth | Dorothy | 1771–1855 | writer 1
- Wordsworth | William | 1770–1850 | poet 1 ∧ less
- Language
- French 4
- German 4
- Latin 3
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 2
- Italian 2
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
∨ more
∨ more