Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 127
Single Item
Collection of verse, probably copied in the late 1630s
Collection of verse, probably copied in the late 1630s
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. c. 53
Extents: 25 Leaves
c. 1630's
Collection of Welsh Poems
Collection of Welsh Poems
Extents: 0.20 Linear metres (4 boxes)
17th-18th century
Single Item
A common-place book of pieces of poetry and prose, college notes, etc.
A common-place book of pieces of poetry and prose, college notes, etc.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 13
Extents: 31 Leaves
Written in about 1640-1650, chiefly by W. Lynnett
Single Item
Commonplace book containing contemporary Spanish prose and verse and classical Latin extracts
The commonplace book comprises four discernible sections. The commonplacing sections are in two sections, either side of Psalle et Sile. Poems by Miguel Ladrón and Fulvio Testi are incorporated into Eva y Ave, beginning on fols. 31r and 49v respectively. This description follows the original foliation as it appears in the manuscript. The foliation underwent changes at the hand of the author himself, and shows evidence that he reordered…
Shelfmark: MS. Spanish e. 9
Extents: 1 volume
Early 18th cent.
Single Item
Commonplace book of Thomas Hughes of Trinity College, Oxford
Commonplace book of Thomas Hughes of Trinity College, Oxford.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. d. 3615
Extents: 205 Leaves
Single Item
Contemporary copies of occasional verse, headed 'Poems and etc. by several hands'
Contemporary copies of occasional verse, headed 'Poems and etc. by several hands'
Shelfmark: MS. Don. e. 24
Extents: 50 pages
Single Item
Contemporary copy of S[amuel] C[olvil], Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication. Part first
Contemporary copy of S[amuel] C[olvil], Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication. Part first
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 41
Extents: 119 pages
Single Item
Contemporary copy of S[amuel] C[olvil], 'Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication. Part first'; published, London
Contemporary copy of S[amuel] C[olvil], 'Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication. Part first'; published, London, 1681. In Crum.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 48
Extents: 85 pages
Single Item
Copies, c. 1640, of seventy-four poems by Edmund Waller
Copies, c. 1640, of seventy-four poems by Edmund Waller
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 55
Extents: 76 Leaves
c. 1640
Single Item
Copies of Latin academical exercises, letters and poems
Copies of Latin academical exercises, letters and poems, written about A. D. 1635-1654 by G. Stradling and others at Oxford.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. B. 109
Extents: 136 Leaves
written about A. D. 1635-1654 by G. Stradling and others at Oxford
A copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses printed at Venice in 1502
A copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses printed at Venice in 1502
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 physical shelfmarks)
16th century
Single Item
'The Creacion of the worlde, with Noyes flude: wryten by William Jordan. the xiith of August. 1611'
'The Creacion of the worlde, with Noyes flude: wryten by William Jordan. the xiith of August. 1611'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 219
Extents: 74 Leaves
Written in A.D. 1611 by W. Jordan
Single Item
'De furoribus Gallicis ... ac inaudita piorum strage Parisijs edita sub Carolo'
'De furoribus Gallicis ... ac inaudita piorum strage Parisijs edita sub Carolo'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 541
Extents: 12 Leaves
Written about A.D. 1600
Single Item
Dedication Copy of the ode by John Milton Ad Joannem Rousium Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium
Dedication Copy of the ode by John Milton Ad Joannem Rousium Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium.
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. d. 77
Extents: 2 Leaves
23 Jan. 1646/7
Single Item
English, Latin and Portuguese pieces
English, Latin and Portuguese pieces, made up of several pieces written and printed in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 1
Extents: 183 Leaves
made up of several pieces written and printed in the 16th and 17th centuries
Single Item
Fair copies of verse, mid-17th century, 'Divine poems' and paraphrases in verse from the Bible
Fair copies of verse, mid-17th century, 'Divine poems' and paraphrases in verse from the Bible.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 51
Extents: 192 pages
Mid-17th century
Single Item
Fair copy by Nicholas Oldisworth of poems written by him, 1629-34, dedicated to his wife
Fair copy by Nicholas Oldisworth of poems written by him, 1629-34, dedicated to his wife, 1644
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 24
Extents: 195 Leaves
Single Item
Fair copy of poems by Henry King, Bishop of Chichester
Fair copy of poems by Henry King, Bishop of Chichester.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 30
Extents: 109 Leaves
17th century
Single Item
Fair copy of poems by Henry King, Bishop of Chichester
Fair copy of poems by Henry King, Bishop of Chichester, c.1638-1640.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 127
Extents: 43 Leaves
Single Item
Five leaves, containing Welsh poems and scraps
Five leaves, containing Welsh poems and scraps
Shelfmark: MS. Welsh e. 10
Extents: 10 pages
Written perhaps early in the 17th century
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 17th century 120
- Poetry 64
- Literature 28
- 18th century 27
- 19th century 18
- 16th century 16
- Poets 14
- 20th century 13
- English poetry 11
- English poetry -- 17th century 10
- Letters 10
- Latin poetry 9
- Welsh poetry 9
- Poetry -- 17th century 8
- Poems 7
- Religion 6
- Correspondence 5
- English literature 5
- Oxford (England) 5
- Sermons 5
- Medicine 4
- Poetry, English 4
- Poetry, English -- 17th century 4
- Political satire 4
- Theology 4
- Latin literature 3
- Latin prose literature 3
- Law 3
- Literature -- Translations 3
- Manuscripts 3
- Religious poetry 3
- x - 15th century 3
- 13th century 2
- 14th century 2
- Authors, Classical 2
- Ballads 2
- Bible 2
- Cornwall (England) 2
- Diaries -- 18th century 2
- Drama 2
- English literature -- 17th century 2
- Epic poetry 2
- France 2
- Genealogy 2
- Great Britain -- History 2
- Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 2
- Heraldry 2
- Hymns 2
- Latin poetry -- 17th century 2
- Manuscripts, Latin 2
- Music 2
- Poetry, English -- 16th century 2
- Poetry, Italian 2
- Politicians 2
- Scholars 2
- Songs 2
- Universities and colleges 2
- Whig Party (Great Britain) 2
- x - 11th century 2
- x - 12th century 2
- 15th century 1
- Alchemy 1
- Anabaptists 1
- Astrology 1
- Authors 1
- Autographs -- Collections 1
- Bible -- N.T. 1
- Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
- Books 1
- Church 1
- Church of England -- Clergy 1
- Classical languages 1
- Classical literature 1
- Clergy 1
- Coinage 1
- Colonies 1
- Commerce 1
- Commonplace books 1
- Constitutions 1
- Courts 1
- Crusades 1
- Diaries -- 17th century 1
- Dissenters 1
- Dorset (England) 1
- Drama -- 17th century 1
- Drawings 1
- Durham (England) 1
- Ecclesiastical courts 1
- England 1
- English Literature 1
- English drama -- 17th century 1
- English literature -- 16th century 1
- English poetry -- 16th century 1
- English poetry -- Middle English, 1100-1500 1
- English poetry -- Old English, c. 450-1100 1
- Essex (England) 1
- Flanders (Belgium) 1
- France -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 1
- Golf 1
- Great Britain -- History -- Stuarts, 1603-1714 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St. Paul's and poet 4
- Carew | Thomas | 1594-1640 | Poet 3
- Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St Paul's, poet 3
- Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 2
- Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 2
- Colvil | Samuel | fl. 1640-1681 2
- Herrick | Robert | 1591-1674 | poet 2
- Jonson | Benjamin | c. 1573-1637 | poet 2
- King | Henry | 1592-1669 | poet and bishop of Chichester 2
- Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 2
- Randolph | Thomas | 1605-1635 | poet 2
- Southwell | Robert | c 1561-1595 | Jesuit and poet 2
- University of Cambridge 2
- University of Oxford 2
- Waller | Edmund | 1606-1687 | poet 2
- Warton | Joseph | 1722-1800 | Critic 2
- Alabaster | William | 1567-1640 | Latin Poet and Canon of St Paul's 1
- Albert | 1819-1861 | Prince Consort of Queen Victoria 1
- Aldrich | Henry | fl 1685-1710 | sub-dean and dean of Christ Church 1
- Anderton | James | 1557-1613 | Religious controversialist also known as John Brereley 1
- Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 1
- Aston | Willoughby | Sir | 1640-1702 | 2nd Baronet of Aston 1
- Barret | Robert | fl 1586-1607 | soldier and author 1
- Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
- Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 1
- Benlowes | Edward | 1602-1676 | poet 1
- Booker | John | 1603-1667 | Astrologer 1
- Bottomley | Gordon | 1874-1948 | Poet and playwright 1
- Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
- Bright | William | 1824-1901 | Ecclesiastical Historian 1
- Burdett | Sir | Francis | 1770-1844 | 5th Baronet | politician 1
- Burhill | Robert | bap. 1572-1641 | Church of England clergyman 1
- Burton | John | 1710-1771 | Antiquary 1
- Campion | Edmund | 1540-1581 | Saint Edmund Campion | Jesuit and martyr 1
- Cater | Gerrard | fl 1662-1702 | poet 1
- Champernowne | Henry | fl. 1623 1
- Charlett | Arthur | 1655-1722 | Master of University College Oxford 1
- Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
- Cotton | James Henry | 1780-1862 | Dean of Bangor Cathedral and educationist 1
- Courthope | William John | 1842-1917 | Poet and literary scholar 1
- Cowper | William | 1731-1800 | poet 1
- Cremer | Acton | fl. 1660-1700 | vicar of Clifton, Worcs. 1
- Dee | John | 1527-1608 | Mathematician and Astrologer 1
- Drayton | Michael | 1563-1631 | poet 1
- Drummond | Robert Hay | 1711-1776 | archbishop of York 1
- Drury | George Thorn | 1860-1931 | Barrister and Literary Scholar 1
- Earle | John | ? 1601-1665 | Bishop of Salisbury 1
- Edwards | Thomas | ? 1651-1721 | Church of England clergyman and orientalist 1
- Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 1
- Ellis | Thomas | fl 1653 | fellow of Jesus college, Oxford 1
- England and Wales | Exchequer 1
- England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
- Eton College 1
- Fairfax | Sir | William | d. 1597 | politician 1
- Fanshawe | Sir | Richard | 1608-1666 | 1st Baronet | Diplomat and Author 1
- Firth | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Sir | Knight and historian 1
- Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 1
- Fitzjames | Leweston | c.1574-1638 | politician 1
- Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
- Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
- Forman | Simon | 1552-1611 | Astrologer 1
- French Protestant Church 1
- Gardner | Dame | Helen Louise | 1908-1986 | literary scholar 1
- Gardner | Helen Louise | 1908-1986 | literary scholar 1
- Gladstone | William Ewart | 1809-1898 | statesman 1
- Gravius | Theodoricus | fl 1630-1641 | Astrologer 1
- Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
- Grierson | Sir | Herbert John Clifford | 1866-1960 | Knight | Professor of English literature at Edinburgh University 1
- Grierson | Sir | Herbert John Clifford | 1866-1960 | knight | Professor of English literature at Edinburgh University 1
- Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
- Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
- Hardy | Thomas | 1840–1928 | novelist and poet 1
- Harington | Sir | John | bap. 1560-1612 | courtier and author 1
- Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
- Hayley | William | 1745-1820 | Poet 1
- Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
- Herrick | Sir | William | 1562-1653 | Knight and goldsmith teller of the Exchequer 1
- Holman | William | d 1730 | Essex Antiquary Congregational Minister 1
- Hubert | Sir Francis | ? 1568–1629 | poet 1
- Hughes | Thomas | b ? 1655 1
- Hunt | William Holman | 1827-1910 | Painter 1
- Ingram | James | 1774-1850 | Anglo Saxon Scholar Antiquary Archaeologist 1
- J. F. | fl. 1660-1700 1
- Jenkins | Sir | Leoline | 1625-1685 | Academic and diplomat 1
- Junius | Francis | 1589-1677 | Philologist and Antiquary 1
- King | Peter | 1669-1734 | 1st Baron King | Lord Chancellor 1
- Kynaston | Sir | Francis | ? 1586-1642 | writer and founder of the Musaeum Minervae 1
- L'Estrange | Hamon | 1605-1660 | theologian and historian 1
- Leech | Andrew | d 1637 | Scottish writer and poet | resident of Krakow | known as Andreas Loeaechius 1
- Lewis | John | c 1700-1799 | Minister of Margate 1
- Lilly | William | 1602-1681 | Astrologer 1
- Livius | Titus | ? 59 BC-AD 17 | Roman historian 1
- Lynnett | William | fl. 1640 - 1650 1
- Magnusen | Finn | 1781-1848 | lawyer 1
- Malone | Edmond | 1741-1812 | Critic and Author 1
- Mandeville | Sir | John | d 1372 | travel writer 1
- Mansell | John, | fl 1580-1631 | President of Queens' Cambridge 1
- Marbeck | Roger | 1536-1605 | college head and physician 1
- Markham | Gervase | ? 1568-1637 | Author 1
- Marvell | Andrew | 1621-1678 | poet and politician 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 99
- Latin 37
- Welsh 12
- Italian 6
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 5
- French 3
- German 3
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
- Danish 2
- English, Middle (1100-1500) 2
- Icelandic 2
- Portuguese 2
- Spanish; Castilian 2
- Arabic 1
- Catalan; Valencian 1
- Cornish 1
- Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350) 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Western Frisian 1
- Irish 1
- German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) 1
- German, Old High (ca.750-1050) 1
- Gothic 1
- Hebrew 1
- Low German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, Low 1
- Polish 1
- Russian 1
- Swedish 1
- Undetermined 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more